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Dejavu, although I had more bans maybe about 6 but the ban is justified since the last ban is a month, this protest is a waste, you won't get unbanned without doing a challenge, I'll talk to you in private ?

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2 minutes ago, Tatost said:

You kind of skipped the part when I pointed out that @Precious said they only warned in text chat. I know for a fact that it is required to give both verbal and textual warnings, and @Red was only warned in text chat.

That's not true. Text warnings are mandatory unless they acknowledge a verbal warning.

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2 minutes ago, Kypari said:

That's not true. Text warnings are mandatory unless they acknowledge a verbal warning.

I would try and dig up a thread that says otherwise, but I'm too lazy and searching for threads is absolute murder on my soul.

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1 hour ago, Tatost said:

I would try and dig up a thread that says otherwise, but I'm too lazy and searching for threads is absolute murder on my soul.

I promise you that is just simply not the case as not all staff even have mics so making that a rule would be extremely inconsistent. It used to be that text warnings were mandatory and verbal ones weren't really recommended if that's what you're getting confused with.

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I'll like to say in my defense that, I don't think this ban is justified and he shouldn't had ban me in the least. I wasn't even toxic nor attacking anyone during my previous unban. I cleaned up my attitude a bit and i don't say any racial slurs nor do I start any problems but I find it funny how I said "suck my dick" or changed my name to "suck my dick furfags" then hit with ban even though I seen people with far worst names or probably equally the same time of name like Brian previous alias "admins are dumb and furries tbh" 

I knew I was wrong when I changed my name to "suck my dick furfags" which might look like I was trying to loop which wasn't the case I was just fooling around thinking this wouldn't cause any problem nor anyone would be mad about it but apparently not since Precious got offended over it. 

Whenever Precious is on he would have some disgusting binds which I personally would say is unprofessional for one of our staff to say stuff like this.


"I'm just givin your dickie dick a lil suckie suck, chill the fuck out bro" 

How come he says shit like this but when I say "suck my dick" once or changed my name to "suck my dick furfags" I get gagged then ban afterwards? It's hypocritical as fuck. 

"slurps on your cocky-wocky and gets all the tasty cummies"

"If your name is Chad you are entitled to a free blowie from me anytime"

"I'm daddy's little fidget spinner. He puts me on his dick, and I spin. Whishhhhhhhh"

"Bunny Boy [xG:A] Krampus : I like riding dildos balls first"
^ Same goes for Krampus, don't be saying stuff like this on the server doesn't matter if majority of the players don't mind it but keep it classy cause once the regulars or new players come on xG servers and see this they'll probably do the same or something far worse.

You shouldn't be saying this on the server period. You should keep it professional and just talk casual instead of just spamming those stupid binds which make me and probably the majority of the server/player base uncomfortable or drive them away. We got children playing on our servers daily I think it's a bad example to be showing them or letting them see or hear this stuff. Keep it in discord or direct messages don't go sprout stuff like this.  Since my 4-5 years being in xG I have never witness this from any staff or higherup. Hopefully our DMs/DLs will talk to them in private and tell them tone it down cause I find this stuff weird and It usually causes bad reactions from players including myself.

I honestly didn't mean for the situation to blow up like it did. I knew I was on my last straw but I didn't think something so light / playful would turn out to bite me the back. x)

I know it's not up to me to be calling out choices but maybe try to consider unban and maybe give me like month gag or something.



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1 minute ago, Red said:


Almost all of this is irrelevant to your ban but I'll see what I can do.

Regardless, I will post the chat logs again.


You keep saying all you said was "suck my dick" but there's more than just that.

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Just now, Kypari said:

Almost all of this is irrelevant to your ban but I'll see what I can do.

Regardless, I will post the chat logs again.


You keep saying all you said was "suck my dick" but there's more than just that.

All the other things I said were irrelevant to the ban though.

I'll put it this way.

Precious joined at the time before I said "you guys are fucking weirdos" since a couple of people were talking about furry related stuff"  

I said "ur a fuckhead" cause this one other player was pissing me off cause he was bodyblocking constantly then would badmouth me back which I relied with that response.

I told him "shut the fuck up" cause he said I was salty.

other than that nothing really toxic worthy. 

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1 minute ago, Red said:

All the other things I said were irrelevant to the ban though.

I'll put it this way.

Precious joined at the time before I said "you guys are fucking weirdos" since a couple of people were talking about furry related stuff"  

I said "ur a fuckhead" cause this one other player was pissing me off cause he was bodyblocking constantly then would badmouth me back which I relied with that response.

I told him "shut the fuck up" cause he said I was salty.

other than that nothing really toxic worthy. 

After being warned you immediately told Precious or someone else to suck their dick already followed by the toxic examples you just gave

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1 minute ago, Kypari said:

After being warned you immediately told Precious or someone else to suck their dick already followed by the toxic examples you just gave

I didn't even tell precious to suck my dick though I didn't call anyone out or anything like that I just said suck my dick. The only thing I said to someone was to Elusion to shut up for jokes.

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2 minutes ago, Red said:

I didn't even tell precious to suck my dick though I didn't call anyone out or anything like that I just said suck my dick. The only thing I said to someone was to Elusion to shut up for jokes.

That doesn't make sense. You don't just randomly say "suck my dick" to nothing.

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For some context, I was not online during this; The information I have is provided here and through discord; This is my unimportant opinion on the situation.

My main issues with this situation are that Red evaded gag and that what was said wasn't particularly unique in tgh. The gag itself should have been enough of an indicator to not continue the behavior. Unfortunately in the heat of the moment red decided to make a funny and rename himself to evade. A lot of (typically more toxic) randoms tend to use this which issues a kick(since they don't have history in most cases.) Red on the otherhand should know better, but also doesn't have a history(that I know of) for gag evasion. I think this was handled more of a toxicity issue than a gag evasion. Gag evasion, in my opinion, is a lot easier to scale reasonably.

The main issue with determining toxicity stems from intent. Someone of ill intent meaning to effectively bully and harass a user would have more to say than what's basically commonplace. For starters, furfag itself is a joke title. Calling people furfags on tgh isn't anything new and in some cases used as friendly banter. I don't think that this case specifically applies for friendly banter however I don't find it alone strong enough to point at toxicity. I do think that some part of the intent with furfag here was ill meaning. "ur so shit" is definitely not in good intent as it's clearly said to make the other party more upset in the same way as saying "ez" and co. Calling furries "fucking weirdos" on a server with a lot of furries is asking for trouble. However, I don't think it's uncommon. Furries being called weird is almost a daily occurrence in terms of tgh conversation from my own experience. I don't think this case was in ill intent. The issue is the timing adds salt to the wound of him already stirring the pot with "shut the fuck up," "ur a fuckhead," and "ez." Lastly, "suck my dick" the ending words and the rename for gag evasion. Two things, saying suck my dick on tgh (where non surprisingly a lot of people are gay) is funny in of itself because the sheer irony. Secondly, saying variations of dick sucking is so uncommon it's a laughable way to end an argument. It's the slightly more vulgar "no u." in my opinion which makes it even funnier.

I think that seeing furfag, suck my dick, and "you are all fucking weirdos"  aren't really enough on their own with context to show the levels of toxicity that was clearly received. I do think however his shittalking (ur, so shit, ur a fuckhead, ez) Isn't acceptable but still ends up as commonplace on tgh, unfortunately. I think the reasoning was fair from the perspective of Precious. However there is still the can of worms that this behavior *it seems like* is punished on some more than others. I don't think that it's really fair to say that his situation is far worse than if a random joined and did the same actions. I believe the punishment would be delivered in the gag-kick-ban-ban-ban format for a random while Red was already on thin ice, so to speak. He was told to stop, he didn't; he got gagged, he gag evaded. That enough warrants punishment.  He was warned on unban, he was warned on server, but the moment escaped him as he made a mistake. I do think that the focus of the punishment should be on the gag evasion and less on the toxicity as there are more members than just him that shittalk just like that and get away with it for god knows why.

To be clear I don't have an issue with red personally; I think he can be very chill. The evidence is here that he was not chill at the time. I think that's something he can improve on as he has already improved for the better (as others stated.) He was willing to come back after the first ban and do better he might do better again. I don't think there is a reason to report abuse for this case as precious did what any staff would do in the situation. I think the reasoning is a little debatable as the main breaking point was the gag evasion. Hopefully if he does come back he can reflect on this moment for improvement. It's hard to determine tone over text and what he may have seen as friendly banter might not come across as such. Like I said before this kind of shittalking isn't particularly new on tgh. I'd like to see some consistency for some of the other members who seem to get away with this. 

While I think the ban was fair I would like to see him come back and try again as he has made improvements. He shows he is capable of doing better. Hopefully he can find a way to bury the hatchet and make amends. In the mean time I'll drop my current worthless +1.


Gag evasion should be seen as the main punishment imo

Half of the shittalking going on isn't particularly uncommon and others who employ the toxic half should have similar expectations.

Saying suck my dick on a server with a lot of gay/bi people is funny as hell.

Precious did nothing wrong imo.

I hope red can do better, as he has shown, if he comes back.

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Both parties involved in this have clear histories involving their actions and what they've said. The thing that matters is equal punishment. I have nothing else to say other than that the retaliation from staff was immature and overall embarrassing. The bluntness in both the situation itself and how it was handled was equally as undignified.

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7 minutes ago, hongkongatron said:


Both parties involved in this have clear histories involving their actions and what they've said. The thing that matters is equal punishment. I have nothing else to say other than that the retaliation from staff was immature and overall embarrassing. The bluntness in both the situation itself and how it was handled was equally as undignified.

All parties will be talked to but equal punishment isn't fair since we aren't going to be banning someone who hasn't even been banned yet permanently because red got permed

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42 minutes ago, Ms.Spooks said:


The main issue with determining toxicity stems from intent. Someone of ill intent meaning to effectively bully and harass a user would have more to say than what's basically commonplace. For starters, furfag itself is a joke title. Calling people furfags on tgh isn't anything new and in some cases used as friendly banter. I don't think that this case specifically applies for friendly banter however I don't find it alone strong enough to point at toxicity. I do think that some part of the intent with furfag here was ill meaning. "ur so shit" is definitely not in good intent as it's clearly said to make the other party more upset in the same way as saying "ez" and co. Calling furries "fucking weirdos" on a server with a lot of furries is asking for trouble. However, I don't think it's uncommon. Furries being called weird is almost a daily occurrence in terms of tgh conversation from my own experience. I don't think this case was in ill intent. The issue is the timing adds salt to the wound of him already stirring the pot with "shut the fuck up," "ur a fuckhead," and "ez." Lastly, "suck my dick" the ending words and the rename for gag evasion. Two things, saying suck my dick on tgh (where non surprisingly a lot of people are gay) is funny in of itself because the sheer irony. Secondly, saying variations of dick sucking is so uncommon it's a laughable way to end an argument. It's the slightly more vulgar "no u." in my opinion which makes it even funnier.

I think that seeing furfag, suck my dick, and "you are all fucking weirdos"  aren't really enough on their own with context to show the levels of toxicity that was clearly received. I do think however his shittalking (ur, so shit, ur a fuckhead, ez)


Anything that I circled in the red was before precious joined the server and someone was bodyblocking me constantly then started to shittalk also 

Everything i said there was towards me and another regular on tgh who was bodyblocking constantly then would shittalk and I would then clap back with shut the fuck up or ur fuckhead after that we left it on that and that's when bonfire told us to stop which we already did and left it.

Precious wasn't on the server at this time.   

Edited by Red (see edit history)

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2 minutes ago, Red said:


Anything that I circled in the red was before precious joined the server and someone was bodyblocking me constantly then started to shittalk also 

Everything i said there was towards me and another regular on tgh who was bodyblocking constantly then would shittalk and I would then clap back with shut the fuck up or ur fuckhead after that we left it on that and that's when bonfire told us to stop which we already did and left it.

Precious wasn't on the server at this time.   

"Context" refers to the situation that is occurring and considering it with the punishments that you may or may not give. However, context does not make you void from punishment if someone else is breaking a rule. If I got to tell everyone who micspammed, spammed chat, was racist or whatever to suck my dick and call them a faggot or whatever insult exists then I would have a lot of fun but I would also get in serious shit. Someone else breaking a rule does NOT give you permission to break rules yourself otherwise you are no better than the person who broke the rule in the first place. Whether staff was present or not doesn't make a difference to whether you broke a rule or not.

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