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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Why all the jubens hate? We've certainly let worse in xG. He knows MOTD and sure he breaks the rules sometimes but it's usually amusing, he's not as bad as some others, and I've never found him terribly annoying. However he does smell really bad. Work on that jubes. Also stop asking for +1s. M: 7/10 A:8/10 Smell: Fish/10 +1
  2. 2 points
    So if you knew that the Gx tag is clearly just xG backwards, why would you even make the claim that he's double clanning? Seems like you're just trying to manipulate others' decisions.
  3. 2 points
    kk ill be waiting nigga come get it
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points

    jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source

    You act like admin chat is used for anything more important than spamming nigger. And I highly doubt he spammed his application.
  6. 1 point

    jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source

    Because there's no evidence to support he's double-clanning. First things first, has anyone here heard of a clan abbreviated to the letters Gx, spelled identically to how Jubens is spelling it in his name? Because I haven't. Secondly, Jubens is in only 6 Steam Groups, none of which appear to be called Gx (link to Jubens' steam groups: Steam Community :: Group List). Thirdly, Jubens has worn the Gx tag several times in the past, but only on sporadic occasions. In about the past month, Jubens has only been using the Gx fake tags for about 5 hours of total play time (Link to Jubens' past aliases w/ matching play time: Rankings | Xeno Gamers).
  7. 1 point

    jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source

    # fake tags gg
  8. 1 point

    Its been fun...

    @@John Is my hoe
  9. 1 point

    Its been fun...

  10. 1 point

    jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source

    I've -1'd several people and continued to defend them from silly and in your case stupid down ratings.
  11. 1 point

    jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source

    He wasnt really taking his side, what he said goes for any other member submission
  12. 1 point

    jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source

    He literally just -1'd him, I don't see how that's being his butt-buddy.
  13. 1 point

    XenoGamers Lottery

    I liked it without the $100, but it still looks amazing :)
  14. 1 point
    I don't really see how spamming admin chat is a reason to -1.... Anyways -1. Too bad. Whitetext is cool right? + 1 Mature, active, knows the motd well. Has been playing on the server for a long time and is fun to play with. Very smelly though. A: 9/10 M: 7/10
  15. 1 point

    jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source

    You're not allowed to -1 for that reason.
  16. 1 point
    +1, youre active, mature enough, and know the rules. Too bad you smell so bad though. A:8 M:7
  17. 1 point

    XenoGamers Lottery

    No Forest, I'm the real M-Twon shoot the other one
  18. 1 point


    +1 M:3 A:3 Swag:0
  19. 1 point


    Sorry your not old enough to apply for xG, try again when you are 14. @@Bleed close this plsey
  20. 1 point

    [xG] Nicki Minaj- Team Fortress 2

    What I have gathered is the following: The player in question was banned by African under the alias of "[xG] Nicki Minaj" (Sourced here) Searching this name up on rank.xenogamers.com yields three entries, neither of which fit your Steam ID (Sourced here) The first Steam ID (going down on the list) is "King" (everyone knows this guy). The last time he used any form of name with "nicki" in it was July 12, 2012 (Sourced here [ctrl+f]) The second Steam ID (going down the list) is "Ben Dover" (also well known). The last time he used any form of name with "nicki" in it was July 8, 2012 (Sourced here [ctrl+f]) The third Steam ID (going down the list) is "Nicki Minaj" who does not have a list of known aliases, but was last seen on April 29, 2013. (Sourced here) Given that information, it is not likely that there may have been a mix up in terms of names and the wrong player may have been banned. I will remain at a -1 judging by this information. There are facts here that don't support your claim at all as none of the players above were last seen on July 25 and none of them could have possibly been there during the ban. The first two were last seen in 2012, so that's a no-brainer. The third was seen in April, which is 3 months before the date of your ban, so that player couldn't have done it either. I don't know what to say bud, but it's not looking good. - Dat guy, Forest
  21. 1 point

    Thanks for the fun.

    So what you're saying is we will see a member app from you in a few months. Right?
  22. 0 points

    jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 Annoying, Annoying voice, Never learns to stop when asked to, Knows MOTD (fairly, but hardly follows it), etc. A 6/10 M 3/10
  23. -1 points


    Failed. This is still open. So bad :p
  24. -1 points

    Temporary Swap of Powers

    gg during my days, csgo was the place to be. Now it's just a case of "we were the first to go, and the last to know"
  25. -1 points
    heres another one why u wearing tags and applying for here ? double clan?
  26. -1 points

    Its been fun...

    -PORN REMOVED- Stay classy!
  27. -1 points

    jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source

    Take my downs minecrack!
  28. -1 points
    why? is it because you're tasting your own medicine for once ? you can do it but no1 else can because you'll go and complain
  29. -1 points

    New Last CT songs

    BUMP @@DarkWolf6052 ADD What is love
  30. -1 points

    Its been fun...

    Well i just got on and i saw i got demoted which i dont really care about that, and i have been thinking about leaving for awhile because i dont ever go on anymore and whenever i am on i dont feel like doing my job as an admin or moderator anymore i just want to play to have fun so i knew i was going to be demoted soon. But i have to say the times i have had here at xG have been amazing fun and i will remember it all very well. I have had many laughs here and there and you people always seemed to make me happy and i liked being around most of you... Some people though i didnt have a desire to be around but whatever. All im trying to say is that i am leaving xG. I know some people probably didnt really like and that i may have been annoying to others. But through all the great times i have had its time to say goodbye, I will get on CSS every so often, or i may even join again in the future but for now im calling it quits. But you guys have helped me get through some tough parts in my life, thanks for that. I have been here for almost 2 years and maybe a year before when i wasnt a member and i will always remember those years they were fun. yah they were fun. Im still not sure if i really want to leave but i gotta go, i hope to see you all again soon, i will miss most of you. Have fun guys! There are also many of you i would like to thank for being there for me in xG @@Chrono You were one of my first friends in xG and i will miss you man, but you still smell. @@Forest I wish you still had to go business and accounting.... ill miss you man! p.s worst co-leader ever @@DarkWolf6052 You were cool we had some goodtimes @@orangejuice worst need for speed player ever @@diabeetus Keep being diabeetus @@DrPepperPhreak we've had some good times together and the heat suck dick @@Gkoo Gkoo. @@SyrJirk Ur my luv @@Genesis I wont stop bugging you in teamspeak you arent safe @@Gawd Ill miss you man you were cool and you suck at league There still are a crazy ammount more people i would like to thank but i kinda forgot... Ill miss you all you have made my life better and its been a hell of a ride!
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