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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/13 in all areas

  1. 5 points

    How to get hubz (Hopefully)

    its coming out in the middle of august, dont worry
  2. 2 points

    Staff Award

    Hey guys Eden here giving out our first kiss ass award!!! And this months kiss ass award goes to......... I'll bet you'd never guess it! Rainbow Dashie!!@!@!@! Congratultions!! Here is your award!!!!!
  3. 2 points

    How to get hubz (Hopefully)

    i say everyone gets atleast a million credits if they dont donate and if you do donate you get like a few extra points, like 2 or 3 credits. gg no re #yolosweeg #swaggyBalls #cunt
  4. 1 point

    Recording Demos - Script

    This script will allow you to: Hit the key to start recording a demo Hit the same key again to stop recording Allows you to record 50 demos before it will start over and begin overwriting the first one If you close and reopen CS:S it will start at the beginning and overwrite demos unless you have changed their names. To do this: Put demorecorder.cfg (Dropbox - demorecorder.cfg) into \Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\cfg In \Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\cfg find the file named config.cfg and edit it in wordpad goto the very bottom and make a new line: exec demorecorder.cfg Save the changes Open CS:S and by default the letter o key will start and stop demo recording. To use another key you can either edit the line for it in demorecorder.cfg or "bind key demo" in console replacing key with the key you wish to bind it to. demorecorder.cfg >///START DEMO RECORDER SCRIPT/// alias demo1 "record demo1; alias demo demo2" alias demo2 "stop; alias demo demo3" alias demo3 "record demo2; alias demo demo4" alias demo4 "stop; alias demo demo5" alias demo5 "record demo3; alias demo demo6" alias demo6 "stop; alias demo demo7" alias demo7 "record demo4; alias demo demo8" alias demo8 "stop; alias demo demo9" alias demo9 "record demo5; alias demo demo10" alias demo10 "stop; alias demo demo11" alias demo11 "record demo6; alias demo demo12" alias demo12 "stop; alias demo demo13" alias demo13 "record demo7; alias demo demo14" alias demo14 "stop; alias demo demo15" alias demo15 "record demo8; alias demo demo16" alias demo16 "stop; alias demo demo17" alias demo17 "record demo9; alias demo demo18" alias demo18 "stop; alias demo demo19" alias demo19 "record demo10; alias demo demo20" alias demo20 "stop; alias demo demo21" alias demo21 "record demo11; alias demo demo22" alias demo22 "stop; alias demo demo23" alias demo23 "record demo12; alias demo demo24" alias demo24 "stop; alias demo demo25" alias demo25 "record demo13; alias demo demo26" alias demo26 "stop; alias demo demo27" alias demo27 "record demo14; alias demo demo28" alias demo28 "stop; alias demo demo29" alias demo29 "record demo15; alias demo demo30" alias demo30 "stop; alias demo demo31" alias demo31 "record demo16; alias demo demo32" alias demo32 "stop; alias demo demo33" alias demo33 "record demo17; alias demo demo34" alias demo34 "stop; alias demo demo35" alias demo35 "record demo18; alias demo demo36" alias demo36 "stop; alias demo demo37" alias demo37 "record demo19; alias demo demo38" alias demo38 "stop; alias demo demo39" alias demo39 "record demo20; alias demo demo40" alias demo40 "stop; alias demo demo41" alias demo41 "record demo21; alias demo demo42" alias demo42 "stop; alias demo demo43" alias demo43 "record demo22; alias demo demo44" alias demo44 "stop; alias demo demo45" alias demo45 "record demo23; alias demo demo46" alias demo46 "stop; alias demo demo47" alias demo47 "record demo24; alias demo demo48" alias demo48 "stop; alias demo demo49" alias demo49 "record demo25; alias demo demo50" alias demo50 "stop; alias demo demo51" alias demo51 "record demo26; alias demo demo52" alias demo52 "stop; alias demo demo53" alias demo53 "record demo27; alias demo demo54" alias demo54 "stop; alias demo demo55" alias demo55 "record demo28; alias demo demo56" alias demo56 "stop; alias demo demo57" alias demo57 "record demo29; alias demo demo58" alias demo58 "stop; alias demo demo59" alias demo59 "record demo30; alias demo demo60" alias demo60 "stop; alias demo demo61" alias demo61 "record demo31; alias demo demo62" alias demo62 "stop; alias demo demo63" alias demo63 "record demo32; alias demo demo64" alias demo64 "stop; alias demo demo65" alias demo65 "record demo33; alias demo demo66" alias demo66 "stop; alias demo demo67" alias demo67 "record demo34; alias demo demo68" alias demo68 "stop; alias demo demo69" alias demo69 "record demo35; alias demo demo70" alias demo70 "stop; alias demo demo71" alias demo71 "record demo36; alias demo demo72" alias demo72 "stop; alias demo demo73" alias demo73 "record demo37; alias demo demo74" alias demo74 "stop; alias demo demo75" alias demo75 "record demo38; alias demo demo76" alias demo76 "stop; alias demo demo77" alias demo77 "record demo39; alias demo demo78" alias demo78 "stop; alias demo demo79" alias demo79 "record demo40; alias demo demo80" alias demo80 "stop; alias demo demo81" alias demo81 "record demo41; alias demo demo82" alias demo82 "stop; alias demo demo83" alias demo83 "record demo42; alias demo demo84" alias demo84 "stop; alias demo demo85" alias demo85 "record demo43; alias demo demo86" alias demo86 "stop; alias demo demo87" alias demo87 "record demo44; alias demo demo88" alias demo88 "stop; alias demo demo89" alias demo89 "record demo45; alias demo demo90" alias demo90 "stop; alias demo demo91" alias demo91 "record demo46; alias demo demo92" alias demo92 "stop; alias demo demo93" alias demo93 "record demo47; alias demo demo94" alias demo94 "stop; alias demo demo95" alias demo95 "record demo48; alias demo demo96" alias demo96 "stop; alias demo demo97" alias demo97 "record demo49; alias demo demo98" alias demo98 "stop; alias demo demo99" alias demo99 "record demo50; alias demo demo100" alias demo100 "stop; alias demo demo1" alias demo "demo1" bind o "demo" echo Bind demo to a button to use that button to record and stop ///END DEMO RECORDER SCRIPT///
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point

    How to get hubz (Hopefully)

    Start a goal for people to donate for and each person that donates gets the the amount of credits they donated for ($1.00 = 1000 Credits) That way we can pay the coder to code hub for us @@Rhododendron said it was about $300 Other important people: @@Forest @@John @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052
  7. 1 point

    TheBasedGod - Minecraft

    the first time i was banned was because i at your house, it was night so i was trying to le sleep, too many mobs, etc, and blown up, i try going back for my items and boom boom smash, nigga it was scary, and was an accident, i couldnt clean it up because it was in your faction and was protected. which is why i offered to help clean it up ,but you shot me down straight up and just banned me. And when i was unbanned i did clean up all that i could do. @@LQuidador @@NomDeGuerre
  8. 1 point

    TheBasedGod - Minecraft

    its not a feature its an exploit, and you were banned and given a 2nd chance, but yet you decided to cheat a duplicate items on the very same day, in my opinion you should stay perm banned because i can tell your the type of person who will get unbanned and find a new way to cheat and hope you wont get caught. -1 to your unban request
  9. 1 point
    +1 would be a good addition to xG
  10. 1 point

    How to get hubz (Hopefully)

    When did everyone forget @@Rhododendron is Jewish?
  11. 1 point

    jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source

    Closing this thread, I highly doubt you will get enough +1's to turn this around. You may try again on October 24th, 2013. -closed.
  12. 1 point


    Did someone say carlton?
  13. 1 point

    Serbian_Bela_Vuk - MMO

    ur not a member of xg
  14. 0 points
    Hello, I am shadow, and I have been playing around on Photoshop cs6 and been making random things till i've been getting good at it. I will kindly make you a signature or ect for free but I am trying to make some sort of profit by doing this. If you are willing to donate via steam, I will be appreciative for it :). Post down bellow the following: Name: Details: Colors wanted used: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is one example of what I did recently:
  15. 0 points

    TheBasedGod - Minecraft

    Division: Minecraft In-Game Name: hisremix Steam ID: hisremix. Information: I was making massive amounts of diamond blocks in game for the sole purpose of collecting very sexy building blocks, and to look swag, i was using the feature of the game by using a block breaker to destroy a auto crafting table mk2. I am sorry, it will not happen again. Unban please
  16. 0 points

    Tittie Sprankles - Garrys Mod

    Is a request for reprimand a joke to you?
  17. 0 points
    There is a subsection for these types of threads. Also, sorry if Im being blunt and honest but this is garbage. This isn't the first time someone learned how to change the font of text in ps then offered a service.
  18. 0 points
    I'll agree to this. But if Unit comes forward with any sort of damning evidence as to why this guy was perm other than "requested" then we can fix it. Otherwise, unban him.
  19. 0 points

    Give us back PermBans

    Nah. Rank up. A moderator is just an admin in learning. If you haven't been promoted yet, you doing a shitty job. lol
  20. 0 points
    please don't...
  21. -1 points

    @ALL - Nuclear Dawn

    Erm.. he didn't change the topic, you both are on the same topic there. Guys, how about you stop arguing with each other? This wasn't directed at me originally. There isn't a reason to try to flame up Businessman into raging on the forums. That's like trying to bait him into getting banned. Come on now. Ok sorry ill stop. No point in argueing with this air head anyways. Ill Stop now.
  22. -1 points
    I can count... 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 7, 9, 6, 8, 10
  23. -1 points
    I was banned from CT forces by Ganjamonster I was inside of medic, and I saw a gun inside of medic where a rebel had been killed. I was healing my self because I fell, and I had five health left. Anyway, I tried to shoot the gun away but then I was slayed, and banned for one week for shooting a gun in medic. With no specification of why I was banned.
  24. -1 points
    I'm going get CS:S so i can be part of these threads :D!
  25. -1 points
    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: Dick Fraggotson III Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:39282916 Information: IwasbannedfromCTforcesbyGanjamonsterIwasinsideofmedic,andIsawaguninsideofmedicwherearebelhadbeenkilled.IwashealingmyselfbecauseIfell,andIhadfivehealthleft.Anyway,ItriedtoshootthegunawaybutthenIwasslayed,andbannedforoneweekforshootingaguninmedic.WithnospecificationofwhyIwasbanned.
  26. -1 points
    please read post better i said i was talking to aaron and i was ASKING to be permban from ct because i did not know the rules at that time i did not know it was unit that banned me but i volunteered to be permban on my own and i just asked it i could get unbanned sence i know how the server rules are been there long enuf, i hope this clears it up better Thanx if i get unbanned Supafly420
  27. -1 points

    Give us back PermBans

    If you don't have access to perm... Gather proof Ban for a week Make a ban request on the forum so that the grown ups can decided whether or not to make the ban perm ? Profit QQ less Not sure wtf you are talking about tho, I have access to perm... LOL, I have permed several Mass Freekillers
  28. -1 points

    [xG] Nicki Minaj- Team Fortress 2

    my input his name is nicki minaj so +1 for unban or atleast a few weeks ban rather then perm. gg no re
  29. -2 points

    Give us back PermBans

    Disagree: John kona309 Genesis Brian diabeetus payturr Fuck You: GanjaMonster xShadowSpyx lol.
  30. -3 points
  31. -3 points

    Purple Wins

    Purple wins <3
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