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Rexxes Record NO. 1

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Hi everyone,as a new mod,every now i wanna talk about subjects that are out of my reach,So heres the First ever Rexxes Record.





Map discussion:VIPinthemix


-Why are both of the cell vents in vip Disabled? Its not overpowered,all maps have cell vents,and without those 2 vents Rebelling is harder than getting full anal with a hamster.I would like both of those vents back,and so would alot of people.




Last Ct Overpowered


-I personally think last CT is overpowered,back then last ct was a man with NORMAL health,and the guns in his hands,and his legs without drugs.Its over poweredness is a big downside to Ts,At nerf his Health down,lower his speed,and give him an MP5 instead of a huge M249






I still have a HUGE problem with the Tazers around,People get freetazed all the time,no matter what happens to the gun,Its nothing more than another way to break rules on the server.I say just remove tazers completely.




xG tinychat.


Is there anyway to control the mods on tinychat? i mean everytime i start the tinychat,only the first person there is mod,if that person leaves,any troll can hop in and start spamming,its happened before.




Lack of mics on CT


A huge disadvantage for cts is the FACT that only 4 people on ct have mics out of 20.It makes it easy freedays,Warden dies,Freeday. I don't mind kids on ct,i just mind that all of them are kids.i just want a rule to be put in to make sure that at least 80% of cts have mics,If a ct does not have a mic,they should be ct banned for a day.






Theres some low life out there,running around with the name "sG:L Silence" and "sG:C Aegean" I do believe this person is serbastion is it? Im not sure who this guy is,all i know is he plays on our servers and hes been here for a while.Hes been perma banned,but hes still runnning around as sG:L Silence,Its bothers me that some kid is running around with the names of our concil and possible trolling other clans as a joke.Xeno Gamers




"[xg] monkey jailbreak"


Theres This DERPface name monkey jailbreak,he ignores admin when the y tell him to take the tag off,when hes not in xG,but he just doesn't seem to get it,he thinks just cuz hes in our steam group he can wear our tag like a DERP. Hes been banned 3 times for wearing the tag,and he still has the tag on as we speak,can his next ban be a perma?




Well thats all i got. Laters.

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SORRY, i meant to reply, but shortly after i began typing i fell asleep. So here:


I agree mostly with your ideas, lmost all of them, except for the last CT thing, always liked last CT :P


I know that there are many words being spoken about silences participation, and what he has been putting into the "team" it self. I mean, cut the guy some slack, he has school/university/work, and he runs a large gaming community in his free time, that is why there is Co-Leaders, and mods, and admins. So he dosen't have to be on 24/7.


Ooh, and also... B U M P ^_^

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SORRY, i meant to reply, but shortly after i began typing i fell asleep. So here:


I agree mostly with your ideas, lmost all of them, except for the last CT thing, always liked last CT :P


I know that there are many words being spoken about silences participation, and what he has been putting into the "team" it self. I mean, cut the guy some slack, he has school/university/work, and he runs a large gaming community in his free time, that is why there is Co-Leaders, and mods, and admins. So he dosen't have to be on 24/7.


Ooh, and also... B U M P ^_^

I never really said anything towards silence,i only said there was a guy who was impersonating Silence and Aeg on other servers.

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There's already a rule about mics on CT. Something like for every 4 CT with a mic there can be 1 CT without a mic. Mic checks rarely happen though.


Last CT is fine, Ts still win most of the time.


People get away with freeshooting and freekilling just as much as freetasing.

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I never really said anything towards silence.


I know that you didn't but there was alot being said on Team Speak, and i am not shure exactly who it was, simply bringing up another subject ^_^

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VipInTheMix most definetly needs vents back, ive been told countless times by regulars that its stupid to not have any vents. Maybe put the vents HP higher so it takes more knifing to break.

Last CT is fine personaly

Already rules about CTs and mics, just no one ever does a good mic check. They always ask like 2 people then trip out on a reboobler then nothin gets accomplished/

Monkey jailbreak should def remove tag, hes constantly playing with it and getting other xG members pissy since he wont remove it and havent seen any Mod or Admin do anything to change his behaviour

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ive had a problem with last ct since it came out but i wont rage on it anymore i guess.


vipinthemix needs atleast one of the vents back, i can see why they took out the one that teleports to armory, but not both


tinychat is rarely used so i dont think we really need to pay attention to it, worse comes to worse you make a new room with random letters


havent seen any imposters or rule breakers so i cant comment on that, but i checked the ban list and it looks like one of them got banned

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Nice job rexx. Glad to see some mods are helping the community. I think last ct is fine, maybe make some classes for last ct. like

fast: low health decent weapon

medium: medium fast medium wep med health

tank: slow, shotgun, lots of health

Scout: a sniper, decent speed low health (for those mlg pros)

netex: amazing weapon amazing speed amazing health


One by one: sniper, lfast speed low health


idk if it should be random, like rtd in mingiames or a little menu like lr. if nothing is chosen within 30 seconds they get auto slayed.

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