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More xG Emblems, these are actually good

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Thanks for posting these, it is a great help to a designer to take a step back and ask for opinions. It is also the hardest part of our jobs to accept the critique of others with an open mind.


When you present your work, do so on a decent sized field of a neutral colour. You clip way too close to the logo on these.


1 and 2. I like how you connected the X and the G, it unifies the letters. However because the typeface is a stencil, you immediately destroy this unification. The X loses its form and becomes shapes rather than a letter. In a similar way the G becomes disjointed. Looking at it from a fresh perspective is a lot different than looking at it for 10 hours straight.


3. I like these colours, obviously based off of the current xG theme. The way you combine the XG is nice. The use of negative space as the letter G rather than the actual character itself is interesting and effective. The 3D effect is also kinda neat, not overpowering, but enough to be noticed.


4. It seems it also works well in monochrome, however the lines here are not as wide around the G, that is disappointing.


5. The gold effect is nice. The line widths is much better here.


6. Gradient = no. Also back to the ineffective stroke widths on the G.

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