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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. xGShadowSpy

    X the hedgehog

    If I use my forum name, the original Shadow goes up so I used my real name.
  2. Freedom of Speech was made as one of the rights not so anyone could say anything at any time, if you go on a plane and yell "I HAVE A BOMB! ALALALLALALALALALAAH" even if you have no bomb you cant just say "Oh freedom of speech, cant get in trouble." it was made so thay people could speak against the government like saying "I hate this President, he sucks." and not getting jailed or killed for it like in old Britain. I believe school uniforms help anyway. Saves parents the cost of buying a bunch of school clothes, and reduces bullying for the types of clothes you wear. My school doesnt have uniforms, but I wouldnt mind if it did. You have all the time outside of school to wear your favorite clothes as you want.
  3. I think its pretty good. I think one or the other should have died, it would have given them more hatred towards Echo. If you killed the father like he was before he was revived, you should have had the father(during the part where it said he was explaining something) say he used to be a leader of a secret faction/organization before they were born that had opposed Echo, and kept him from reviving. And with some other members going missing, they no longer had the power to keep Echo away. And due to his fathers powers, Echo chose him as his reincarnation. The father could also explain that some of his power was drained when they were born, explaining their hidden powers. Anyway, just my thoughts on additions to it. Story itself is good.
  4. Saying @Chrono smells good. @jubens45 's weight xG GMod servers lasting over a month or two after relaunching Saying the colbert report is good(daily show>colbert) The fact my PC still isnt fixed. @Forest saying he isnt British. @Forest saying he isnt our eternal co-leader. The xG forums 98% of the time
  5. Take a shot every time someone shitposts on the forums. Might as well just hijack a truckload of the alcohol.
  6. Just dont be like me and have surgery and not be back for months. Good luck with it, get better
  7. Not that I think you arent fit for admin, but I dont think itd be fair for you to leave as mod and come back as admin, should come back as mod and earn it. You'd get it soon enough.
  8. On a more serious note, xG will never be the same as it was, that much is obvious. What really made xG was the community, the people. After those people left, we were stuck with a slightly above average JB server. xG was a fire. The people who made JB fun were the spark, once we lost that spark all that was left were a few logs and some tinder. We can improve server plugins as much as we want, if nobody likes the people there then whats the point? And here's your Aegean meme of the day, made by @Duke awhile ago.
  9. Same as unit here, pc still broken. But as for the idea, I think its good. Should be at the least 6 pm EST -8 pm as a starting point. We also need to take the british time zone into consideration, dont want @Forest missing out on us.
  10. +1. We need a room for us O' tacos. The anime room turned into the league room.
  11. I agree with the photos not being allowed. Boss looks over at you during work, and says "Whatcha looking at?" and you answer "Young animated girls in little to no clothing." , his answer isnt gonna be "Oh OK." Either enforce this with the nsfw rule, or make it so that you dont use the term nsfw and say it cant show any nipples, genitalia etc.
  12. There arent enough true oldfags left. PC still shitty anyway plus too busy playing new naruto game and destiny.
  13. I finally got my cousin to come over and look at it, this was last friday. He said he'd come back on sunday (last sunday, btw) and never did. Not in too much of a hurry since school started. Think im just gonna buy a new graphics card since im like 80% sure that's the problem, then hope that fixes it.
  14. I see no problem when its like 3 or 5 but when you see all the guns(or just alot of them) geting spammed, no ofcourse not.
  15. +1 I agree. Thank you British Co-Leader senpai.
  16. Hello, TF2? This is CSS calling, welcome to the rest of xG.
  17. +1. Also requesting he get admin in all other divisions so he can ban everyone
  18. And the best british co-leader. Not a bad place for Forest Fires either. @Forest