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Garry's Mod Permbanned (no reason specified)

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+1 for unban


I am pretty sure he wouldn't hack or even knows how lol. There was also no reason given as to why he was banned...

@@Charrax I am sure people would love to here your side of this though


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Okay lets go over why:

1) You were supposedly hacking.

2) you RDMed a whole lot.

3) You broke NLR a whole lot.

4) I could ass more but let's keep this simple.


Here is how it goes. Why let a hacker and a RDMer (RDM also accounts in TTT!) go on a server in which combat is a primary topic.


If this protest goes through. You are only unbanned for TTT and on the first non-accidental RDM you are permabanned. If you happen to hide the fact you RDM in matters such as disconnecting or anything else, I will try you get you banned in the Sourcebans database (Meaning no xG for you). If I find you hacking or get even reports of hacking (From trusted individuals) you will be banned and yet again, sourcebans. I might even contact other communities to get you banned there. Such as Steam Gamers, ECGamers, and CrowbarGaming. Maybe I could even get a higher ranking person to get you banned in HG.


If this goes through you will be on the tightest leash in the middle of a lake with the thinnest ice.





Why I think he Seth Hacked (Or other hacks but seth hack is the most probable)


1) He flew around without animation (In a t-pose). That doesn't happen. It isn't even a glitch. Wire Forcers would also keep the animation and would not force a t-pose.

2) He went through props without animation (In a T-pose).

3) He walked extremely fast without accurate animation (In walking animation). Drugs amkea really fast animation and I took off Cocaine. The in-rp druglab drug is not THAT fast.


What is a t-pose? http://www.interstellarmarines.com/media/uploads/article_images/setting_up_the_shoulders_area_of_the_marine/t-pose.jpg



I would not actually get him banned but more along the lines of report him. It is a thing that we garrysmod users do. Seth hack is a very hard hack to combat. It is not like I would be like BAN THIS GUY. More along the lines of: watch out for this guy.

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1) He flew around without animation (In a t-pose). That doesn't happen. It isn't even a glitch. Wire Forcers would also keep the animation and would not force a t-pose.

2) He went through props without animation (In a T-pose).

3) He walked extremely fast without accurate animation (In walking animation). Drugs amkea really fast animation and I took off Cocaine. The in-rp druglab drug is not THAT fast.


Server codeing glitch? I flew around because of forcers or prop push and the physics that the prop blocker was causing. I was not in a T-Pose because I had my physgun out and if i was, maybe you stripped my weapons because I was "RDM'ing" even though I wasnt. I made a rocket elevator thing and everyone got in it lol. I probobly did break NLR but not a WHOLE lot, so that would be just a one week ban from the RP server?


I might even contact other communities to get you banned there. Such as Steam Gamers, ECGamers, and CrowbarGaming. Maybe I could even get a higher ranking person to get you banned in HG.


Jesus christ. It's not that bad, I didn't shut down the server or crash it. (Didn't hack either.)

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If this protest goes through. You are only unbanned for TTT and on the first non-accidental RDM you are permabanned. If you happen to hide the fact you RDM in matters such as disconnecting or anything else, I will try you get you banned in the Sourcebans database (Meaning no xG for you). If I find you hacking or get even reports of hacking (From trusted individuals) you will be banned and yet again, sourcebans. I might even contact other communities to get you banned there. Such as Steam Gamers, ECGamers, and CrowbarGaming. Maybe I could even get a higher ranking person to get you banned in HG.


I'm pretty sure you are over-reacting. Chill out. You protest every +1. It's the community's decision. Plus, if he gets unbanned, he has to be unbanned from all servers, not just TTT.


I +1 this unban request.

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I +1 this unban request so hard. Charrax over reacted. And charrax, if he somehow glitched into a T pose, that would explain everything else not having an animation. +1+1+1

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I +1 this unban request. i agree with Brian you do over reacted a whole lot. I mean really trying to get him banned from all servers? and i know enough, Chicken wouldnt know how to hack or even attempt to.

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I am going to +1 this ban protest. He is a good guy and I am 99.99% sure he doesn't hack...




@@Charrax, the Admin Handbook states:

Cheating and Hacking

You can only ban a hacker if 2 other admins agree with you. If they agree, it is a PERMANENT ban. Anything above or below is breaking the rules.


You have no proof of the hack and no other admins have agreed with you.

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I am going to +1 this ban protest. He is a good guy and I am 99.99% sure he doesn't hack...




@@Charrax, the Admin Handbook states:



You have no proof of the hack and no other admins have agreed with you.


HA, Loop hole. He is div leader for garrys mod, I'm pretty sure if he thinks someone's hacking, it would be true. I'm also pretty sure if the DIV LEADER doesn't need two other people, if I'm wrong, correct me bb's

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HA, Loop hole. He is div leader for garrys mod, I'm pretty sure if he thinks someone's hacking, it would be true. I'm also pretty sure if the DIV LEADER doesn't need two other people, if I'm wrong, correct me bb's


14. Any unspoken loopholes in any of these rules are up to the discretion of staff members, if you try to use loopholes intentionally, you can be punished.


Try again.

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14. Any unspoken loopholes in any of these rules are up to the discretion of staff members, if you try to use loopholes intentionally, you can be punished.


Try again.


HA, Loop hole. I like being punished. Jokes on you <3

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