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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/13 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Muh Freedoms

  2. 2 points


    Thread TL;DR (In general) - Stop banning people for simple mistakes, cut a little more slack. There is a slay command for a reason, is there not? (In general) - If you're going to post a Member Protest on the terms of disrespect, you better have proof of disrespect toward Yourself, not others. (Charrax) - Tone down on the disrespect on everyone, or atleast towards those who take it personally. The chances of finding a Div Leader who is all Pro and no Con are either slim to none. Everyone has something they excel in, and something they fail in. In this case, Charrax does everything server related right, but he runs a tight ship. If you people are seriously upset with the disrespect, this has hopefully been a wake-up call for Charrax. For future reference, when posting about disrespect, only include disrespect TOWARD YOURSELF. Not everyone else takes what Charrax says in a hostile way, so don't speak for everyone. It will not help your case, because first of all you shouldn't be posting in regards to someone else being disrespected. Show some proof if he's disrespecting you. Not proof that he's disrespecting others. Don't really care if I'm not a gmod player, but this right here is muckin' things up. - Dat guy, Forest
  3. 2 points

    Sousei Out

  4. 2 points


    Is this the anne you are talking about? Go to Sleep!
  5. 2 points


    I think this April fools joke can last forever.
  6. 1 point

    A strange request

    Teamspeak is the gayest thing invented.
  7. 1 point
    hmmm 45 secs sounds fine so warden can give basic orders for them to get out of jail no mic spammin from Ts at the first order xD xD
  8. 1 point
    True, so it got changed, we can DISCUSS here, and then a conclusion on the final time will be met. Votes in server aren't much. the time is not going to be 30 seconds.
  9. 1 point

    Sousei Out

    Good luck and see you later.
  10. 1 point
    JailBreak IS the best. Also, just giving my opinion on the matter. We have it set at 90 seconds for CS:S, which I think gives a perfect amount of time for the Warden to give their orders. After all, the most important orders are the beginning ones. It weeds out the baddies and gives a (more-so) manageable amount of Ts. Das jus wut I b thinkin' yo.
  11. 1 point
    +1 to 30, but 45 is iight
  12. 1 point

    A strange request

    As Duckii said, if you make a noticeable difference on servers/forums, enough to get the attention of other staff members, you may just earn a Moderator status. Not only will you earn more respect out of it, but you'll feel 1000x better if you earned it then just paying to get it. Mind you, it won't be no easy task, but it's definitely something that you can do if you are determined enough. Otherwise, you'll have to be patient for reasons posted above. You can also just donate to help out the community too! - Dat guy, Forest
  13. 1 point

    Sousei Out

    Peace good luck
  14. 1 point


    thats a hot girl crabman REAL hot
  15. 1 point

    A strange request

    Are you using paypal? if not you should try. If you are willing to give someone the code to add and send to you.. it should be someone trusted in xG otherwise we hold no responsibility if your money is stolen. Anyways, do donate to xG we're very grateful if you do :cat:. Instead of trying to apply for moderator, show us that you have the quality of being one! just as autumn said
  16. 1 point


    Well on the break of Css, I've been playing on the Gmod server like DarkRP and TTT. The TTT server seems fine tho the bans i've seen around wasn't needed, Which if that was fix would be much better. Seeing how all bans will be reset on Thursday, I hope they do tune down on the bans. Charrax in my opinion is doing a fine job, Since he was quite helpful for when i play when there are no admin and would respond quickly with a ban for those who broken the rule purposely while admins were off. If he's a dick to your and show you disrespect and such, just ignore him.. block him on teamspeak.. Ect. Also, DarkRp should have the rules enforced and i recommend a look over and change some ridiculous ones, like the NLR should be shorten or when someone is raiding your base and you die.. you can't return until raid is over. If possible, it would be nice to have Gmod bans/admins listed on sourcebans and all problems that will have affect on the population to be known either to us Co-leader or everyone. Charrax overall is doing a fine job as a DL and should continue to do so. So as for i will vote a -1 sorry xemnas even tho you're someone i've played with and had some funz! this isn't enough to demote him.
  17. 1 point

    Sousei Out

    I'll miss you Sousei, you were pretty cool and fun to snipe. :D
  18. 1 point


    :( I meant that we can't be on all the time and that its not hard to populate it.
  19. 1 point
    I agree with penguin - a compromise.
  20. 1 point

    Regarding Wolven Dominion

    jeez, really? a few bad people in a clan and they ALL get banned? Just unban them all and ban the baddies (towlie/whatever), It's more work to just review and accept/deny every single one. the more people the better, and as some people (1) said, you can probably find a friend. :P yes
  21. 1 point
    Yes, and nowhere did I say discussion wouldn't be allowed, I just (re)stated that our opinions wouldn't matter.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    45 secs sounds pretty good, compromises 30 and 60, and its usually around 9 15 that im asking for a pardon anyway so it works out well.
  24. 1 point

    Biggest TARP in CSS JB?

    Leo, I love what you did there. Because all Eden does is tarp.
  25. 1 point


    I think my strict and rude way of running things works. :D Lol whitetext. Too cute. Did you ever stop to think that I was not serious? In fact I ALWAYS say I am not serious. But I hear you are abusing your moderator powers and RDMing as staff! You honestly think I would have a friendly opinion to people who break rules and are general trolls? Lol this isnt enough proof. Good luck.
  26. 1 point
    Now that you've shined some light on me, +1 for the 45 seconds
  27. 1 point
    ^banned for spamming this thread <- Banned for grave digging. inb4 I get banned for reals maynes | v Also banned for grave digging or closing this thread.
  28. 1 point
    I feel that 90 seconds is way too long. Also, im pretty sure some wardens actually wait for Ts to be unmuted for them to tarp each other to death
  29. 1 point
    Think 45 should be fine. Will be less ts tarping , gg.
  30. 1 point

    Who wants HUB in right now?

  31. 1 point

    Operation Pimp csgo

    Debatable. Not unbanning everyone, but maybe if some people who were popular within the server and not complete morons, show some remorse for their actions, did not hack, we may unban them. Talk must be done within teamspeak with myself and bleed, and we must be in contact with said players. Operation Lquidador was rather successful so far, not too many problems.
  32. 1 point
    In-Game Name at the time of banning: Icecream Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:4579322 I'll shorten it to a week teamban (Unban 4/7/13) Link to teamban Also edited your title, it was on CS:GO not CS:S
  33. 1 point

    Wailord, starting New.

    Shit, I just scared myself clicking my +1.
  34. 1 point

    I over reacted.....

  35. 1 point
  36. 0 points


  37. 0 points
    90 seconds is a good time. From my experience on cs:go servers, the wardens are slow most of the time. Example: Warden: On my go, Take one step out of your cell and afk freeze. *~1 min goes by* Terrorist assholes that mic spam: GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! Warden says during the middle of this chaos: go! Terrorists still saying: GO! GO! GO! GO! Warden says: MUST BE DOING THIS BY NOW! *Mass genocide* The point is, is that a longer mute time at the beginning of the round will cause much less tarping. (horrible example)
  38. 0 points
    30/35 seg and STFU FAG! :mad::rage:
  39. -1 points

    Wailord, starting New.

  40. -1 points


    Scrub, you better be back.
  41. -1 points


    Gewd luck
  42. -1 points


    Holy fuck don't do that again.
  43. -1 points


    Starting with you.
  44. -1 points

    Audible Savage Member submission

    Hey it says co leader so it counts. WhiskeyDick
  45. -2 points

    MineCrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    Lolnope, I did it, and I do know you, I just go under different alias'.
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