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Everything posted by Duke

  1. It's on minigames and isnt a minigames map o.o why the fuck is it on there anyways remove dat sheit @@silence @@Starbuck @Link_
  2. i can still rape face even if cunts are scopin me goml @@Chrono also ur fat :3
  3. Basicly what's been said by every1. You either get promoted or not you shouldnt have to apply for admin. You get it based on how good of a Mod you are. I've never gotten past mod and you dont hear me complaining just making jokes at aegean :D
  4. you forgot Soarin and Netex :)
  5. what that make you foxxy? the biggest gayfag of xG and possibly the interwebs? +1 to that <3
  6. well ur lucky it wasnt me i dont even reply to people i ban or even add them, RDMing 2 people is a week ban, the first guy may have been shooting i didnt witness it because i havnt been on, but saying some1 is "clearly" a traitor in my books with no other reason is RDM. But i say drop it to a day or 2.
  7. then what are you goat please explain? as i have stated you look indian and no that is not a religion at all. or maybe even indian/black but still ur indian =/
  8. It'd be mexican and no hes clearly indian.
  9. Duke


    I'd play but it's just such a boring game to me i'd rather play MTG w/e he fuck they named the PC games cause its better IMO
  10. Ur not kinda black you are Indian not Hindu INDIAN its a race not a religion JUST SAYING :)
  11. -1 You have problems grasping simple things i have determined this thru talking to you on teamspeak, in game and forums. Sorry but i do not feel you are mod material
  12. never said you were, but you are Indian... that is what i said please read it and understand before replying.
  13. Hindu is the religion, Indian is the race.... you are clearly Indian and a downy.
  14. i never said for no reason did i? to let you know there are some who dont know the MOTD for shit and buy admin they could make perm someone something dumb and the PA/PM could thinkhe was allowed to =/ it happens even with new mods not often but still
  15. it should be pm < M/PA < A PM/PA shouldnt have perm ban, incase they fuck up and no body says anything about it. they should have to prove themselfs
  16. >be arthman >be called nigger by duke on teamspeak >get mad over it >ban duke on MC perm and tell serbian >call people nigger on css Logic?
  17. Duke

    New 3D signature

    HAA GAAYYYYYYYYYY But ya not bad =/ i could use one but eh idgaf
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhTz4XoZGz0&feature=youtube_gdata i still hate u sporky recorded this couple weeks ago and forgot to upload it, was recording some black mesa gameplay and was like "how the fuck is this folder 15gb" and ya =/
  19. If you have i5 its sadly better ;3 but ya nice laptop takes mine out back and shots it for having rabies :c
  20. Duke

    LR rebel option

    that just lets ct's get ready and pretty much murder the T in seconds if they have a heads up It's ment to be like last CT no oh u have 5 seconds to run from the last CT before he can kill... no he gets his shit right then and is allowed to kill most right off the bat =/ No warning but no hp or speed, nd ct's can use tazers cause they will just ruin it...
  21. @@FurHappens a snip-it as in you are typing but skyforst is talking over mic and i cannot base a +1 or even -1 on this evidence you should have started recording instead of taking screen shots so we can hear what he says over mic because your evidence is only of the console and i know for a fact skyfrost uses his mic as do i when talking to people who were punished.