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    Team Fortress 2
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  • Time Active on Servers
    150+ hours
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    I'm always playing XG and want to become a more dedicated member of the community and get to know more members. maybe even contribute a tf2 map or two if I find the time to make them.

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I cant find the edit button so correction, my hours i just listed off the top of my head but i went back and checked it i have 10 days and 11:00:57h

aka 251 hours just shy of 252. 

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If I'm perfectly honest, I would like to see you for longer before you actually apply for member. I know you've set out to improve yourself, but I feel a member application is too early considering your history. I'm going to -1 this application for now but I have noted an improvement on the servers, so I hope to see you continue like this and I look forward to your next application if this does not get accepted.

Good luck!

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1 minute ago, Tatost said:

what did they do?

I have bi-polar disorder and anger management problems, so i have a bad tendency to lash out at people. Thats the improvement she was referring to because ive been trying my hardest to stop getting mad

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-1 It feels like every time I see you, you are always extremely toxic and annoying to others. You would sometimes harass others over an opinion. If you claim you are working on your anger issues, that's awesome. Keep it up. Seriously. I'm not being passive aggressive or anything I'm being genuine here. Keep it up ?

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What could have been a very simple matter today only showed that even if you're working on improving it (something that does show most the time) you still have the same issues with your anger and lashing out at people.

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3 minutes ago, Elcark said:


What could have been a very simple matter today only showed that even if you're working on improving it (something that does show most the time) you still have the same issues with your anger and lashing out at people.

I just want to point out. I wasn't mad or lashing out at that time. But, i'm not even going too try to talk about that because what is done is done. I just really want to know why you hate me so much.

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6 hours ago, kiriy said:

I just want to point out. I wasn't mad or lashing out at that time. But, i'm not even going too try to talk about that because what is done is done. I just really want to know why you hate me so much.

I don't think it's a matter of hate, but more so we have to be honest in our vouches and contribute appropriately to what our thoughts are on how you act on the servers.

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Just looking through your recent chat history it seems you still haven't manage to control your anger. 

lashing out on dying each time try and take your own advice by using !friendly command.

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