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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by easy

  1. easy


    Vicious, you don't NEED to use the format, it just can't be "+1 cool guy" e.t.c. For instance, what I wrote before on this thread is perfectly fine. & btw, I stand by this +1 still..
  2. I'd do this, but I have the free version of TF2 & am not willing to pay to get the full one..
  3. We did used to have a menu to enable/disable auto bhop & add low grav..
  4. You also wear the tag, & you aren't even in xG.. Xeno Gamers - Search
  5. easy


    Why did most peoples avatar on the forums get switched back to the default? I had to switch mine a couple minutes ago..
  6. Bullshit. You were already ct banned before for freekilling, & don't say it was your "brother".
  7. He waited another month, give him a chance.. +1 Note; That wasn't your first unban request, your first one was for freekilling...
  8. easy


    +1 ban them both. They're both faggots, especially to me, when I don't do shit.
  9. Wait for valve to message you back.. or get someone to gift you the game..
  10. You have to have an email linked to the account..
  11. easy


    +1 I've seen him on a lot in the past week or two, & he hasn't done anything to break the rules or cause me to dislike him in any way.
  12. +1 great guy, knows rules & all that shit <3
  13. Otherworldly was talking to russki, serbian..
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N_tupPBtWQ ^ Best song <3 +1 ^
  15. Click "View full size"
  16. Couple things 1: You can't read those pictures, or atleast I can't. 2: You were not saying it "as a joke". 3: I have the screenies too. Steam Community :: Error Read the first 3. I asked serbian what to do, he said ban 1 week. You were disrespecting hard. Give it up, wait a week.
  17. easy

    xG:M Mike Hawk

    Well, personally, I never wanted this guy a moderator (No offence) It's just I've had too many problems with him in the past, I didn't think he'd be a good mod. I haven't seen him in-game with powers yet, so I don't know how he is at mod, but he should NOT be saying "nigga", & using the reason "I'm a mod I can do whatever e.t.c." -1 Demotion +1 for Being watched more carefully.
  18. Good Riddance. The more trash we get rid of, the better.
  19. easy

    I have no secrets.
  20. Only one way to say this.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edpPfJ7A798
  21. easy


    I can't explain how much I love you, so let me put it in song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEsGf0PMXNc&feature=related
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEsGf0PMXNc&feature=related <3