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Mr.Gladîatør / Roy

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Before anything else, I just want to say, except for very extreme and damning exceptions, revoking membership is never (nor should be) the first avenue of punishment that you pursue.

If that was not obvious enough, I do not think that @Roy/Mr. Gladiator should have his member revoked. Yet. Do not misunderstand me, that stupid excuse for an edgy meme thread was ridiculous and he should receive some sort of punishment. I honestly think that this thread would be better as a ban request, as that is a much better way of punishing him without completely alienating him from the community.

As far as his behavior on the server, he has always been a memer/edgelord, and has issues keeping his inside voice, but for a while he was improving. It just seems like he has either fully embraced being hated, or thinks that we are not serious about punishing him.

Also, @Roy, this is getting out of hand and I highly suggest you take a step back and breath before you do anything stupid/toxic again. Seriously, you were actually not that bad on the forums until recently. Reverse course immediately.

Pretty much: -1 for membership removal, +1 for a ban.

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Alright @Roy, I want you to know that I don't really mind trolling. In fact, more often than not I find it humorous and you've made me laugh more than once.

But you've gone nuts!!! 

You can't be so toxic (even jokingly) and constantly going around asking for downvotes (haha funny meme) as well as acting steadily more passive-aggressive and sarcastic has become annoying, and now it looks like you could easily be getting the boot because of it. Sorry man. I wish things had gone differently.

Edited by james8470 (see edit history)

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