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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Welcome back snivy, been awhile. Sadly my pc is broken so I can't get on jb with ya.
  2. With tasers, wasnt it agreed that people could use them on ts that run away, even without guns? Unless people just do that anyway @DrLee @Hidingmaster @Cristo
  3. Im not suprised by anyone leaving anymore. Bye slut
  4. National tag bleed day. @[3217:@Bleed]
    1. xGShadowSpy


      @[51341:@DrLee] , please tag @[3217:@Bleed]
    2. DrLee


    3. LeToucan


      @[51341:@DrLee] isnt it past your bedtime?
    4. Show next comments  84 more
  5. Why you shouldn't play tf2: DO NOT LET YOUR KIDS PLAY TEAM FORTRESS 2!!! - The Landover Baptist Church Forum I lol'd, "his name is gabe newell or something like that and he been making game that promotes the DEVIL for years dear god please send gabe newell to the pits of hell so he may never harm another individual with his evil games may we hope his business burns in flames from your anger and hated for all things satan!!! amen" You gotta read the whole thing, thats why im the only non religious person in my house...damn psychos
  6. Well, in the end, its up to the higher ups and silence. 2/3 dms already agree on the shut down, the 3rd didn't answer yet.
  7. Silence doesnt pay a certain amount for each server. If you got rid of the other 3, it wouldnt cut down cost. Just because there are a few dedicated players, doesnt mean it should be kept up. As css is now, its a waste of money and space. I love css, I stuck with it since 2010, if it could be successfully worked on, im not against it. But it's because ive stuck with it since then that I've seen the decline more than anyone else, the chance of css recovering from it's current state isnt high. It isn't that nobody can, but there's a lack of initiative because if they work on it and it doesnt increase population, it'd be a waste of time and resources. Css will just turn into our gmod servers, it dies, then someone works on it, populated for 2 - 3 weeks, dies again since people get bored of that new stuff. We'd have to constantly add new stuff, then eventually run out of new stuff to add. And instead of wasting the time trying to revive something already dead, we can put that towards csgo, which has a much higher chance to succeed.
  8. You guys are using up your day guess before he put a letter. 3smart5me. Also, he's from philly, it'll be something ghetto.
  9. Well, if we were to do option 2, youd have to make sure everyone is willing to work on it, if you start working on it then juat quit midway it'll be a waste. I also think we should try and get some donations in from the css div first, make something for when hub is up they get some type of vip thing, like free stuff etc. But as much as it hurts me to say it, being someone who stuck around xG the longest (since summer of 2010, 405th xG member), option 1 is much smarter, more oppurtunity for the csgo div. CSS will die eventually since people will transfer to csgo being the newer ( and imo, better) game, we cant stop that. If it were worked on seriously enough, it could last longer, but it's only delaying what is sure to happen soon. If css jb were revamped, we would SERIOUSLY need some unique traits, whether it be plugins, games, etc., If we are the same as any other JB, the work will be for nothing. I would like to see css thrive as it was then, but even I understand it's just a dream, one that will likely not be fulfilled. Oh, and wow, nobody tagged me, I see how it is. Screw you guys, im goin home http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z99iVXJ8OtA
  10. xGShadowSpy

    The Old Xg

    Ive played since 2010, if you were a well known person back then I should know you, im a bit bad with names though.
  11. -1 not cool guy, doesnt have mic, does not own steam.
  12. I dont see the point of buying mod just to apply later, but im not vouching since im still inactive(pc still broken)
  13. +1 cool guy, has a mic, owns steam, bought tf2.
  14. Sad to see you go, but I kinda expected this, you stopped playing css anyway. R.I.P another old xG member, soon there wont be any left at this rate(not that I plan on leaving...not any time soon that is.) Also, HOW DARE YOU LIE TO ME, BRB CUTTING MYSELF. Have fun with your league and whatever you do in your channel. P.S ur still the fattest other than jubens and teezar
  15. I like alot of types of music, excluding the majority of pop and country. Ive been listening to clyde carson recently, this is one of my favorite songs by him http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xekw2mbkLzM I also like anime music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNrpyNHVZx8 Best part of that video starts at 48 and ends at 53.
  16. Im Larry. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwszQiNmS8o You can never find me.
  17. I know it seems like I pretty much died, but my PC decided to stop working so now I have to send it to a cousin who made it for me to fix it. I'll be back on soon hopefully. I know @jubens45 wants me back, have to go call him fat. @Hexx call jubens a tastykake for me. @DrLee @Cristo @Hidingmaster @everyoneelse Chrono smells
  18. Welcome to the inactive people club. Come to our side. We have cookies. Oh @jubens45 ate them all. Nevermind. @DrLee smells.
  19. Good job on alot of these! Fairy Tail is one of my fav anime. Angel Beats is my favortie, with naruto at second. Bleach would be third if it didnt have such a god awful ending. 3rd goes to Fairy Tail/Ao no Excorcist.
  20. xGShadowSpy

    Anime Music

    Naruto Shippuden : Hero's Comeback Distance Diver Lovers Totsugeki Rock Daisuke niwaka ame nimo makezu Tsuki no Okisa Shooting Star Mayonaka no Midnight Freedom Black Night Town
  21. My uncle(hes only a few years older than me) got me stuck on video games. First game was Conker on the N64, then I went and played pokemon and stuff on the ds and gamecube until I got into shooting games, which brought me into steam(uncle has steam too), then I got garrys mod where I was super admin for a year. Css came with gmod so I got into that and started xG in late 2010. My uncle also got me into anime.
  22. Jubens promoted from tastykake to obese tastykake @jubens45 @Hexx