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Everything posted by Duke

  1. Did you seen him leave the T room with your own eyes? cause if not its a random KOS you have no proof he wasnt just hiding near the enterence Proof is really lacking just shows chat when he may have told you via mic.... and i seems to be a small snip-it choice of the console. @@Skyfrost @@Charrax @@Aeon
  2. Duke

    Sham's App

    My Names Aeon and i dont know how to close a thread :3 @Link_ @@Charrax @@serbiansnaga @@Aeon Put a button for aeon to close a thread that says dragon dildos :D
  3. Duke


    this and chrono no need to tag me =/ i dont think he'll get unbanned.
  4. It's ONE freekill and he slayed himself he would have been slain by admin anyways, it's not to hard to understand that is it? if i go on and see you doing that im just ct ban you doing it ONCE THEN SLAYING URSELF and yea you probly wont be punished. keep doing it and wont matter u;ll get teamban do you understand that yet? like srs stop being a cunt about it. Also it is a cheap LR because they are dying to the actual LR and are dying to the place he chose to do his LR at. so yea he does it once and then just watchs as CT die. And by every1's logic it's to hard to do so why even use it for t's.... By every1's whos agreeing logic i can do it in race and basicly just watch the ct's die as the race kills them pretty much same thing, and if t's did it and he made it then got LR thats different, he won up there. But to get LR then go to climb and then start the LR after he gets there is delaying. or even starting it then doing climb is still delaying LR.
  5. so then how would it be fair since they would be slayed for delaying if they cant get to me? how does it make it fair. just because no body said i couldnt doesnt make it okay to do.
  6. so then on maps that have bhop coarse im allowed to get far and force ct's to get to me? im not doing bhop in the toss but its my choice where the toss is from? not cheap at all.
  7. yes because they wont even make it across to lr so all he has to do it start it and watch them die. thus letting him win without actually doing a guntoss.
  8. thats what you said last time too...
  9. Shadow's Perma Ct Ban Protest (--- THERE PAPA doesnt matter the time you did it twice....
  10. -1 werent u unbanned for this exact reason not to long ago @@PapiChulo
  11. Where is your proof? -1 nothing against you but honestly you have no proof we cant take peoples word as evidence. BUT @@HongKongFooey lets get the full story.
  12. Keep tazers or remove both tazers and bombs....
  13. i have to agree using the guy you did isnt a valid pioint he breaks small rules often and does say "nigger" and gets warned. It's allowed as long as some1 isnt like "you're a nigger" but like "sup my niggas" and such if it isnt directed to any1 in an offensive way its fine unless they are just saying it to say it =/ But i wasnt there and the evidence is lacking on both sides here so +0, +1 you are both idiots tho.
  14. inb4 he applies for mod again doesnt get it then leaves again.
  15. thats not even vent camping.... he was constantly moving and that backarea isnt even a vent theres 2 doors on either side nor was he just standing at the vent he was moving thru +1 abuse =/
  16. Duke

    Rain's App

    doesnt he have enough +1's yet? @Link_ @@serbiansnaga @@HaaDron @@Jihad @@Neo accept this you smelly whores
  17. Duke

    Skregg mass rdm

    I'll watch it tomorrow also thanks for the tag jerk face :(
  18. Duke

    Minecraft and gmod

    Lol'd And yea im usally on except for today and if im not on im on teamspeak or steam so never hard to get ahold of me unless im sleeping and even then i leave steam up so i can get messages.
  19. BE SAFE AND TALK TO ME ON STEAM WHEN YOU CAN I'm also not gonna be on today dealing with IRL shit :( i may be on tomorrow or the day after. <3 certain people
  20. Duke

    JB Mods

    i love these threads. But in all seriousness if a mods not doing their job record it and show higher ups. Call in better mods such as myself i am on mot of the day watching over the TTT server. but all in all don't complain about every fucking mod, you act as if we are all like the bad mos we have, we arnt. For example last night i was playing TTT with friends got a msg about JB went on and ealt with it told em to msg me if they had ny more problems and went back to what i was doing.
  21. Duke

    New Dance!

    that guy DukeXRion's comment is clearly the best and every1 should like it :)
  22. you could have just TOLD him to stop...... not even needed to mute him just had to say stop, and this isnt the first time you go above what is even needed. +1 also you are a mod not admin =/
  23. +1 finally you apply kid isnt a derp and as aeon said hes pretty helpful