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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Matsi in Matsi Xg:a - Counter-strike: Source   
    To sum it up, Matsi followed the guidelines and no matter what admin book you go by, when someone just got off a week ban for the same offense, there is more than enough reason to mute/gag right away.
    Also adamsaur has been server banned for one day due to the repeat admin disrespect. Next time won't warrant a day ban, but something along the lines of a permanent ban.
  2. Friendly
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DCook in Genesis/black Rock - Mmo   
    I don't know what to say aboot it. Don't be bad kids. Lesson learned? Good. Cookie will be Perma panned for abusing. K bai.
    Just kidding.
  3. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Matsi in Matsi Xg:a - Counter-strike: Source   
    I haven't the slightest idea why you continue to disrespect Matsi, continuing to do so won't lead to anything going your way.
    But what Matsi did is completely fine. Adam knew the rules and he decided he wanted to break them and disrespect matsi. What was he expecting from it? Matsi to laugh about it and give him a prize?
  4. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DCook in Matsi Xg:a - Counter-strike: Source   
    To sum it up, Matsi followed the guidelines and no matter what admin book you go by, when someone just got off a week ban for the same offense, there is more than enough reason to mute/gag right away.
    Also adamsaur has been server banned for one day due to the repeat admin disrespect. Next time won't warrant a day ban, but something along the lines of a permanent ban.
  5. F!$k Off
    Hidingmaster reacted to xGShadowSpy in Mega And His Fetishes   
    @@Tsuchikure @@Bleed @@Hidingmaster @@Chrono @@Kyoko
  6. F!$k Off
    Hidingmaster reacted to Kyoko in Mega And His Fetishes   
    @@Tsuchikure @@Bleed @@Hidingmaster @@Chrono @@Rin_Okumura @@Rhododendron @@xGTim @@DrLee
    all i have to say is "purple butt holes." That is all
  7. Optimistic
    Hidingmaster reacted to OnyxRaptor in Onyxraptor - Counter-strike: Source   
    Fine Screw it! I will just stop playing on your retarded over-ruled server! I hate Xenogamers!
  8. Disagree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from ForestFire in Attn: Map Specific Rule   
    Removed from map. Thanks @@Rhododendron
  9. Funny
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Rhododendron in Offensive Joke Thread   
    I think you meant: "You better C your S out of here." ba dum tss
  10. Disagree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Nomulous in Offensive Joke Thread   
    Oh i dont know about this. That hidingmaster kid is gonna close it for being offensive.
    Why were there only 5,000 mexican soldiers at the battle of Alamo?
    They only had 2 vans.

  11. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DCook in Stumpy   
    A decision has been made regarding the punishment.
    1) Day server ban for disrespect and trolling (it will expire a day from now)
    2) 1 week CT ban for the intentional freekills and disregard for server rules
    3) 2 day forum ban for the disrespect on the forums.
    The member protest will be closed.
    I don't expect this to ever be an issue again, but if it does I would expect harsher punishment up to permanent server ban and removal of membership through a member protest.
    If anyone wants an explanation of why this was decided you can message me through steam or on the forums.
  12. Boring
    Hidingmaster reacted to Chrono in Offensive Joke Thread   
    because this went so well last time. if i remember correctly it had to be closed within 24 hours because of complaints.
  13. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Stence in Offensive Joke Thread   
    Oh i dont know about this. That hidingmaster kid is gonna close it for being offensive.
    Why were there only 5,000 mexican soldiers at the battle of Alamo?
    They only had 2 vans.

  14. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DarkWolf6052 in A Css Plugin (confusion, Please Explain)   
    Regarding this, you know its been an issue for 2 months or so now. Its not just !stealth that is the issue. Maybe Mega, you, and I need to figure out how we are going to work out this communication thing because its been run by me and mega for quite a while now.
  15. Disagree
    Hidingmaster reacted to DarkWolf6052 in A Css Plugin (confusion, Please Explain)   
    Actually looking at that took me a moment to find it.
  16. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Matsi in Stumpy   
    A decision has been made regarding the punishment.
    1) Day server ban for disrespect and trolling (it will expire a day from now)
    2) 1 week CT ban for the intentional freekills and disregard for server rules
    3) 2 day forum ban for the disrespect on the forums.
    The member protest will be closed.
    I don't expect this to ever be an issue again, but if it does I would expect harsher punishment up to permanent server ban and removal of membership through a member protest.
    If anyone wants an explanation of why this was decided you can message me through steam or on the forums.
  17. Like
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Stumpy   
    A decision has been made regarding the punishment.
    1) Day server ban for disrespect and trolling (it will expire a day from now)
    2) 1 week CT ban for the intentional freekills and disregard for server rules
    3) 2 day forum ban for the disrespect on the forums.
    The member protest will be closed.
    I don't expect this to ever be an issue again, but if it does I would expect harsher punishment up to permanent server ban and removal of membership through a member protest.
    If anyone wants an explanation of why this was decided you can message me through steam or on the forums.
  18. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Matsi in Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?   
    There is a way to debate issues without insulting each other. Stop to disrespect/insults toward each other or this will be closed.
  19. Funny
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from SpermytheCat in Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?   
    You say he isn't a constant rule breaker, then why did he all of a sudden intentionally freekill and troll? If you are a long time player of the server, a member, and somebody who doesn't break rules then it is pretty obvious you shouldnt be doing what he did. Everyone knows he did it on purpose to troll and we take trolling seriously.
  20. Disagree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Stence in Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?   
    There is a way to debate issues without insulting each other. Stop to disrespect/insults toward each other or this will be closed.
  21. Disagree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Stence in Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?   
    Im thinking "However, EVERYONE and i mean EVERYONE fucking hates you" is crossing the line.
  22. Disagree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?   
    Im thinking "However, EVERYONE and i mean EVERYONE fucking hates you" is crossing the line.
  23. Disagree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Wait So This Is A Real Judgment?   
    The point was to say you arent a constant rule breaker, showing that it was in fact trolling towards matsi and completely uncalled for. If you know the rules then you are not a constant rule breaker (so im saying you know the rules and normally dont break them).
    Thus knowing rules means you shouldnt have done what you did. You disregarded said rules and broke them in an effort to troll.
  24. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Yu_Narukami in Stumpy   
    Reason: Trolling, disrespect, blatant disregard for rules on CS:S servers.

    1) Not a huge deal, but still spamming negative ratings isnt very mature and it was done to troll.

    2) Continues disrespect against other members in the shout box.

    3) Disrespect against Matsi.
    Xgstumpy - Counter-strike: Source | Xeno Gamers
    4) More disrespect. Also if you haven't viewed the demos that were posted in that thread, Stumpy intentionally freekilled 4 times, failed to leave armory before 730, and said disrespectful statements 30 times (go count them if you don't believe me).
    He was warned in his thread that any further disrespect would warrant a severe punishment. He failed to stop, and went on to disrespect more members. I don't appreciate disrespecting people both in-game and then on the forums in numerous ways.
    Its clear that there is no regard for the warnings given and I think the best course of action is to remove his membership.
  25. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DeathGod in Stumpy   
    Here's my opinion on the whole situation: I would personally like to see this not end in the removal of membership. IMO a week forum ban and leaving the server ban as-is should remedy the situation and be a good enough punishment/warning for what occurred. The only reason I suggest this solution is because stumpy did admit what occurred to me both in shoutbox and pm.
    I'm leaving the thread open for at least ~10 hours for more debate. If everyone else would like to continue with the member protest then that is what will happen, if not then we can look for alternative punishments.