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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. i have no idea why you just exploded in keyboard rage all over this thread, it was completely unnecessary and made you look like an idiot. the reason you gave us is bullshit from our point of view, we've heard that excuse before, and regardless of whether or not it was true, we can't accept it as a valid excuse cause then everyone would think they could use the same excuse and get away from a mass freekill.


    you demonstrated poor leadership by taking a personal problem between you and xg and brought in your clan as well by threatening to perm them if they played on xg servers. what they do with their steam account is their choice alone, u have no right whatsoever to even think that you can tell them to play on this server or not play on this server. how you handled this was almost the worst way possible to handle it, you are punishing your own members for a mistake that was yours and yours alone, in fact you may have fucked over your clan because of this cause i could just decide to perm all XEC members from our servers with the only way of being unbanned is to leave your clan. however, unlike you, im not a complete raging, idiot 12 year old, i THINK first and not complain like a little bitch.


    if you had played on xg servers before and browsed our forums, ud know that the brother or friend excuse does not and will not pass off as a valid reason, but u probably didnt and are saying that as a way to curry favor among others to make urself look like ur a long time player or something.


    on a related note, it was a 1 week ban and you're seriously butthurt this badly? if anything i should just server ban you perm so we never have to deal with the likes of you again, i know plenty of my members would enjoy seeing that come to fruition.


    you're not getting unbanned, as for the perm server ban for you, ill think about that, be lucky that your members arent getting banned from our servers


    P.S. unrelated to topic, your grammar is god awful, please go out and buy every single version of reader rabbit and play it until you remember even a shred of proper english


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  2. +1




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    -sealed away in the last great time war

  3. if u went back into the channel than you knew that u were going into darkwolfs channel, cause u have to double click on his channel to get there, and theres a pretty big gap between his and warriors channel, so u wouldve seen warriors channel and the regulars in there, meaning u went back into darkwolfs channel knowing it was his, on top of that u would see whos in the channel as well, so idk how u missed that part either. also channel admins dont need a reason to blacklist you, they paid for the channel therefore they have control of who can be in it and who cant. only time they would need a reason is if i ask them why they did it if its just out of the blue with no explanation (ie. warrior blacklists pepperphreak out of nowhere, id look into it and find out why he did it)


    deal with it minecrack, u dun goofed, ill reduce it to an hour and change the rule so that its punishable up to an hour cause a day is too much imo


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  4. +1 managed the tf2 servers and left cause of a disagreement between him and silence, he still helps out with making sure that everything is running smoothly, tf2 division has a lot of active players and servers, even more than css, so letting it go to waste would be a rly bad idea

  5. 68747470733a2f2f696d67312e78656e6f67616d652e72732f696d706f727465642f323031322f30392f33312e706e67


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    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!

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    -sealed away in the last great time war

  6. if time is a problem, than have the admins and stuff say in all chat "This is now Late Night JB, where the fun really begins" or something like that to make sure that randoms know whats going on, and who knows, it might attract more people because of its leniency and flexibility, 11 pm EST is reasonable, most of our members are from the east coast anyway, the people who arent in east coast would have more time to play Late Night JB, which is better for them


    tl dr: 11 EST is fine, admins tell players in all chat that its late night jb every now and then to not confuse people, west coast people get more time to play