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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Oden in Question For Jb Lr   
    CTs slaying themselves is a dick move but that's about it.
    as far as friendly fire day is concerned, there are 2 options.

    Warden says CTs may not participate (prior/start of FF day [before a CT gets killed by another]) and they may not participate at all
    Warden does not say anything/says CTs may participate

    What is not allowed is a warden saying: "CTs may not kill warden." or some other variation of it. Either all CTs are fair game including warden, or none of the CTs can participate.
  2. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Stevenn #orangejuiceinmyglock - Counter-strike   
    tbh i would kill atleast 2 of them if I was fed up with people rebelling all the time.
  3. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Lukek24   
    neutral rn, haven't really seen you as much as other applicants.
  4. Winner
    Chrono reacted to Lithium in I Need Halp   
    You can't use the teamselect menu to join CT, you must use the !guard command.
  5. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Turdwig - Counter-strike   
    5:49 PM - turdwig: yo. you can close my staff submission. i noticed i am actually pretty busy with school and my hours on csgo aren't going to get any higher
    5:49 PM - turdwig: i'll reapply back in the summer if i get back into it
  6. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from nutellasoswag in Question For Jb Lr   
    CTs slaying themselves is a dick move but that's about it.
    as far as friendly fire day is concerned, there are 2 options.

    Warden says CTs may not participate (prior/start of FF day [before a CT gets killed by another]) and they may not participate at all
    Warden does not say anything/says CTs may participate

    What is not allowed is a warden saying: "CTs may not kill warden." or some other variation of it. Either all CTs are fair game including warden, or none of the CTs can participate.
  7. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from nutellasoswag in Nutellasoswag   
    bumped up kicks
  8. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from nutellasoswag in Suggestions Thread   
    I sure wish that my skins & guns would properly load no matter what team I was on, like when I pick up that fancy m4a1-s as a rebel and i get a shitty no skin m4a4 instead of my ST M4A1-S Basilisk to be slaughtering all the shit CTs. and we should add the r8 m8 to the gr8 b8 of h8 on the maps, gr8.
  9. Friendly
    Chrono got a reaction from SyrJirk in Cracking Down   
    There is going to be a major crack down on all the admin abuse I have been hearing about and seeing, so take this as the one and only warning.

    using fun commands such as burn, timebomb, freeze, etc. (even on eachother for "fun")
    banning eachother (or in the more blunt and obvious callout way, and admin banning mods for "no balls")
    breaking server rules because you feel staff are above the law
    teamswapping yourself (which you all had already been warned about with the previous post on it)

    All of these are things you all know are to be abuse, they are the wrong way to use the powers you were trusted with, and it makes staff look like a bunch of baboons. It's not like we're some small new up and coming server that people go on to screw around and not care, we are a semi-well known community that people expect our staff to uphold certain standards, and if you can't handle upholding them, then expect to have some discussions with us DM/DLs and potential removal from staff.
    @Lithium @Snackbar @Bleed @Duke @Phoenix @Bonk @IAmLegend @Owl @Oden @SoloMofo @roflmao61 @Crowley @SyrJirk @orangejuice
  10. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from roflmao61 in Cracking Down   
    There is going to be a major crack down on all the admin abuse I have been hearing about and seeing, so take this as the one and only warning.

    using fun commands such as burn, timebomb, freeze, etc. (even on eachother for "fun")
    banning eachother (or in the more blunt and obvious callout way, and admin banning mods for "no balls")
    breaking server rules because you feel staff are above the law
    teamswapping yourself (which you all had already been warned about with the previous post on it)

    All of these are things you all know are to be abuse, they are the wrong way to use the powers you were trusted with, and it makes staff look like a bunch of baboons. It's not like we're some small new up and coming server that people go on to screw around and not care, we are a semi-well known community that people expect our staff to uphold certain standards, and if you can't handle upholding them, then expect to have some discussions with us DM/DLs and potential removal from staff.
    @Lithium @Snackbar @Bleed @Duke @Phoenix @Bonk @IAmLegend @Owl @Oden @SoloMofo @roflmao61 @Crowley @SyrJirk @orangejuice
  11. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Oden in [xg:m] The 7even (bonk) - Counter-strike   
    also even though it is empty, giving a T a gun is still gunplanting because if they have autoswitch etc. they will be considered rebels because what you did and can get them freekilled.
  12. RIP
    Chrono got a reaction from IAmLegend in Cracking Down   
    There is going to be a major crack down on all the admin abuse I have been hearing about and seeing, so take this as the one and only warning.

    using fun commands such as burn, timebomb, freeze, etc. (even on eachother for "fun")
    banning eachother (or in the more blunt and obvious callout way, and admin banning mods for "no balls")
    breaking server rules because you feel staff are above the law
    teamswapping yourself (which you all had already been warned about with the previous post on it)

    All of these are things you all know are to be abuse, they are the wrong way to use the powers you were trusted with, and it makes staff look like a bunch of baboons. It's not like we're some small new up and coming server that people go on to screw around and not care, we are a semi-well known community that people expect our staff to uphold certain standards, and if you can't handle upholding them, then expect to have some discussions with us DM/DLs and potential removal from staff.
    @Lithium @Snackbar @Bleed @Duke @Phoenix @Bonk @IAmLegend @Owl @Oden @SoloMofo @roflmao61 @Crowley @SyrJirk @orangejuice
  13. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Duke in Cracking Down   
    There is going to be a major crack down on all the admin abuse I have been hearing about and seeing, so take this as the one and only warning.

    using fun commands such as burn, timebomb, freeze, etc. (even on eachother for "fun")
    banning eachother (or in the more blunt and obvious callout way, and admin banning mods for "no balls")
    breaking server rules because you feel staff are above the law
    teamswapping yourself (which you all had already been warned about with the previous post on it)

    All of these are things you all know are to be abuse, they are the wrong way to use the powers you were trusted with, and it makes staff look like a bunch of baboons. It's not like we're some small new up and coming server that people go on to screw around and not care, we are a semi-well known community that people expect our staff to uphold certain standards, and if you can't handle upholding them, then expect to have some discussions with us DM/DLs and potential removal from staff.
    @Lithium @Snackbar @Bleed @Duke @Phoenix @Bonk @IAmLegend @Owl @Oden @SoloMofo @roflmao61 @Crowley @SyrJirk @orangejuice
  14. RIP
    Chrono got a reaction from Owl in Cracking Down   
    There is going to be a major crack down on all the admin abuse I have been hearing about and seeing, so take this as the one and only warning.

    using fun commands such as burn, timebomb, freeze, etc. (even on eachother for "fun")
    banning eachother (or in the more blunt and obvious callout way, and admin banning mods for "no balls")
    breaking server rules because you feel staff are above the law
    teamswapping yourself (which you all had already been warned about with the previous post on it)

    All of these are things you all know are to be abuse, they are the wrong way to use the powers you were trusted with, and it makes staff look like a bunch of baboons. It's not like we're some small new up and coming server that people go on to screw around and not care, we are a semi-well known community that people expect our staff to uphold certain standards, and if you can't handle upholding them, then expect to have some discussions with us DM/DLs and potential removal from staff.
    @Lithium @Snackbar @Bleed @Duke @Phoenix @Bonk @IAmLegend @Owl @Oden @SoloMofo @roflmao61 @Crowley @SyrJirk @orangejuice
  15. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Cracking Down   
    There is going to be a major crack down on all the admin abuse I have been hearing about and seeing, so take this as the one and only warning.

    using fun commands such as burn, timebomb, freeze, etc. (even on eachother for "fun")
    banning eachother (or in the more blunt and obvious callout way, and admin banning mods for "no balls")
    breaking server rules because you feel staff are above the law
    teamswapping yourself (which you all had already been warned about with the previous post on it)

    All of these are things you all know are to be abuse, they are the wrong way to use the powers you were trusted with, and it makes staff look like a bunch of baboons. It's not like we're some small new up and coming server that people go on to screw around and not care, we are a semi-well known community that people expect our staff to uphold certain standards, and if you can't handle upholding them, then expect to have some discussions with us DM/DLs and potential removal from staff.
    @Lithium @Snackbar @Bleed @Duke @Phoenix @Bonk @IAmLegend @Owl @Oden @SoloMofo @roflmao61 @Crowley @SyrJirk @orangejuice
  16. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from DrLee in Cracking Down   
    There is going to be a major crack down on all the admin abuse I have been hearing about and seeing, so take this as the one and only warning.

    using fun commands such as burn, timebomb, freeze, etc. (even on eachother for "fun")
    banning eachother (or in the more blunt and obvious callout way, and admin banning mods for "no balls")
    breaking server rules because you feel staff are above the law
    teamswapping yourself (which you all had already been warned about with the previous post on it)

    All of these are things you all know are to be abuse, they are the wrong way to use the powers you were trusted with, and it makes staff look like a bunch of baboons. It's not like we're some small new up and coming server that people go on to screw around and not care, we are a semi-well known community that people expect our staff to uphold certain standards, and if you can't handle upholding them, then expect to have some discussions with us DM/DLs and potential removal from staff.
    @Lithium @Snackbar @Bleed @Duke @Phoenix @Bonk @IAmLegend @Owl @Oden @SoloMofo @roflmao61 @Crowley @SyrJirk @orangejuice
  17. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Oden in Cracking Down   
    There is going to be a major crack down on all the admin abuse I have been hearing about and seeing, so take this as the one and only warning.

    using fun commands such as burn, timebomb, freeze, etc. (even on eachother for "fun")
    banning eachother (or in the more blunt and obvious callout way, and admin banning mods for "no balls")
    breaking server rules because you feel staff are above the law
    teamswapping yourself (which you all had already been warned about with the previous post on it)

    All of these are things you all know are to be abuse, they are the wrong way to use the powers you were trusted with, and it makes staff look like a bunch of baboons. It's not like we're some small new up and coming server that people go on to screw around and not care, we are a semi-well known community that people expect our staff to uphold certain standards, and if you can't handle upholding them, then expect to have some discussions with us DM/DLs and potential removal from staff.
    @Lithium @Snackbar @Bleed @Duke @Phoenix @Bonk @IAmLegend @Owl @Oden @SoloMofo @roflmao61 @Crowley @SyrJirk @orangejuice
  18. RIP
    Chrono got a reaction from Snackbar in Dr.jinx - Counter-strike   
    unbanned, but if you troll like that again, you stay banned. also, its a membership by invite only group and they probably joined at your request since you have to be friends with them. so just letting you know, i see stupid shit like that again it gets put back. and you were mic spamming like them as well infact you were one of the first ones i muted.
  19. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Dr.jinx - Counter-strike   
    unbanned, but if you troll like that again, you stay banned. also, its a membership by invite only group and they probably joined at your request since you have to be friends with them. so just letting you know, i see stupid shit like that again it gets put back. and you were mic spamming like them as well infact you were one of the first ones i muted.
  20. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Lithium in |xg| Shadowspy - Counter-strike   
    -1 literally just got a working computer, and you said internet is iffy at the moment... wait until you've been active on servers for a couple weeks then make another one. we didn't just restart the division today so we don't need to make people staff just because they previously were.
    (not saying you were bad, you were good, just need some decent consistent activity.)
    @Snackbar @Lithium @otherDL
  21. Useful
    Chrono got a reaction from IAmLegend in Who's left   
    im just a detroit gang hood nigga
  22. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Oden in Odin - Counter-strike   
    neutral stance RN. currently I see mostly good behavior but some negative behavior.
    I think you could improve just your general sense of things and understanding of how a moderating team works in that sometimes you have gotten frustrated with staff over not acting on your report when we did not witness with our own eyes what took place.
  23. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Sup   
    10/10 would ban again (i think i saw this same thing a couple weeks ago.)
  24. RIP
    Chrono reacted to Rabid in League Of Legends Tourney?   
    Never going to happen.
  25. Agree
    Chrono reacted to Legend in Cs:go Bhop Server   
    If it's not a 50 tickrate server sure, only if it is above 100+ tickrate server.