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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/13 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

    lol hi guys. So, what I gathered from reading the cancer that is this thread is that there are "Fun commands" now, and you aren't supposed to use them at all. Okay, so why not just fucking get rid of them? If you have the commands available to the staff on the server, they're obviously going to use it. It's like giving a gun to a psychopathic murderer & telling him not to kill anyone. Also, there was a specific thread telling people not to use these commands, & hella disregarded that completely & used them. @@Ten17Thug (Jaybreeze) once used his powers to move everyone to spec for ONE round, but yet got demoted. It only impacted the server for a couple minutes then everything went back to normal. Now, hella did the same thing. I understand what hella did didn't affect the players of the server by killing them or delaying the round, but still. @@John & @@Hellafun13 are in the wrong; John because he gave permission for this to happen, when fun commands weren't supposed to be used at all. Also, John, quit saying that !cash isn't a fun command. It is, & you know it. You're trying to cover your ass, but I'm penetrating it. I do not want anything, nor think anything will happen to you since it was a simple mistake. Hellafun because he blatantly disregarded the set rules to not use these commands. It wasn't a big deal since no one complained (I think) but still, if you disregard rules there are going to be repercussions & you knew that prior to doing this. Same with John, nothing is going to happen to you since this is a small offence. So yeah, bye guys. #inactiveagain
  2. 2 points

    xG| Epix #monobrow

    this thread was a bit old
  3. 2 points

    Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

    Hardly. !smite actually has a practical use for maintaining the server, it's just an alternative to !slay. !cash on the other hand, has really no practical use for managing our servers. I can't really think of many situations where you would need to set/reset someone's in-game cash, just like I can't really think of a situation where a staff member would need to trigger a timebomb on someone. The whole "it only disrupts 1 to 2 rounds" excuse is terrible, as other forms of abuse (ex: !slay @all, cats hitting !smite @all binds) only disrupt 1 round of Jailbreak as well. By that logic we might as well stop banning mass freekillers, as they only disrupted 1 round of Jailbreak too. He has abused in the past, a lot of people in this thread seem to be forgetting that. Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source While I don't think that this warrants a full demotion to member/nonmember, there definately should be some form of punishment for this.
  4. 1 point

    Recording Demos - Script

    This script will allow you to: Hit the key to start recording a demo Hit the same key again to stop recording Allows you to record 50 demos before it will start over and begin overwriting the first one If you close and reopen CS:S it will start at the beginning and overwrite demos unless you have changed their names. To do this: Put demorecorder.cfg (Dropbox - demorecorder.cfg) into \Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\cfg In \Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\cfg find the file named config.cfg and edit it in wordpad goto the very bottom and make a new line: exec demorecorder.cfg Save the changes Open CS:S and by default the letter o key will start and stop demo recording. To use another key you can either edit the line for it in demorecorder.cfg or "bind key demo" in console replacing key with the key you wish to bind it to. demorecorder.cfg >///START DEMO RECORDER SCRIPT/// alias demo1 "record demo1; alias demo demo2" alias demo2 "stop; alias demo demo3" alias demo3 "record demo2; alias demo demo4" alias demo4 "stop; alias demo demo5" alias demo5 "record demo3; alias demo demo6" alias demo6 "stop; alias demo demo7" alias demo7 "record demo4; alias demo demo8" alias demo8 "stop; alias demo demo9" alias demo9 "record demo5; alias demo demo10" alias demo10 "stop; alias demo demo11" alias demo11 "record demo6; alias demo demo12" alias demo12 "stop; alias demo demo13" alias demo13 "record demo7; alias demo demo14" alias demo14 "stop; alias demo demo15" alias demo15 "record demo8; alias demo demo16" alias demo16 "stop; alias demo demo17" alias demo17 "record demo9; alias demo demo18" alias demo18 "stop; alias demo demo19" alias demo19 "record demo10; alias demo demo20" alias demo20 "stop; alias demo demo21" alias demo21 "record demo11; alias demo demo22" alias demo22 "stop; alias demo demo23" alias demo23 "record demo12; alias demo demo24" alias demo24 "stop; alias demo demo25" alias demo25 "record demo13; alias demo demo26" alias demo26 "stop; alias demo demo27" alias demo27 "record demo14; alias demo demo28" alias demo28 "stop; alias demo demo29" alias demo29 "record demo15; alias demo demo30" alias demo30 "stop; alias demo demo31" alias demo31 "record demo16; alias demo demo32" alias demo32 "stop; alias demo demo33" alias demo33 "record demo17; alias demo demo34" alias demo34 "stop; alias demo demo35" alias demo35 "record demo18; alias demo demo36" alias demo36 "stop; alias demo demo37" alias demo37 "record demo19; alias demo demo38" alias demo38 "stop; alias demo demo39" alias demo39 "record demo20; alias demo demo40" alias demo40 "stop; alias demo demo41" alias demo41 "record demo21; alias demo demo42" alias demo42 "stop; alias demo demo43" alias demo43 "record demo22; alias demo demo44" alias demo44 "stop; alias demo demo45" alias demo45 "record demo23; alias demo demo46" alias demo46 "stop; alias demo demo47" alias demo47 "record demo24; alias demo demo48" alias demo48 "stop; alias demo demo49" alias demo49 "record demo25; alias demo demo50" alias demo50 "stop; alias demo demo51" alias demo51 "record demo26; alias demo demo52" alias demo52 "stop; alias demo demo53" alias demo53 "record demo27; alias demo demo54" alias demo54 "stop; alias demo demo55" alias demo55 "record demo28; alias demo demo56" alias demo56 "stop; alias demo demo57" alias demo57 "record demo29; alias demo demo58" alias demo58 "stop; alias demo demo59" alias demo59 "record demo30; alias demo demo60" alias demo60 "stop; alias demo demo61" alias demo61 "record demo31; alias demo demo62" alias demo62 "stop; alias demo demo63" alias demo63 "record demo32; alias demo demo64" alias demo64 "stop; alias demo demo65" alias demo65 "record demo33; alias demo demo66" alias demo66 "stop; alias demo demo67" alias demo67 "record demo34; alias demo demo68" alias demo68 "stop; alias demo demo69" alias demo69 "record demo35; alias demo demo70" alias demo70 "stop; alias demo demo71" alias demo71 "record demo36; alias demo demo72" alias demo72 "stop; alias demo demo73" alias demo73 "record demo37; alias demo demo74" alias demo74 "stop; alias demo demo75" alias demo75 "record demo38; alias demo demo76" alias demo76 "stop; alias demo demo77" alias demo77 "record demo39; alias demo demo78" alias demo78 "stop; alias demo demo79" alias demo79 "record demo40; alias demo demo80" alias demo80 "stop; alias demo demo81" alias demo81 "record demo41; alias demo demo82" alias demo82 "stop; alias demo demo83" alias demo83 "record demo42; alias demo demo84" alias demo84 "stop; alias demo demo85" alias demo85 "record demo43; alias demo demo86" alias demo86 "stop; alias demo demo87" alias demo87 "record demo44; alias demo demo88" alias demo88 "stop; alias demo demo89" alias demo89 "record demo45; alias demo demo90" alias demo90 "stop; alias demo demo91" alias demo91 "record demo46; alias demo demo92" alias demo92 "stop; alias demo demo93" alias demo93 "record demo47; alias demo demo94" alias demo94 "stop; alias demo demo95" alias demo95 "record demo48; alias demo demo96" alias demo96 "stop; alias demo demo97" alias demo97 "record demo49; alias demo demo98" alias demo98 "stop; alias demo demo99" alias demo99 "record demo50; alias demo demo100" alias demo100 "stop; alias demo demo1" alias demo "demo1" bind o "demo" echo Bind demo to a button to use that button to record and stop ///END DEMO RECORDER SCRIPT///
  5. 1 point


    Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: spyder Steam ID: Steam Community :: Spyder Banned: No Previously in xG: Yes Active on Teamspeak: No Age: 15 Further Information: I am a person who loves to play on the XG server's (I love the saxton hale with the perks). I hate it when people don't follow the rules of the server and it just makes the game less enjoyable for others. Also when people are new to the server and don't know what to do I hate it when other people leave them in the dark I like to help them and teach them what to do (also depends on my mood for that time).
  6. 1 point
    theres no more csgo xG servers. So really not much we can do on this ban, sorry.
  7. 1 point

    Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

    I was there when Forest did specifically warn us to not us the command. While in my opinion, using it once every once in a while isn't such a big deal (especially with the approval of the players), Hellafun did basically disregard Forest's warning. Then again, he did get permission from John. I think that people really need to be all on the same page for future situations.
  8. 1 point

    Recording Demos - Script

    this seems pretty helpful
  9. 1 point

    Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

    this was about 2 days ago from today, i made a thread the day it happened but then the website went wacky as did Teamspeak and when i checked some of the threads from that day (including mine) were gone.
  10. 1 point

    Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

    There's a thread specifically for the sole purpose to notify the staff to not abuse/use the fun commands for no reason at all. You completely disregarded that thread and used the !cash @all command, I've seen you do it before on multiple occasions and I barely play jailbreak anymore. You should be punished just like anyone else who abuses their powers on a mass scale, regardless of the command. You disrupt and ruin jailbreak for a short period of time, just like anyone else who uses a mass command. Also, I haven't read all the posts but if you "didn't know" or "got mixed approval" and could keep up with your divisions board, do you really deserve your rank? There was a clear warning and if you get a 50/50 approval from div managers, why do it?
  11. 1 point

    Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

    I don't really see the huge deal here... He did a vote and gave the server cash, its a command that will only impact the server for a few minutes. Seriously, loosen up guys, you all just look for the dumbest reasons to target one another. I see nothing that warrants any sort of action.
  12. 1 point

    Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

    @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo The only problem is all three of them are currently M.I.A. I told Hella the command was fine so long as the whole server agreed with it. It was never brought to my knowledge that @@Forest said this was not allowed. If this was before Forest stated that the !cash @all command was not allowed then there is no case of abuse as I stated that it was allowed so long as the server agreed. @@Uryuu_Minene So what date was this from? I don't see anywhere you saying when this happened. Also, I need Forest to tell me when he said that !cash @all was not allowed. For the future better communication such as a forum post on such actions needs to be made. I can't be in every conversation with Co-Leaders at all times.
  13. 1 point

    Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

    The guidelines solicit an order in which to do things, the order is one given down by Co-Leaders and Div Leaders alike. The order for dealing with a camper is a generally accepted way that has been given clearance since long before you came to xG, and even before I did. It is the expected way to handle it, and still is, the guidelines state that giving punishment above or below is abuse in itself. Thus by not following the approved method to deal with a camper, and instead using your own method, you are abusing, I'm not saying they should be removed, or stay. I am neutral on that, you described situations in which you used them, and decided you wanted to be a complete prick to others in the thread with your idea of how you think it should be, thinking your way is right and theirs is wrong. So I took it upon myself to "put you in your place" by explaining in detail how YOU are indeed wrong. I call you "kiddo" because that is the way you are acting, you act as though you are right and will always be right, and nobody can be right without your say so. That is how a 12 year old acts. If you don't want to be called "kiddo" stop acting like one.
  14. 1 point

    Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

    i !spec @all and got demoted. i demand the same punishment.
  15. 1 point

    Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

    You just explained a situation of abuse. Based on our rule set, and our guidelines, you are an abusing fgt. Your job is to explain the situation in which they are wrong, and warn them to fix it. You stated above "slap someone not paying attention to chat" and "slap someone camping" as seperate, I will cover them together since it is essentially the same thing. you did your job, you warned him to move, you then slap him. You just went above and beyond what is your "job" to do, you abused. Alternatively he does not listen to you or is ignoring it, you slap instead of slay, when the guideline is to slay him. the guideline also says anything above or below is considered abuse. you slapped instead of the required slay, you under-punished, and because he is still alive where he is camping, is more likely to catch a rebel, you just ruined that rebels round because you declined to do the job as stated (abuse), and pissed the rebel off. you tried to justify not slaying the camper because you feel he would not be likely to come back after getting slain, what about the rebel you have pissed off now because you declined to do the job as stated to be done, who now also may not come back. would you prefer to keep the rule breaker who camped, or the player who followed rules and was rebelling as per normal? I also find that you try making a jab at me in your statement to show a sign of weakness, since you know you can't ACTUALLY justify your slap, you resort to trying to make me the bad guy. this issue was about his abuse of cash after approval from server based on a DMs statement he could if the server approved. you guys changed this to fun commands including slap, which is a different thread, you wanna go over my "abuse" go ahead and bring it up where it already was, and already dealt with... oh idk, almost a year ago? yeah. nice try kiddo. @@Matsi
  16. 1 point

    Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

    ur all baddies. there is no reason for you to be using slap. slap in itself on our rule set is considered abuse, as there is no justification for you to slap them, and there is even less justification to slap after you already told them what they are doing wrong and need to fix.
  17. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    You're all winners, just remember that. hue
  18. 1 point

    New Emotes

    Can you get one that's less ugly? I mean us Americans are fat but we aren't British ugly :3
  19. 1 point

    Jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source

    Inb4 flame war. Although I generally like to watch people too, Ganja did seem to have a personal vendetta against Jubens tonight. Almost like he was trying to find something to just ban him for. Jubens messes up sometimes yes, we all do. @@GanjaMonster Also, there is no evidence to any sort of abuse here. Although like I said Ganja did seem to have a vendetta against you which I don't think should happen. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo Closing this as there is no proof of anything happening.
  20. 1 point

    xG| Epix #monobrow

    Whats a MegaRobin?
  21. 0 points


    To start a new Skyblock, do /island If you want to play together, someone make an island, they then use the /island invite <playername> and the other person does /island accept thanks -sueprmaeradud
  22. 0 points


    your mum should of swallowed mate
  23. 0 points
    -1 To summarize this, hellafun wanted to know if he could do this, he asked gkoo who didnt respond, he asked john, and john said that he could if everyone agrees, not knowing Forest had said it wasnt allowed. Id say that everything that took place was just confusion, hella was told he can, but john didnt know forest said it wasnt allowed.
  24. 0 points

    Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

    Matsi's use of slap while it may not be valid through the guidelines, does happen to work well in the situations he's used them in, now when was the last time we changed the guidelines, never? as they should be updated according to the new commands,(fun commands, !cash) as Matsi's way is more effective at teaching them what not to do, gettign them to listen without completely altering the flow of the game
  25. 0 points

    Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

    He was probably drunk again, hue.:british:
  26. 0 points
    we gon find you
  27. 0 points

    New Emotes

  28. -1 points
    I can count... 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 7, 9, 6, 8, 10
  29. -1 points

    Give us back PermBans

    Works perfectly fine for me.... maybe you are all just incompetent.
  30. -1 points

    XenoGamers Lottery Q&A

    Why do you spend your time making lotteries, instead of solving the CS:GO Div Leader Issue?
  31. -1 points


    bitch already beat it fight me
  32. -2 points

    Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

    no. ur a nigr.
  33. -2 points

    Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

    In short, @@easy. I already said that I did give him permission to use this command. The !cash is as much a fun command as !smite is. The fun commands are considered as the commands that have already been removed. I never saw a forum post regarding the use of the !cash command, so if @@Forest made it then sorry for missing it. But, if this upsets a players people so badly that they need to complain...they must be a delicate flower. If anything this only disrupts 1 to 2 rounds. As it has always been CT's should be careful anyways to avoid being bombed. @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 Yes he abused, but I did say he could use the command. I don't see any reason to demote an otherwise perfectly fine admin. I'll give you guys a day or so to respond and then I'll close it and we can discuss it later as all three of you are currently MIA.
  34. -3 points
    You just got toasted son, take a seat. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzfY-aXGcBY
  35. -6 points

    Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source

    Closing this as there isn't anything left to be said. We have the proof. I will consult with the Dark, Gkoo, and Hiding to decide the course of action to be taken. As I said they are MIA though and I can't get a hold of any of them. @@diabeetus I could see possibly how it's a fun command so I'm sure that will be discussed. @@Ten17Thug if you have nothing to help the thread don't post.
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