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  1. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from LucehMcellion in St. Patricks Day What Are You Gonna Do?   
    You're gonna be on the news REAL quick
  2. Like
    Aegean reacted to Forest in St. Patricks Day What Are You Gonna Do?   
    Praying for @Cristo on this day though (insert obligatory picture here)
  3. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from Forest in St. Patricks Day What Are You Gonna Do?   
    You're gonna be on the news REAL quick
  4. Like
    Aegean reacted to Forest in St. Patricks Day What Are You Gonna Do?   
    Chilling out on xG's TinyChat :coffee:
  5. Like
    Aegean reacted to CappyCappy in Temporary Account Acquired   
    Hey guys, I borrowed an account from a friend to use for a short period of time. I shall pay a visit this week to xg minecraft!
  6. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from PiNoYPsYcHo in St. Patricks Day What Are You Gonna Do?   
    Drinking at some local small pub and then party at a friend's place
  7. Like
    Aegean reacted to Thunder in St. Patricks Day What Are You Gonna Do?   
    play tf2
  8. Sad
    Aegean got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Changing Up Membership Applications   
    Okay so a few responses:

    Changes to membership in terms of making it much easier to join is because right now we have a serious wait time for some members to get accepted as if xG is this super exclusive club that many people can't join, and by the time they make their app, and wait weeks to see if they get accepted, they move on and join another community that is much easier to get into. A lot of other clans make it much easier to be a Member, and everything else is progression.
    I don't think we need to make different tags for the start of people's names, as xG for member IMO is enough, but something different on the forums then what we have now to signify they've been here for a while (aka Recruit > Member > Senior Member) or something along those lines, just to give them that sort of thanks for sticking with us, here's a new title type of reward.
    Vouching will stay in terms of everyone still has a voice if they are a member of the community, and staff vouches will count for more, but we want to make it so there is a 48 hour window, where anyone who thinks a user does or doesn't belong in the community can have their say. This lets people who apply know that they will have an answer in 2 days, instead of 1 day - 1 month. We also want to make it so people have signed into teamspeak at least once before getting accepted into member, which will hopefully increase our teamspeak numbers
    We will try to have a meeting this weekend and see how it goes, in terms of numbers. We might make it weekly, biweekly or monthly depending on the response and the first meeting will be open to everyone in the community.
    Promo Demo will not be super long, plus I will be the one to do it anyways so I don't mind personally giving myself a little extra work but an idea of how it will look is like this.

    bob from member to moderator
    jim from member to moderator
    New Members
    Steve, Mike, Redditor, Egossi Jr, IHateEgossi101,

  9. Friendly
    Aegean got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in People Keeping Their Membership After Getting Permanently Banned   
    I'll talk to Silence today, it should definitely be a rule though and I totally agree :)
    Any thoughts from any other higher ups?
  10. Informative
    Aegean reacted to realBelloWaldi in People Keeping Their Membership After Getting Permanently Banned   
    @Suiperblade & @xCabrio are examples. xCabrio was permanently banned for mass freekilling (he did get himself unbanned, ill give him that but nonetheless he kept his member status).
    @Suiperblade was banned for mass freekilling and he still has the member status as well.
    And even if that is already a rule, is it written down anywhere?
  11. Like
    Aegean reacted to Lithium in Changing Up Membership Applications   
    I'm down with the 48h window idea, gives people a chance to let us know about any problems. Playtime enforcement is pretty easy with gameme, something around 10h is probably fair. (Might make it easier to get gameme stats if we had a requirement of linking your steam account?)
    Was there any ideas on how many different member ranks there would be? We could keep the steam name tags as all xG, and just have junior member/member/senior(veteran?) member be just the tags on the forums
  12. Funny
    Aegean got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Changing Up Membership Applications   
    @Rhododendron wants people to get members much easier, similar to how HellsGamers (Counter-Strike Global Offensive) Epiccrafthd1's Recruit Application - Recruitment
    The things that need to be discussed are:

    We need new tags as there will be different hierarchy (So junior member, member, senior member etc) We need ideas for what these names should be as well
    Any changes on the forms for the member application
    Vouching will most likely be removed for member applications, and will only be accepted by staff members
    Possible requirement of playtime on servers before getting accepted
    Posting New Members on Promo/Demo
    Also a new message from xG-Bot for when people enter in the teamspeak channel

  13. Agree
    Aegean reacted to MineCrack in Retards Get Smoked   
  14. Useful
    Aegean reacted to MineCrack in Social Media Widgets   
    You're so dense I'm done responding thanks for your wall of text lmfao. Facebook/twitter is dumb for a gaming community with forums.
    P.s. idc what you said with goblins
  15. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from Thorax_ in Social Media Widgets   
    What resources are we putting into our social media websites? Nothing. We have 2 volunteers on both platforms who not only offered to work on them but want to work on them, and see if they can learn anything while doing so, which is a win/win on both ends because they had 0 activity on them beforehand anyways. Your "waste of time" implies the time spent could be used to better servers another way, but the people working on the social media platforms aren't also making plugins for us so your logic is flawed. Why would we deny people on trying to help us out on social media which as you said are dead? I don't even care if it doesn't get major progress for a year, things don't automatically have to be a success for it to be worth it.
    Last thing, Silence has put thousands of dollars into this community to try to constantly improve it, if he had your mindset, xG wouldn't even be up because "what's the point?".
  16. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from Thorax_ in Social Media Widgets   
    @MineCrack I don't care if it's been dead lmao, the whole point of working on it is trying to learn how to increase traffic which comes from experimenting. If we took your way of thinking into account, why bother try anything? You always tend to shut down anything from the start with nothing valuable to add in the process.
  17. Agree
    Aegean got a reaction from Thorax_ in Social Media Widgets   
    It would give incentive

    Gyazo - b293dc49240e37f1b1e07240c8b12af2.png This is the most recent post on our FB, it's getting worked on and clearly suggesting changes to help increase traffic does not warrant a "something nobody is gonna use anyways". Everything starts somewhere, and you're just being negative for the sake of being negative.
  18. Optimistic
    Aegean got a reaction from Kypari in Social Media Widgets   
    It would give incentive

    Gyazo - b293dc49240e37f1b1e07240c8b12af2.png This is the most recent post on our FB, it's getting worked on and clearly suggesting changes to help increase traffic does not warrant a "something nobody is gonna use anyways". Everything starts somewhere, and you're just being negative for the sake of being negative.
  19. Informative
    Aegean got a reaction from Goblins in Social Media Widgets   
    For your post at the time being adding feeds that don't add anything extra is a valid criticism, I think once we have more posts on our social media + doing giveaways dedicated for the specific social media platform will be a good time to add feeds to the website. I agree with @Tatost on his suggestion for the change of the buttons to be somewhere more visible or to have more clarity at the very least.
  20. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Thorax_ in Social Media Widgets   
    For your post at the time being adding feeds that don't add anything extra is a valid criticism, I think once we have more posts on our social media + doing giveaways dedicated for the specific social media platform will be a good time to add feeds to the website. I agree with @Tatost on his suggestion for the change of the buttons to be somewhere more visible or to have more clarity at the very least.
  21. Like
    Aegean got a reaction from Tatost in Social Media Widgets   
    For your post at the time being adding feeds that don't add anything extra is a valid criticism, I think once we have more posts on our social media + doing giveaways dedicated for the specific social media platform will be a good time to add feeds to the website. I agree with @Tatost on his suggestion for the change of the buttons to be somewhere more visible or to have more clarity at the very least.
  22. F!$k Off
    Aegean reacted to MineCrack in Social Media Widgets   
    To what? Something nobody is going to use anyways?

  23. Like
    Aegean reacted to Tatost in Social Media Widgets   
    >attaches a picture of a minuscule button
    I myself find that plenty of us like to use social media (this includes Twitter and Facebook.) But only a certain few people actually see that button at the bottom of the screen; not to mention the tiny button that you attached.
    this is the thing I'm talking about.
  24. Like
    Aegean reacted to Thorax_ in Social Media Widgets   
    I feel that we should have feeds visible on the forum for both Facebook and Twitter.
    This will help people easily connect to the social media pages and be encouraged more to interact.
    Facebook Widget Code :
    [spoiler= Facebook Code][plain]<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/page.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fxgrepresent%2F&tabs=timeline&width=350&height=500&small_header=true&adapt_container_width=true&hide_cover=false&show_facepile=true&appId=1785553191764731" width="350" height="500" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>[/plain]
    Twitter Widget Code :
    [spoiler=Twitter Code]<a class="twitter-timeline" href="[plain]https://twitter.com/xenogamers[/plain]">Tweets by xenogamers</a> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
    @Rhododendron @Aegean
  25. Informative
    Aegean reacted to Dethman in Inactivity   
    As some of you may know michigan got ass fucked by 60 MPH winds just last night and over 600k people don't have power. I am one of those affected. DTE (the energy company that takes care of this area) said that it wont be fixed till around Sunday night from what I heard, so I will be inactive for at least the next 3 days. Apologies