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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by easy

  1. +1, foxxy & slipery were being unreasonable, & perm was unnecessary
  2. easy

    Umm, bans?

    I say unban all of them, or atleast shorten it. Perm was unnecessary.
  3. Herpes got 1 & 4 2: It's not in the motd, technically, but crouch walking, is a form of delaying, & no detours no delays is implied, so the order would be invalid. 3: Any CT or T cannot gunspam.(Picking up and dropping guns very quickly in armory or any place with a mass of weapons.) -MOTD 5: Whoever said that was wrong. You are allowed to kill them if they're going to die anyways. Taser: The taser is used to disarm a T without killing them, as a warning shot to tell the T they are breaking the rules or not following orders -MOTD ^For the taser, the T's AREN'T breaking rules & are following orders because they were told it's a warday, & a warday meens you must try & kill the T's. By tazing them, you aren't giving them chances to kill you. The T's are NOT breaking the rules
  4. easy

    Umm, bans?

    Why are people being banned permanently for "Spamming Nonstop" "Spawn Camping/Spamming" & "banned for mic spamming, may be changed upon revelance of Proof" If they were just mic spamming/spawn camping, they should of been muted & not unmuted, & for spawn camping, banned for like 30min - 1day @@Foxxy @SliperyF
  5. He's very active on minigames, mature, knows rules & isn't annoying. I think he would be a great addition to xG. +1. Good luck :)
  6. I've had to slay you like 3 times, & CT Ban you for a day for freekilling/breaking rules, e.t.c. I don't think you're quite ready to join xG, imo. If you don't make it in, try again in a few weeks, & show me you've matured. For Now; -1.
  7. easy


    Ero! I love you baby, <3
  8. Sucks that you have to leave after you get mod :( See you soon, hopefully.
  9. easy


    inb4 .# makes a goodbye for people "harrassing" him about his mic static..
  10. Poncher, you smell! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA You're fat. -1
  11. 1: He's lying, his mommy only packs him apple juice.. 2: He has a boyfriend, not girlfriend. 3: Counterfeit 4: Not after Aegean made it smell..
  12. easy

    I'll start!

    You're just not good enough for me, am I going to have to pleasure you & myself?
  13. easy

    I'll start!

    No. Just no. The fact that this thread was created by a minor of 6 years under, is just wrong.. /ontopic I'm good at hitting homeruns, so good, I might get a grandslam..
  14. You guys are just picking on him because he's jewish. Well, you know what? SO AM I, SO FUCK OFF MY JEW BRO, HE & I SIT BY THE FIRE & EAT MUTZA BALL SOUP, & HALLAH.
  15. 1: Aegean's too soft to drink 2: Aegean's gay. 3: Aegean's cheap, he'll get his mom to pay 4: Don't Aegean fucked canada up.
  16. 4. You must have 100 posts on the forums (Please don't go spamming)
  17. easy

    Jeffray is gay

    Jeffray admitted to wanting to kiss a black man on ts.. we have witnesses and pictures!
  18. easy

    Unban me

    +1 unban him, everyone deserves a second chan- what? 14? Holy fuck. Imagine you were to get unbanned? That would be in a magical world where marshmallows were clouds & gumdrops were rain.
  19. LOLOL, I said I'd make it my siggy<3
  20. Umm, are you trying to get yourself banned? You know people don't really like you...
  21. easy

    Unban Luis.

    Luis, you remember me. I came in yesterday, & specifically said "No spawn killing/camping" to YOU. You then proceed to spawn camp, fire into the other teams spawn & kill people. I slayed you, then you do it again, I kick you. I tell you if you do it again, I will ban you. I leave, & get a call back in because you're breaking rules... AGAIN! So I come in & see you spawn kill, I said luis, do it again, I will ban you for a day. You did do it again, but you're lucky I didn't ban you. If poncher thought you spawn killed, you probably did, so don't give us BS because I already saw you breaking rules yesterday.
  22. OTHERWORLDLY, HOW COULD I FORGET YOU D: 1: @@Otherworldly 2: @@Otherworldly 3: @@Otherworldly 4: @@Otherworldly 5: @@Otherworldly <3
  23. I SEE THAT WHITE CHAT YOU FAGGOT. You were put up for adoption because your real mother couldn't pay for the abortion