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  1. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to realBelloWaldi in Toxicity Reform   
    To be honest, in my opinion Vector should be on the tier 3 list and SupremeWolf on the tier 1 list.
    Vector is really active on the tf2 servers, and in my opinion his behavoir has gotten better. He seems to care about the servers, while supremewolf is just constantly trolling and bullying.
  2. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Dethman in Toxicity Reform   
    In my opinion, rather than instantly remove membership, make a member protest on all of them so the community decides.
    @Community Leaders
    I'm not sure about in the servers or teamspeak, but I haven't seen anything bad from vector on the forums in a while
  3. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Flareon in Toxicity Reform   
    Some of these tier listings are total bullshit since most are biased, due to personal feelings and grudges towards them.
  4. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from XHina_sanX in Toxicity Reform   
    In my opinion, rather than instantly remove membership, make a member protest on all of them so the community decides.
    @Community Leaders
    I'm not sure about in the servers or teamspeak, but I haven't seen anything bad from vector on the forums in a while
  5. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Vector in Toxicity Reform   
    uh? so you mean not talking to the indivdual about what's going on, about what happened recently, about any thing of the sort? i haven't even done anything recently, so i'm being punished for no reason? are we being serious? also how is calling people toxic going to look? are you not looking to instigate anything? kind of pathetic really
  6. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Rabid in Psa: Rules   
    Rules in xG good joke. #unbannetexhedidnothingwrong
  7. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Matsi in [serious] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    shouldn't be a year... should be like a month =/
  8. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Vector in [serious] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    "they shouldn't be unbanned because they were mean to me" Jesus christ grow up.
  9. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to SupremeWolf in Psa: Rules   
    Can we have another post about the rules please? I didn't understand the last fifty posts.
  10. Not Funny
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Psa: Rules   
    Teacher: "You see kids, this is what a school shooting looks like"
    *pew pew*
    Teacher: "Wait, where'd they go?"
  11. Sad
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Kypari in Psa: Rules   
    Teacher: "You see kids, this is what a school shooting looks like"
    *pew pew*
    Teacher: "Wait, where'd they go?"
  12. Winner
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in [serious] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    Some people keep saying "Why not go to another server", why? So he ends up representing xG as a hacker or causing some fight with another clan?
    -1 to this since he didn't use it in a harmful way, and it was meant as educational. Not everybody knows what a certain hack looks like.
  13. Sad
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Haruka in Psa: Rules   
    Teacher: "You see kids, this is what a school shooting looks like"
    *pew pew*
    Teacher: "Wait, where'd they go?"
  14. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Hidingmaster in [serious] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    Alright, its clearly just an issue of hindsight here. I can easily see how it was deemed an okay idea when it happened, there were staff members on, a non vital account used, and I would assume there wasn't anyone non xG on at the time. There was no harm no foul, just a bunch of people trying to raise a stink about something that was meant to help.
    In hindsight, yes, you should let someone higher (CL or L) know about actively hacking on the servers whether it be for fun (don't do it for fun...) or educational purposes. If ya'll have reservations about contacting us, please let us know why; we want to help. We are here to help things go smoothly and give advice. Most of us are on multiple times per day (forums) or for a good majority of the time on Teamspeak. If you even have the slightest question about doing something/what someone did/etc, ask.
    Should bach be banned? ABSOLUTELY NOT. There's no reason to. The rules are there to prevent people from being victims, in this case it would be someone having an unfair advantage and ruining a round/game. Please use some common sense regarding rules. They aren't absolute and definite (albeit most of the time, yes they are).
    Good lord people.
  15. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Haruka in P0s3s3dh0b0 - Team Fortress 2   
    @Bach and Iggy ( cant tag em' while their banned )
  16. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Dethman in P0s3s3dh0b0 - Team Fortress 2   
    OK, h0b0, you are really immature. That is not a surprise as of late. You know our rules, you used to be a moderator. You enforced emergency rules and all when our servers broke. Ever since you left, you have become a troll on the servers. You went from someone i really liked to someone i wanted to see permed. You fucked up so much in the past 48 hours that it is unbelievable.
    You only came on to get a reaction from us. You admitted to trolling by saying you came on to fuck with us. You wanted to piss us off and make us abuse. You think it is funny to troll? It is honestly pathetic of you. You said “We are not doing our jobs.” and “Everyone on the server sucks right now, you are all immature and i am the only one actually playing.” You also disrespected hachi in chat and i gagged you. You did not learn your lesson apparently.
    You decided it would be funny to exploit also. You made a mod seriously fuck up a decision. You asked her a question that you even know the god damn answer to, you asked “Can i ammo glitch?” She for some reason said yes. You knew you could not but you decided to do it thinking you would get away with it. I banned you for 1 day and instantly you spammed me with how the ban was bull and unjust. I told you there was a server wide warning to all players that the next person to do it will be banned. And also, for some reason, you mentioned the american legal system. Like i give a shit that you had a god damn trial. I did my fucking job.
    You also claim to not have been in a chat or call with whyte at all? Whytes thing was so loud we heard it, you told him not to help us. You also said some bullshit i could not understand. But the fact you lied about not talking to him after is why no one should trust you. You are a lying pitiful snake that deserved more than a day ban. Then saying you were going to DDoS us on another account threw up the red fucking flag. Again, another claim that you said was a lie.
    So h0b0, do you really want to keep your claims or now do you want to tell the truth. You need to explain the chat logs that whyte showed. No more bullshit and no more claims of unjust. Multiple witnesses are in our side while you only have yourself. Whyte has brought the most evidence against you. Also -1 not just because you are pathetic but also because you lie.
    Also, where is that abuse report that was “Going to bring us down!” :coffee:
  17. Bad Spelling
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Forest in Forest - Counter-strike   
    Closed or not, for the record:
    @Rhododendron @Nomulous [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]
    :Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man:
  18. Funny
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Forest in Dream Loadout ?   
    @Forest heheh, buttimiv.
    My dream pistol: Tec-9. No skin
  19. Winner
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Forest in Hachi   
    That is assuming ass isn't being used to describe someone in a derogative manner. I mean, its closely associated with curse words, isn't it? Although I do agree, especially because there is a large assortment of curse words that are way more harmful than ass. I feel like if we group together to form an association or assembly of sorts, we can present our case in an assertive manner to rid the more.. Offensive "curse" words. That way we can make a more assessable case, n'ah mean? Besides, it gets annoying when we use words that start with ass, because then it becomes a huge cluster fudge of mismatched words. Just assign the censors to more offensive words, that's all we want. Hell, if you want I can provide any assistance in identifying which are the worst, of which there are quite a few I assure you.
    Irrelevant post I know, but, it needs to be addressed as its becoming more of an inconvenience than an asset.
    Ass. :coffee:
  20. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Forest in Hachi   
    .. heh (#69 sweg)
  21. Winner
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Vector in Hachi   
    Guys, lets be super real for a moment.
    it's only minecraft, who cares?
  22. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Dethman in Hachi   
    OK, so, looking at the logs from 3 in the morning that day, someone named [Metrics] logged on during a span 1 hour around 6 times. each time he timed out. This could be possibly the perpetrator. Now, the only reason i targeted Hachi was due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to believe that someone would get on a server that is barely known and destroy worlds due to the fact he still would not have OP powers. I made a false accusation and am manning up to it. I fucked up so bad that it is inexcusable. I feel as if i have done more harm then good here. I made hachi seem evil out of rage. I should have really looked at what was going on with logs instead of doing 90% assumption with 10% of evidence. I would like to apologize to her, I targeted an innocent person. She was not logged in after i got off. I do sincerely apologize to hachi and wasting everyone's time.
    Also, if @Rhododendron could reload the server back to a save before 5 PM on April 15th that would help the server and resolve all the issues. I don't have access to that anymore.
  23. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to DrLee in Time To Move On   
  24. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Tsuchikure in Hachi   
    @DarkWolf6052 Oof
  25. Smelly
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Waimalu in Hachi   
    Hachi killed my parents...