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Everything posted by easy

  1. easy

    ugliest people in xG

    [ATTACH]1698.vB[/ATTACH] ^<3 10charlimit
  2. Much better than your first. lollolololololololol <33
  3. Korean: He's been my wubby since day 1 (@DaKorean) Hudson: First xG member on facebook, & he looks so darn cute in his band uniform (@@Hudson) Aegean: So I can show him being tough on xG doesn't make him tough irl, & so I can say "12 nigga, 12" <3 (@Aegean!) Pyro: He's so sick, I love him, I spend like hours talking to him on ts (@Pyro) <3 Duke: I've known him the day he started playing on xG, I got him to join xG & I helped him get mod, nbd. (@@Duke) & @Vicious, @Poncher, @Papi, @@Trif, @@Mayeski (Bendover), @Penguin, @DuckiiJr, @Herpes, Xavien, @@Snackbar, @@Floodles (Played with him for the first time today. He's an excellent weather reporter), & A bunch of others. Actually, I love everyone in xG! Except you.. *points at you* Yeah, that's right.. I hate you!
  4. KOREAN FOR MOD! & ew, serbian does promo/demo now. fml. He's gonna shat all over it. JOKES, I LOVE MY CANADIAN BRETHEREN & GO VICIOUS & FLOODLES & TRENTE <3
  5. We were having a lovely time on surf today, now this ? ;o
  6. easy

    Jeez, aegean is mean..

    btw, I proceeded to say "12 nigga, 12" followed by "DON'T HURT ME". He said "lawl". <----- Fucking water.. <3
  7. EZKill 7:29 PM Hey butterballs Aegean! 7:29 PM wuttup cheese nips ^Cheese nips? really? You're a bitch. I give you a nice nickname like "butterballs" you could return the favour by, I don't know.. calling me... sugarbuns? :$
  8. Welcome to xG, wanna shake my hand? <3 I'm an admin, btw.
  9. ^This Either way, I'm getting sick & tired of people (Not singling you out cari, just everyone who's posted this) that "huur duur, we gave *insert name here of person who got banned multiple times* a chance, why not quarantine?" Well, here's why; We gave those people chances, did ANY work out? NO! Benrapelisberger: He had mod, abused it, got banned, unbanned, joined xG, got mod AGAIN, abused & banned again. Netex: Banned like 14-20 times? Each time he got perm'd he found a way to get himself unbanned, whether being a suck up, posting a pic of himself, or crying to someone, he fucked up each time he got unbanned. huur dur, give him another chance, maybe he'll finally change, NO. Daz: 14ish times, disrespect/trolling for each one of them, he got unbanned numerous times, why I don't know. He's was a big troll, & a big dis-respecter. He trolled everytime a mod+ did something he didn't like, & it worked out great that he got unbanned.. (liar) Physcobunny: Racism, about 7-8 times, he was the most racist guy I've seen, he got banned & unbanned so many times, we don't need people like him. Finally, Russki: He was a big jerk. He got banned 8 times? Disrespect, ddos threats, you name it. He was a big troll, not as big as some people ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.. but he was a big one. We banned them, & none will get unbanned unless they hold a pic of themselves, which some can't because they're FORUM BANNED. Either way, we give 1-2 chances, that's it. You might get into xG, & you might not. If you do, congrats, if not, sorry. I'm at a 0. Good Luck.
  10. Alright, so I messed up (my bad) & I found the wrong person. I change my vouche to -1, because I found out, "god" is a thing you can get on a certain map. & the farming thing, warrants a slay.. also, serbian, the ditto one..
  11. Penguin, look at the chat logs that I posted..
  12. easy

    un ban me

    Killer, what happened to you? I remember when you first joined, you were a pretty cool guy, then you were in-active for a bit, come back & are a total douche, what happened? Did you like go full-on douche? I remember a couple weeks ago, or so, we were on vipinthemix, & something happened, I said "killer did you freekill?" & you proceed to respond with "No, get the fuck off my nuts admin", you're lucky I didn't do anything. Either way, you need to chill the fuck out. You don't need to call the new members fucking noobs & tell them to gtfo, how bout, we keep all the good new members (Hybrid, cookie, e.t.c) & get rid of the disrespectful new & old members (you). Who's with me?
  13. Hudson, welcome back. *Goes & writes a goodbye post because of hudson*
  14. easy


    I've talked to sakurai, & he apologized to me for before, so just ignore what I said before. I forgave him. But this, alone, doesn't really seem ban worthy, because we don't know if he was actually camping or not..
  15. Of course he's back. Oh, & look, a new reason: "I was drunk" Either way, that post you made was very rude & I did not like it 1 bit. You're basically saying that the new members are useless or whatever, & that was just ignorant. Members make xG what it is, & without them, this community wouldn't be what it is now. I don't think you deserve to be in the clan after that, even if you were "Drunk"
  16. +1 give him another chance, he's been mature & cool about this ever since he got banned/kicked out. I haven't seen him troll 1 bit. He's a nice guy & can do good for the community. C'mon, we gotta forgive & forget. He's active when he can be & knows the rules.
  17. easy


    Directly from it aswell: If you don't want to write it that way, you can make it something like this: ", serbian does not know the MOTD very well. Even though he is very active on the jailbreak server, he has been CT banned for freekilling too much. He also mic spams, talks over warden almost every round, and is not respectable with people he plays with."
  18. From the chat logs, I can see: 1: He's VERY disrespectful 2: He thinks xG sucks 3: He has a fetish for nutella Xeno Gamers - Search Read through all the pages..
  19. easy


    He NEEDS to be perm'd. He's technically member impersonating since he isn't in xG anymore & he's loop-holing it. If you need proof, I got screenies on my steam community page..
  20. easy

    I protest

    Vicious, I've slain you a handful of times before, & you troll by changing your voice to sound like you're 10. I think you should stay ct-banned for a day, & re-read the rules, because obviously you DON'T know them. -1
  21. Just for those who don't realize: A massive freekill here, is considered; Killing 2 or more T's & then leaving immediately or almost immediately afterwards. -1.