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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Boku no pico Hunter x Hunter (2011) Theres an older version too, I just started the 2011 one though. Naruto and Naruto Shippuden Bleach Fairy Tail Angel Beats Full Metal Alchemist AnoHana-The flower we saw that day Seirei Tsukai no blade dance Akame ga Kill Rokujouma no Shinryakusha Steins Gate Sabagebu Tokyo Ravens Strike the Blood Attack on Titan Also, you said you finished SAO, if you finished the ALO season(2nd half), theres an ongoing one right now (GGO) Mahouka Koukou no Rettoussei If you like SAO alot, try Log Horizon.
  2. No problem, people like @Bleed are the ones ruining xG. JUSTICE MUST BE SERVED! @Bleed
  3. <10:11:13> Bleed : @Bleed Proof is right there, I copy pasted it
  4. Oh I swear, you're permed. Then after I perm you, you're permd again. Then, after I perm you then, well I'll be demoted for abuse so no perms.
  5. Honestly, you cant blame hiding because he's atleast trying, and nobody else was willing. But although he is trying, I agree that it is a pointless effort. The time we spend working on css is time we could use towards improving csgo. Think, if you had two people dying infront of you: One is an old man, he lived his life, he had his fair share of fun. The other is a young boy. He is still young, he hasnt gotten to experience all his life yet. Which do you save? You can only save one, no way around it. Now, I would imagine most would pick the boy. CSS Is the old guy, CS GO being the young boy. Let csgo have its chance to thrive, it has more potential than CSS, rather than trying to drag an old division back up, that has little to no chance of recovering, atleast not significantly enough to be called populated. I love css, spent 4 years of my life playing our css servers, maybe its because of the fact ive seen its downfall that I know it cant recover. The majority who voted for css to stay are newer members, who didnt experience the servers when they were good. 10 people on a server is normal to them. They believe "Hmph, easy enough. Just add this and that and BOOM, people!" Im sure other servers have gone through this same situation, and tried the same exact things. You can give a crappy car a good paint job, but it doesnt make it run any better. Well anyway, thats my rant.
  6. Dont worry, I dont plan on it any time soon. Even if css dies, ill go to csgo. If csgo dies, gmod(if its even running at that time). If gmod dies, well fuck tf2 im out!
  7. ecf6815220b611e3902922000a1fc70b 101 - vidme Pfft...Black People
  8. +1, owns steam, has mic, cool guy. @Forest would agree
  9. +1, is the owner, name says so.
  10. https://imgflip.com/gif/baj4r All hail the shoutbox god.
  11. I might have if I didnt preorder new naruto game. Did it for the poster and extra costumes. Day after I preordered it from gamestop I realized steam had a 10% off on the preorder for it T-T.
  12. So, my gaming pc is still broken, when I turn on the PC fans and shit come on but no beep or display on monitor. I assume that its something with my graphics card. Thing is, cant get a new one until september(bday money). I do have a replacement PC, but it cant run any of my games, cuz 2 shitty, so I cant swap the graphics cards. So basically, I can still access teamspeak and forums, but not my games. @DrLee @Cristo @Hidingmaster @EveryoneElse
  13. Adios. Figured you had already left.
  14. @kbraszzz @DrLee @Bleed @ThePenguin 3yung5mi
  15. Don't worry, xG has enough butt-stallions to go around. Am I right, @Bleed @DrLee @ThePenguin .
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvkHIZg_954 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzPkpgWktQo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1IDseP4vVM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CqSstpvDX8 Alot of music from oNlineRXD - YouTube
  17. This is the promo demo for when xG shuts down
  18. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PjRKHzGTBiQ
  19. Going to Phillies game today, prepare yourself @Volt !
  20. We could use @jubens45 as a sacrifice to the gods of jailbeeak, he has enough fat to be worth 100 sacrifices.