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  1. Ding!
    Aegean got a reaction from Forest in Member Application Changes!   
    There's no point to dwell on the issue of someone -1'ing an individual based on if they see them or not, as A. we will not allow that to be a valid vouch and B. We will implement an appropriate requirement of activity on our servers to address people's concerns.
  2. Winner
    Aegean got a reaction from Thunder in Member Application Changes!   
    There's no point to dwell on the issue of someone -1'ing an individual based on if they see them or not, as A. we will not allow that to be a valid vouch and B. We will implement an appropriate requirement of activity on our servers to address people's concerns.
  3. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Kypari in Member Application Changes!   
    There's no point to dwell on the issue of someone -1'ing an individual based on if they see them or not, as A. we will not allow that to be a valid vouch and B. We will implement an appropriate requirement of activity on our servers to address people's concerns.
  4. Drunk
    Aegean got a reaction from Thorax_ in Spinfoss   
    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!
    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!
    Want to get Moderator?
    There are a few ways to earn it!
    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.
    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!
    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!
    For a server list, click here.
    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here.

  5. Informative
    Aegean reacted to Egossi in Member Application Changes!   
    How the fuck does one call themselves british and not know the difference between "no one" and "know one" lol
  6. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from Egossi in Member Application Changes!   
    I do not like -1'ing a player due to not knowing / seeing them, there's 24 hours in a day and even if you play 6 hours every single day, you might not see them. If the people he plays with doesn't +1 for whatever reason, then he would not get accepted which defeats the purpose of what I'm going for.
  7. Useful
    Aegean reacted to Rhododendron in Bring An Offical Discord Server   
    Closing since it has been answered!
  8. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Kypari in Member Application Changes!   
    That's the goal, we are discussing a proper period of time that they must have been on the servers before we accept them.
  9. Agree
    Aegean reacted to Tatost in Member Application Changes!   
    @Kypari that means if I played on the one server that you did not, you would -1 me? I think instead you should look towards trying to know that person, otherwise leave it up to the others.
    If a member proves to be unfit, we always have the member protest option here on the forums.
  10. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Vector in Member Application Changes!   
    Edited <3
  11. Like
    Aegean reacted to Vector in Member Application Changes!   
    I'm not vertex :(
  12. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Kypari in Member Application Changes!   
    To address a few things whIle on my phone, we will add a minimum requirement of hours to our servers which should be enough barrier to not let someone in who has 30 minutes which seems to be the major concern from most of you. We are discussing with the higherups to choose an appropriate time
    @Vector <3 I agree with bringing the membership section up and lll speak to rhododendron about it to get it changed asap.
    Also I understand the concerns behind junior senior ranks (still discussing and not set in stone yet) BUT it would address a lot of issues of you guys calling people randoms and that xG won't feel special to be a member, the purpose of the tags will let active members feel like they are progressing and a big part of their own community. It'll be discussed more and more as time goes on until we have something we are satisfied with
  13. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Egossi in Member Application Changes!   
    To address a few things whIle on my phone, we will add a minimum requirement of hours to our servers which should be enough barrier to not let someone in who has 30 minutes which seems to be the major concern from most of you. We are discussing with the higherups to choose an appropriate time
    @Vector <3 I agree with bringing the membership section up and lll speak to rhododendron about it to get it changed asap.
    Also I understand the concerns behind junior senior ranks (still discussing and not set in stone yet) BUT it would address a lot of issues of you guys calling people randoms and that xG won't feel special to be a member, the purpose of the tags will let active members feel like they are progressing and a big part of their own community. It'll be discussed more and more as time goes on until we have something we are satisfied with
  14. Friendly
    Aegean reacted to mrnutty12 in Suiperblade - Team Fortress 2   
    Don't worry about it, I got it.
    -User has been unbanned
  15. Informative
    Aegean got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Suiperblade - Team Fortress 2   
    I'll unban once I'm home
  16. Optimistic
    Aegean got a reaction from Suiperblade in Suiperblade - Team Fortress 2   
    I'll unban once I'm home
  17. Informative
    Aegean reacted to james8470 in Member Application Changes!   
    I've been following this for awhile now, and I think I'll share my opinions. :nailbiting:
    I think switching over to this new system is a good idea.
    Speaking from my own experience, if you can't distinguish yourself as easily as others (especially if you don't own a mic, or if it is broken like mine was until a few weeks ago), you didn't have a chance of being accepted as a member of xG no matter how much you played the servers, or how much you enjoyed your time on them.
    This new system doesn't require users to distinguish themselves per se, which does show a con of the new system.
    Others have correctly pointed out that getting into xG now doesn't feel like anything special anymore. Any applicant now has a high chance of being accepted, and we will end up with members who are like strangers to us. But is that really a bad thing in the long run?
    I think this switch of how applications are accepted is a sign of xG's growth, and I'm pleased to see an increase in numbers even if it means sacrificing part of the blissful feeling of being part of a tight-knit community. In addition, Aegean wants to incorporate a system of 'member ranks' where you could progress on a junior-senior level somehow (by posts, time in-game?) which does help compensate for a rise in membership.
    This way, members of higher tier represent "family" part of this growing community, and the lower tier members represent the "friends" part of xG.
    I guess the question comes down to what counts most in being a member of xG, playtime/appreciation or being distinguished/knowing people. Both are valuable, but which counts the most?
    So, after two months of my first application I am inspired to reapply soon. Plus, I have some friends who I can ask to vouch for me for good measure, and I can have some confidence that I'll actually be accepted! :eek:
    In the end, I believe this new system will work out for the better. Even if it doesn't, there are checks in it so that no "bag-eggs" can join as members, and also checks in it should it completely fail.
  18. Like
    Aegean reacted to Salad in Engineer Sketch   
    I've recently started trying digital art, as opposed to the typical paper & pencil I've used since my pre-elementary school days. I've recently changed up what style I use, going from an airbrush set at 70 to the marker tool. This is all in FireAlpaca btw, with a Wacom Intuos. To be honest, I'm content with how it turned out. I hope you all like it just as much as I do. It's not the best. The shape of the left eye (or goggle), is a bit off, and I probably should have used a stencil for the more rounded shapes.
  19. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from james8470 in Member Application Changes!   
    I just want to clarify a few things that people seem to misunderstand from my previous posts.

    Member tags will not change from [xG] or xG | or however you put xG in your name, the junior - senior example is something that will be automated via forums, and it will just give people a sense of accomplishment upon several hurdles that we set (i.e. amount of posts + time registered on forums). We will discuss this in detail once it's fleshed out.
    Getting membership was much harder and more of an accomplishment in the past, that is of course true. We made it like this because as I reiterate, the higherups do not like the idea of someone joining our servers, wanting to be a member, not being vocal enough or standing out by being funny or really good, and then not getting accepted into the community. We obviously can not force people to vouch for others, nor can we assume they will remember every member who goes on the servers. Letting members in and following alongside our competitors in this aspect is a net gain because we gain a population growth while the newer players feel like they have a place they can call home in xG.
    Member protests exist! We can always get rid of members who do not deserve to be a member, this should not be an issue.
    IF all hell breaks loose, and we truly did make a mistake, we can always change the rules around submissions. Nothing is set in stone.

  20. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Rhododendron in Meeting For Higherups   
    I think our meeting will most likely be closer to May, it seems most people are busy with work/school and things will most likely be much easier for when school is done.
  21. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    I'd recommend Moosty for Mod as he is keeping up with his hours + seems to be good enough from his history and going off of the rest of the vouches. I'm fine with another DM for TF2, but please choose someone that you all agree with.
  22. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Thorax_ in Moosty - Team Fortress 2   
    These threads aren't like membership posts where they must close after a month, people in the past were worried of your activity and it seems you are meeting and exceeding expectations. Best of luck :)
  23. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Thorax_ in Forum Updates - Suggestions   
    I would like this if this can be alongside having an Accepted / Declined bar beside the thread as well that higherups can set.

    So imagine instead of TF2 it says Accepted or Declined
  24. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Forest in Forum Updates - Suggestions   
    I would like this if this can be alongside having an Accepted / Declined bar beside the thread as well that higherups can set.

    So imagine instead of TF2 it says Accepted or Declined
  25. F!$k Off
    Aegean reacted to MineCrack in Hello   