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Leaving xG.

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[[ Don't know if this is the right place to post this, expect it will probably be moved. ]]


I've been playing on the xG servers for almost a year now, and it's been a nice ride, except in the last few months when things have seemed to go seriously downhill. I experienced a small case of abuse today which was the straw that broke the camel's back, as I've seen a lot of mod abuse in the CSS Jailbreak server lately. I don't know if it's the people being selected to be mods, or the fact that there's just so many (as there are plenty of great mods and you probably know who you are).


The problem isn't that these things are happening, it's that there is simply no way to fight against it. I've been the victim of mod abuse a number of times - don't get me wrong, there are times when I've disobeyed rules, and deserved the punishment, and I take it when I do. But there are times when the mods get it wrong, and a GOOD mod realizes this when it happens. A bad one doesn't care and tells you to suck it up, no matter what your punishment was. And if you argue? Well, you're disrespecting a mod by challenging their decision, asking for an explanation, wanting to know -why- you're being punished for something you didn't do, either because they genuinely believe that you've done it without proof, or they're simply full of it and don't care.


Well, I've sucked it up as much as I can. I still have a desire to play on the servers and will probably continue to do so, but as a result of these experiences I no longer have any desire to be in xG. I'd say that down the line I'd be interested in coming back if these issues were resolved, but frankly I don't think they ever will be.


I've seen the mods get more and more strict with people for breaking rules as time goes on, which is a good thing. But mods are wrong, too, and when they are wrong they need to be punished just like anybody else - and because they've become more strict, they make more mistakes, and the need for that punishment increases because they're handing out more slays, teambans, bans, what have you. Unfortunately, that pretty much never happens here.


Sorry to the -good- mods of xG and the great people who play on the servers (especially those who I've played with for almost a year). There was a time when I enjoyed being a member of the xG community because I thought it was a community where everybody was treated equally and responsibly, but sadly that time has clearly ended.


-your friendly neighborhood sexypedocone*






*registered SO




p.s. I'm not stupid, I don't actually expect anything to change because of any of this. People will still abuse and never be punished for it and micspam will surely still run rampant throughout the lands like the mighty buffalo of yesteryear.








tl;dr: ♥♥♥♥ some of you, love some of you, fixyourclankthxbai

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This should be in goodbyes, and if we punished every little mistake that people do, we would only have a few mods left in our clan. Smoker made a mistake to ct ban you, I did talk to him and he agreed. He promised he would be more careful, but other then that you egging him on after he told you to stop and the constant spamming was unneccesary, so you got kicked and what not over good reasons.


We are all human, if every little mistake got punished severally, our servers would be empty.


I'm upset you would leave from this issue, but this is your choice, and you are welcome back whenever you want to come back.


~Moved to hello/goodbye part of forums

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wow that was the best quit ive ever seen XD

(based all on the picture) effin hell i laughed so good at that picture!


the words helped, but at the end with the picture XD XD XD

pyro i dont think u could beat that pic :D :D (please prove me wrong)


i understand why u leave, JB gets stressful, then when things happen over n over that shouldnt, it gets worse.

Id suggest you play on CT to reduce the crap thatll happen to you.

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This should be in goodbyes, and if we punished every little mistake that people do, we would only have a few mods left in our clan. Smoker made a mistake to ct ban you, I did talk to him and he agreed. He promised he would be more careful, but other then that you egging him on after he told you to stop and the constant spamming was unneccesary, so you got kicked and what not over good reasons.


We are all human, if every little mistake got punished severally, our servers would be empty.


I'm upset you would leave from this issue, but this is your choice, and you are welcome back whenever you want to come back.


~Moved to hello/goodbye part of forums


He might have agreed with you in private but was an a-hole to pedo in general chat for everyone to see. Douchebaggery at its finest.


Now, i could care less about you leaving because frankly, i dont give a ♥♥♥♥. But the CT ban without a proper "punishment" is what ticks me off. Warning someone isn't a punishment. Smoker's been a mod for a good amount of time now its not like he was promoted last week. If we punished people more frequently and had less mods, who actually knew their job, then the servers would run just fine. Half the mods just sit there and rebel/play anyway. (When i was a mod i did this all the time) **after i was done abusing**


Things are getting Harry, lets take things more Siriusly. (get it?)

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I respect your decision on leaving, I've played with you quite a lot in Jb during last summer, it was fun and all. I understand your answer wont change, but take it into consideration, not everyone loves you, not everyone likes you, but there are a handful of people who care and respect the fact that you have the balls to take it in and don't give 2 shitssss's, I got gagged and kicked by tarin for argueing with him about giving orders, I just let him do whatever he wanted to do, I dont think both were necessary, but w/e Idc, if people talk ♥♥♥♥ or do something that annoys me. I'l straight up IGNORE them, trust me...When someone is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you off and getting your attention to get you mad, you just Ignore them, it will get them even more mad then you and it wont get to your head. If you had stayed and played with xG over a year, I don't think this should stop you, maybe just take a couple day/week break and come back and play with us, its fun, I get freekilled sooooooooooooo much, but when I'm laughing and joking with everyone its all good and fun. What goes around come around, if you suffer from someone's abusing or wrong doing's, they get it served back in there face, just stay and have fun with us, or at least the -good- mods, and nobles on thy server. :D

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Challenging a mod's word isn't disrespect. Anyone who says otherwise is unhealthily insecure.


Also it sucks that you're going when you've been on the servers for a good year. Hopefully things get better and you come back.

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[[ Don't know if this is the right place to post this, expect it will probably be moved. ]]


I've been playing on the xG servers for almost a year now, and it's been a nice ride, except in the last few months when things have seemed to go seriously downhill. I experienced a small case of abuse today which was the straw that broke the camel's back, as I've seen a lot of mod abuse in the CSS Jailbreak server lately. I don't know if it's the people being selected to be mods, or the fact that there's just so many (as there are plenty of great mods and you probably know who you are).


The problem isn't that these things are happening, it's that there is simply no way to fight against it. I've been the victim of mod abuse a number of times - don't get me wrong, there are times when I've disobeyed rules, and deserved the punishment, and I take it when I do. But there are times when the mods get it wrong, and a GOOD mod realizes this when it happens. A bad one doesn't care and tells you to suck it up, no matter what your punishment was. And if you argue? Well, you're disrespecting a mod by challenging their decision, asking for an explanation, wanting to know -why- you're being punished for something you didn't do, either because they genuinely believe that you've done it without proof, or they're simply full of it and don't care.


Well, I've sucked it up as much as I can. I still have a desire to play on the servers and will probably continue to do so, but as a result of these experiences I no longer have any desire to be in xG. I'd say that down the line I'd be interested in coming back if these issues were resolved, but frankly I don't think they ever will be.


I've seen the mods get more and more strict with people for breaking rules as time goes on, which is a good thing. But mods are wrong, too, and when they are wrong they need to be punished just like anybody else - and because they've become more strict, they make more mistakes, and the need for that punishment increases because they're handing out more slays, teambans, bans, what have you. Unfortunately, that pretty much never happens here.


Sorry to the -good- mods of xG and the great people who play on the servers (especially those who I've played with for almost a year). There was a time when I enjoyed being a member of the xG community because I thought it was a community where everybody was treated equally and responsibly, but sadly that time has clearly ended.


-your friendly neighborhood sexypedocone*






*registered SO




p.s. I'm not stupid, I don't actually expect anything to change because of any of this. People will still abuse and never be punished for it and micspam will surely still run rampant throughout the lands like the mighty buffalo of yesteryear.








tl;dr: ♥♥♥♥ some of you, love some of you, fixyourclankthxbai


I know we both said some things we didn't mean; but I don't want you to leave.

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