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  1. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from FacepalmMute in Official Als Bucket Challenge Thread   
    I'll do it but not in 24hrs. and i will also donate again when my next check arrives. i will do it in an eco friendly manner, by freezing water from my pool, and then putting it in a bucket of my pool water and pouring it over me while standing in the pool. most water will then be recycled back into the pool from whence it came.
  2. Funny
    Chrono got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Official Als Bucket Challenge Thread   
    why would i be joking? instead of doing a stupid fucking challenge, just donate. save water and lives at the same time.
  3. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from Bach in Official Als Bucket Challenge Thread   
    Instead of saying "fuck you for nominating me" because you dont want to do some challenge, why not just donate and say "yeah, i refused to participate in this challenge to freeze my head off, but rather i donated (100, 200, 300, 400, etc.) dollars before i ever even got challenged because instead of being an asshole and doing some retarded fucking challenge to avoid donating (or if you are still a nice guy, as an excuse to not donate as much)"
    I never got nominated by my friends, but I saw a few videos from people with ALS and did some research on it, and it showed how painful it is to have it, and I wouldn't wish it on even hitler himself. If you like being literally (i mean literally, not figuratively) worse than hitler, then you will not donate because you are a fucking self centered asshole with no emotion whatsoever, and also no basic logic. If you're hitler or less of an evil you will donate because hitler wouldn't even want the jews to have ALS.
  4. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Izanagi in Official Als Bucket Challenge Thread   
    Instead of saying "fuck you for nominating me" because you dont want to do some challenge, why not just donate and say "yeah, i refused to participate in this challenge to freeze my head off, but rather i donated (100, 200, 300, 400, etc.) dollars before i ever even got challenged because instead of being an asshole and doing some retarded fucking challenge to avoid donating (or if you are still a nice guy, as an excuse to not donate as much)"
    I never got nominated by my friends, but I saw a few videos from people with ALS and did some research on it, and it showed how painful it is to have it, and I wouldn't wish it on even hitler himself. If you like being literally (i mean literally, not figuratively) worse than hitler, then you will not donate because you are a fucking self centered asshole with no emotion whatsoever, and also no basic logic. If you're hitler or less of an evil you will donate because hitler wouldn't even want the jews to have ALS.
  5. Funny
    Chrono got a reaction from Sousei in Dumbest Quote Ever 2.0   
  6. F!$k Off
    Chrono got a reaction from Eden in Help...   
    learn a decent amount of each role first, make sure you have proper rune pages for them, then play ranked.
  7. Sad
    Chrono got a reaction from Legend in Cs:s Operation Revitalization   
    Posting a second post since this one is gonna be a lot of explanation on my rant/rage.
    "Im confused what the big deal is? I cant delegate something that requires all three DM's. And none of this is bleeds responsibility, he is just kind enough to be on top of things." - Hidingmaster 2k14
    Well to put it plainly, you're right. none of this is bleed's responsibility, and yes he is kind enough to be on top of the shit that he is doing. But tell me, of the list of things that are up there, which of them require pretty decent (when i say decent i mean a basic/intermediate knowledge of coding languages such as C# C++ and then learning how pawn works. not a shitty html mark-up, which i highly doubt anyone other than a few in xg could even do that.).... Oh wait, every single one of them except for re-writing the motd to be less hitler does. which really just means delete half the stupid shit in there and tell the staff that aren't inactive to stop being hitler, and as for the inactive staff just fucking demote them already
    If you really wanted to actually rewrite the motd to be less fucking stupid. delete the whole thing, get the basics in, and then add in some of the fun stuff that we do on our server. let the admins do their job and use common fucking sense and figure out what should be allowed and what not. instead of a specific list of every single thing possible that you want and every possible way to do something else is bannable.
    In fact, why not just use the read only copy of the CS:GO MotD that bleed gave you and edit it to work for CS:S. here's a hint, all you have to do is change the times and add maybe a game or 2 that we dont have (easter egg since you can drop nades.)
    Why i say that it is ridiculous that this is not completed by the due-date and outraged that you didn't do it ahead of time, or delegate it out to the other dms or hell even other division leaders for other divs like CS:GO (asking politely) since we play css too and came from css (or started css shortly after becoming staff) and know how it should work since jailbreak is essentially the same (minor differences)??
    using you, cristo, and drlee as an example as the DMs of CS:S this is similar to what we did in csgo to make it fast and easy.
    You get 1 person to "re-write" the motd, in a google doc, you then send it on to the next person (say it started with you hiding, and you send it to drlee) he then reads over your motd for css, he will then using a different color make any additions to it that he wants to add, and put a strike-through anything he wants to be removed. drlee then sends it on to cristo, who does the exact same fucking thing as drlee but in a different color, then you have all of your changes, you get together in TS for 5 minutes after all reading cristo's final version and talk out any disagreements with the motd.
    Was that so hard? it would have taken you literally 1-2 days to complete the entire cycle. I only say 1-2 days because you are literally never on. you hidingmaster. cristo and drlee are on everyday and they both talk quite often, seeing as we all play comp atleast 1 time a day. but you, you come on the forums maybe 1 time a day at obscure times if we are lucky, typically you will be mia for 2-3 days, and then come on at an obscure hour of the night and make a couple posts and disappear again for a few days to return at another obscure hour.
    So. To re-cap, the only thing you were capable of doing is the one single item on the list with a due date that is passed that has not been completed
    End of rant.
  8. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from Izanagi in Cs:s Operation Revitalization   
    Posting a second post since this one is gonna be a lot of explanation on my rant/rage.
    "Im confused what the big deal is? I cant delegate something that requires all three DM's. And none of this is bleeds responsibility, he is just kind enough to be on top of things." - Hidingmaster 2k14
    Well to put it plainly, you're right. none of this is bleed's responsibility, and yes he is kind enough to be on top of the shit that he is doing. But tell me, of the list of things that are up there, which of them require pretty decent (when i say decent i mean a basic/intermediate knowledge of coding languages such as C# C++ and then learning how pawn works. not a shitty html mark-up, which i highly doubt anyone other than a few in xg could even do that.).... Oh wait, every single one of them except for re-writing the motd to be less hitler does. which really just means delete half the stupid shit in there and tell the staff that aren't inactive to stop being hitler, and as for the inactive staff just fucking demote them already
    If you really wanted to actually rewrite the motd to be less fucking stupid. delete the whole thing, get the basics in, and then add in some of the fun stuff that we do on our server. let the admins do their job and use common fucking sense and figure out what should be allowed and what not. instead of a specific list of every single thing possible that you want and every possible way to do something else is bannable.
    In fact, why not just use the read only copy of the CS:GO MotD that bleed gave you and edit it to work for CS:S. here's a hint, all you have to do is change the times and add maybe a game or 2 that we dont have (easter egg since you can drop nades.)
    Why i say that it is ridiculous that this is not completed by the due-date and outraged that you didn't do it ahead of time, or delegate it out to the other dms or hell even other division leaders for other divs like CS:GO (asking politely) since we play css too and came from css (or started css shortly after becoming staff) and know how it should work since jailbreak is essentially the same (minor differences)??
    using you, cristo, and drlee as an example as the DMs of CS:S this is similar to what we did in csgo to make it fast and easy.
    You get 1 person to "re-write" the motd, in a google doc, you then send it on to the next person (say it started with you hiding, and you send it to drlee) he then reads over your motd for css, he will then using a different color make any additions to it that he wants to add, and put a strike-through anything he wants to be removed. drlee then sends it on to cristo, who does the exact same fucking thing as drlee but in a different color, then you have all of your changes, you get together in TS for 5 minutes after all reading cristo's final version and talk out any disagreements with the motd.
    Was that so hard? it would have taken you literally 1-2 days to complete the entire cycle. I only say 1-2 days because you are literally never on. you hidingmaster. cristo and drlee are on everyday and they both talk quite often, seeing as we all play comp atleast 1 time a day. but you, you come on the forums maybe 1 time a day at obscure times if we are lucky, typically you will be mia for 2-3 days, and then come on at an obscure hour of the night and make a couple posts and disappear again for a few days to return at another obscure hour.
    So. To re-cap, the only thing you were capable of doing is the one single item on the list with a due date that is passed that has not been completed
    End of rant.
  9. Optimistic
    Chrono got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Cs:s Operation Revitalization   
    Posting a second post since this one is gonna be a lot of explanation on my rant/rage.
    "Im confused what the big deal is? I cant delegate something that requires all three DM's. And none of this is bleeds responsibility, he is just kind enough to be on top of things." - Hidingmaster 2k14
    Well to put it plainly, you're right. none of this is bleed's responsibility, and yes he is kind enough to be on top of the shit that he is doing. But tell me, of the list of things that are up there, which of them require pretty decent (when i say decent i mean a basic/intermediate knowledge of coding languages such as C# C++ and then learning how pawn works. not a shitty html mark-up, which i highly doubt anyone other than a few in xg could even do that.).... Oh wait, every single one of them except for re-writing the motd to be less hitler does. which really just means delete half the stupid shit in there and tell the staff that aren't inactive to stop being hitler, and as for the inactive staff just fucking demote them already
    If you really wanted to actually rewrite the motd to be less fucking stupid. delete the whole thing, get the basics in, and then add in some of the fun stuff that we do on our server. let the admins do their job and use common fucking sense and figure out what should be allowed and what not. instead of a specific list of every single thing possible that you want and every possible way to do something else is bannable.
    In fact, why not just use the read only copy of the CS:GO MotD that bleed gave you and edit it to work for CS:S. here's a hint, all you have to do is change the times and add maybe a game or 2 that we dont have (easter egg since you can drop nades.)
    Why i say that it is ridiculous that this is not completed by the due-date and outraged that you didn't do it ahead of time, or delegate it out to the other dms or hell even other division leaders for other divs like CS:GO (asking politely) since we play css too and came from css (or started css shortly after becoming staff) and know how it should work since jailbreak is essentially the same (minor differences)??
    using you, cristo, and drlee as an example as the DMs of CS:S this is similar to what we did in csgo to make it fast and easy.
    You get 1 person to "re-write" the motd, in a google doc, you then send it on to the next person (say it started with you hiding, and you send it to drlee) he then reads over your motd for css, he will then using a different color make any additions to it that he wants to add, and put a strike-through anything he wants to be removed. drlee then sends it on to cristo, who does the exact same fucking thing as drlee but in a different color, then you have all of your changes, you get together in TS for 5 minutes after all reading cristo's final version and talk out any disagreements with the motd.
    Was that so hard? it would have taken you literally 1-2 days to complete the entire cycle. I only say 1-2 days because you are literally never on. you hidingmaster. cristo and drlee are on everyday and they both talk quite often, seeing as we all play comp atleast 1 time a day. but you, you come on the forums maybe 1 time a day at obscure times if we are lucky, typically you will be mia for 2-3 days, and then come on at an obscure hour of the night and make a couple posts and disappear again for a few days to return at another obscure hour.
    So. To re-cap, the only thing you were capable of doing is the one single item on the list with a due date that is passed that has not been completed
    End of rant.
  10. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from Tomahawk in Xg:a Rejects - Team Fortress 2   
  11. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Warriorsfury in Dumbest Quote Ever 2.0   
  12. Not Funny
    Chrono reacted to Moosty in Dumbest Quote Ever 2.0   
    "Stop camping our spawn, jessu christ" - a kid
  13. Not Funny
    Chrono reacted to xGShadowSpy in Dumbest Quote Ever 2.0   
    "Im not fat" - @jubens45
  14. Like
    Chrono reacted to ThePenguin in Dumbest Quote Ever 2.0   
    "Hello" -chrono
  15. Like
    Chrono reacted to realBelloWaldi in Dumbest Quote Ever 2.0   
    @Bleed - all xG members
  16. Like
    Chrono reacted to Nomulous in Dumbest Quote Ever 2.0   
    "I think I banned him" - Silence
  17. Like
    Chrono reacted to DrLee in Dumbest Quote Ever 2.0   
    "Hi." -@Bleed
  18. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Tsuchikure in It Was Almost 3 Years...   
    bye faggot
  19. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from DeathGod in Artwork Needed   
    forcing a shitty overlay on people when we already have the motd is a gay as fuck idea imo
  20. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from LeToucan in Cs:s Operation Revitalization   
    not to be cynical, but here is why this will not work.
    "If this works, then I will be active again." -Kirito
    "Give me admin and I will start playing CS:S again" -Drpepper
    "Retards like you are why this wont work, waiting for it to miraculously actually work before you participate in the revitalization of CS:S are the reason it will fail, and wanting powers before being active and showing you are still a good mod are not how you get them." -me2k11+3-1+2-1
  21. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from DrLee in Cs:s Operation Revitalization   
    not to be cynical, but here is why this will not work.
    "If this works, then I will be active again." -Kirito
    "Give me admin and I will start playing CS:S again" -Drpepper
    "Retards like you are why this wont work, waiting for it to miraculously actually work before you participate in the revitalization of CS:S are the reason it will fail, and wanting powers before being active and showing you are still a good mod are not how you get them." -me2k11+3-1+2-1
  22. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Drendan in Cs:s Operation Revitalization   
    not to be cynical, but here is why this will not work.
    "If this works, then I will be active again." -Kirito
    "Give me admin and I will start playing CS:S again" -Drpepper
    "Retards like you are why this wont work, waiting for it to miraculously actually work before you participate in the revitalization of CS:S are the reason it will fail, and wanting powers before being active and showing you are still a good mod are not how you get them." -me2k11+3-1+2-1
  23. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from diabeetus in Cs:s Operation Revitalization   
    not to be cynical, but here is why this will not work.
    "If this works, then I will be active again." -Kirito
    "Give me admin and I will start playing CS:S again" -Drpepper
    "Retards like you are why this wont work, waiting for it to miraculously actually work before you participate in the revitalization of CS:S are the reason it will fail, and wanting powers before being active and showing you are still a good mod are not how you get them." -me2k11+3-1+2-1
  24. Ding!
    Chrono got a reaction from SiliconDragon in Hello!   
    i think bans may have been unbanned when there was supposedly no data lost in the recent shortage of the forums @kbraszzz @Nomulous because i do remember banning this individual until 2020 for his prior way he was acting constantly.
  25. Ding!
    Chrono got a reaction from Kypari in Hello!   
    i think bans may have been unbanned when there was supposedly no data lost in the recent shortage of the forums @kbraszzz @Nomulous because i do remember banning this individual until 2020 for his prior way he was acting constantly.