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    Team Fortress 2
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    I hopped on surf and it says i was banned, i looked at the ban list and it says i was banned by console, which means i banned me by default for having the same IP Address as another banned account, yet i don't own the account.  

    these are both my main account and my alt account:

    twofish - https://steamcommunity.com/id/Sknoww/

    Kirena - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043382097

    If this can be resolved that would be great, but i understand if I can't happen ?


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Yeah i dunno, i don't know how IP poop works so im not gonna be like "someone hacked my IP" or some stupid poop. i just hope this wont happen again. if it can't be resolved then i'll risk being publicly humiliated and donate 10 bucks


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Huh well the original account that I had permed was definitely hacking, which you can see in the file (plus the fact that he was also vac banned), so if they really do have the same ip then it's a -1 for now since they have the same ip and you can't really deny that. But it still is a bit strange to me that a member of all people would create an alt and clearly hack in front of staff even as a joke which makes me question this being his alt a bit, but still unless for some reason sleuth messed up, the ban should stick.


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16 minutes ago, Krampus said:

Huh well the original account that I had permed was definitely hacking, which you can see in the file (plus the fact that he was also vac banned), so if they really do have the same ip then it's a -1 for now since they have the same ip and you can't really deny that. But it still is a bit strange to me that a member of all people would create an alt and clearly hack in front of staff even as a joke which makes me question this being his alt a bit, but still unless for some reason sleuth messed up, the ban should stick.


We have had incidents like this in the past, such as venom. I wouldn't say it's totally out of the ordinary anymore

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I don't think we can say "yeah since you said it wasn't your alt we can unban you." You had the same IP as the banned account and you also claimed in #general that the only sibling you have that could have been banned lived in a different state. For all we know, you could be lying about the number of alternate accounts you have, and that it really was you cheating. Now, I'm not saying that you're guilty, but there is no definite way to prove that it wasn't you cheating when Krampus banned you.

I would say your best chance of being unbanned would be the donation + image of you holding an image saying "I < 3 XenoGamers!"

It's a -1 from me for now unless you can prove that it wasn't you cheating

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1 hour ago, twofish said:

Yeah, its just the only problem rn is that i dont know how to prove it wasn't me


I also saw you calling the donation + image "public humiliation." Now, if it really wasn't you cheating you have nothing to be ashamed of. If it just so happens to be that you were cheating on the alt account that was banned, you deserve to be humiliated if you want to be unbanned.

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