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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/13 in all areas

  1. 7 points


    bye -sealed away in the last great time war
  2. 4 points
    Shhhh...it's almost out.
  3. 2 points

    XenoGamers Lottery

    I win tots
  4. 2 points

    Need help buying a motorcycle

  5. 2 points

    Gosh Darn Dang-Ass FRLR

    FRLR should only ever be used to make an even amount of Ts or limit it down to play a certain map game. Could make a rule to stop FRLR killing off more than say 4 Ts per round.
  6. 2 points

    iRpx - Counter-Strike: Source

    since your keen to being a complete asshat in your own ban protest (for a ban that has already expired mind you, which is why this will be closed upon this post, and only @@Forest [or serbian] can re open it) I'll go ahead and justify it for him. Trolling, you here admit that you were indeed trolling, we agreed in teamspeak that you were trolling however we were too busy to ban since we were all playing League at the time [it was an in house thing]. Trolling in itself based on the rules, is punishable by a permanent ban. So, why we don't perm you right now, we are being kind, and giving you another chance. don't fuck it up. Spamming, you claim to have not been spamming, however this is not the case, you randomly joined our channel with something around 12 people (12 hue. it was warriors channel hue.) and immediately started screaming random jibberish into your microphone, and swiftly leaving the channel on to the next poor souls channel while still holding your mic down, after I looked back later that night you moved into what is currently known as "yiff" [not putting the whole name, too gay for me.] and it is assumed you did the same thing, then proceeded to jump between 3 different empty rooms as if you were trying to cover your tracks. So, the ban was VERY justified, and the abuse here is that we consistently give punishments lighter than what is stated we should be giving. Stop trying to bite the hand that feeds you pudding on a golden spoon.
  7. 1 point

    Temporary Swap of Powers

    This thread is to address the current problem facing our Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Division. As many of our Members and Staff Members are aware, the Servers are temporarily unavailable until a new Division Leader can be promoted. Due to this setback, a lot of our CS:GO Staff has been left with powers and no where to go. This is where a temporary solution has been suggested. During this time, Staff Members of the CS:GO Division are eligible to have their powers swapped over to our Team Fortress 2 Division. Not only will this give our CS:GO Staff a temporary "home" but will also give the TF2 Servers some more "crowd control" as is currently needed with the abundance of players and rule breakers. If you are interested in this happening (CS:GO Staff only) then post below stating that you are interested (and make sure to spam tag @@MuffinMonster and @@HanYolo ) and you will be on your way to Moderating once again! - Dat guy, Forest
  8. 1 point


    Division: Minecraft In-Game Name: Xerodegreez Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26287199 Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 18 Further Information: I really enjoy hanging out with you guys in teamspeak. we have some great times on gmod and abroad. props to Audible_Savage and Lemons, also orange and anyone else who hangs out in the lemon tree Ps. Orange is ugly (From Lemons)
  9. 1 point

    XenoGamers Lottery

    i dont like how u edited ur post from if you post a logo u get 2 tickets to the best one gets 2 tickets
  10. 1 point

    XenoGamers Lottery

    Forest mate, how could you the 2nd one is mine not Bleed's.
  11. 1 point

    Temporary Swap of Powers

    gg during my days, csgo was the place to be. Now it's just a case of "we were the first to go, and the last to know"
  12. 1 point

    Need help buying a motorcycle

  13. 1 point

    XenoGamers Lottery

  14. 1 point

    XenoGamers Lottery

  15. 1 point


    i could b uy this whole fuckin clan if i wanted to there would be like 10 members at the end though because everyone is a fucking douche bag faggot cock nigger child
  16. 1 point


    we dont need money we have hope
  17. 1 point


    It's real.
  18. 1 point


    +1 You have never been nice since you got into the clan, You treat everyone like shit and you're not even a good person. You obviously don't respect our rules so why even be in our clan in the first place if all you wanna do is disrespect, not just other members and staff, but go against our rules and getting banned. A huge reason was of course the ban on teamspeak. Why would you complain and piss people off for something you intentionally did to get yourself banned, and then go and disrespect everyone saying they are faggots? +1 +1
  19. 1 point
    The glitch happened to me as well. I was typing and tried to go from halfway down a multiple paragraph post to the bottom of it, instead it scrolled down my page[Rather than moving the blinking cursor down the text] and then when I tried to hit space, it didn't work. Not sure exactly how to trigger it, but still is annoying.
  20. 1 point

    iRpx - Counter-Strike: Source

    I very much agree with you Chrono. Sorry to post in this thread, and RPX, the reason I've not replied is I've been at work the past few days, haven't had a chance to reply. From this, you know how tempted I am to ban you? One, you're disrespecting two people in this single post. I honestly think you deserve much more than a one day ban, but I'll leave that decision up to @@serbiansnaga and/or @@Forest in case they want to do something else with you. You're being an annoying troll. Don't expect us to treat you nicely if you want to treat us like shit. OhmygodxD-FUCKING-FORUMS-DISABLED-MY-SPACEKEY-AGAIN. That-is-amazing-though.Needed-that-laugh.
  21. 1 point

    Temporary Swap of Powers

    Keep thread on topic. Any posts after this that either; A. don't pertain to the thread, B. are irrelevant, C. are being posted for the sole purpose of causing confusion for others or are just general comments will be deleted. Thread's messy enough already with people posting not needed comments (not everyone). I appreciate the input from others, but this is simply temporary until the CS:GO Servers are back up. Any other questions regarding the CS:GO Division can be directed to either myself, Chrono, or Rhododendron via Forum PM/TeamSpeak/Steam. Thanks guys
  22. 1 point

    [xG] Nicki Minaj- Team Fortress 2

    If african banned him, he had to be in the server at the time. And for him to have banned him, there would have had to be a ban request and he was in server and moofin told him to ban him because he is a fat lard too lazy to use sourcebans, or he would have had to see him break rules just then. So the question is, did he break rules just then, or were you banning someone with a name based on previous actions, which should have been handled by banning disconnected player.
  23. 1 point

    Rebel Option in LR menu

    It's inaccurate because people tend it spray it a LOT without aiming downwards. The only time i spray it is when there's a lot of enemies and i aim downwards. Other than that i barely spray at all and both ways of doing it are just accurate enough for me. Also.. I was talking about other people, if you didn't know.
  24. 1 point

    [xG] Cookie - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 womans suffrage was a mistake
  25. 1 point
    Why are you being mean, I thought you wanted to get unbanned..
  26. 1 point

    Temporary Swap of Powers

    can i take your spot?
  27. 1 point

    Temporary Swap of Powers

    For about the 99999999999999th time, the servers were fine prior to the update, and I was about to put in a fix to what broke, and my access was removed. the servers were not broken for more than 24 hours, they were just unpopulated. #StaffAsAWholeProblems
  28. 1 point

    Temporary Swap of Powers

    does that mean i am a temp tf2 dm? like i was temp csgo dl?
  29. 1 point

    Bye bye

    u wot mot, I havn seen u since at the Monty mot good times mot, I hope you n ur man hav a good time mot make sure to bring the condies mot u wobbling me mot
  30. 1 point

    The Truth about Liberals

    If she didn't turn around and slap him I'd pray to god that I didn't get eaten that day.
  31. 1 point

    Bombs Suck

    Stops CTs using map games? I rarely see us getting outside the cell area on most maps.......
  32. 0 points

    Bombs Suck

    wat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) cancer.
  33. 0 points

    Rebel Option in LR menu

    Pointless argument is pointless. Derailed thread is derailed.
  34. 0 points

    Temporary Swap of Powers

    Get more active nerd.
  35. -1 points

    iRpx - Counter-Strike: Source

    can everyone just suck my cock plz @@DarkWolf6052 justify yourself and answer the question - Yes I was trolling but never did I spam so don't make up aimless bullshit because someone cant handle being called ugly
  36. -1 points


    Woah people still play minecraft?
  37. -1 points


    Yeah. We should watch my little pony together one day.
  38. -1 points


    Member's Name: iRpx Member's Steam ID: find it yourself Information: he's ugly. insert various evidence here. also, this chick said he has a small dick so idk
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