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Everything posted by Duke

  1. +1 good kid doesnt break rules but i do better Bane voice ;D
  2. +1 from what i heard in teamspeak he was asked bu multiple members to stop the music and didnt, rules state if more then a few people ask him to stop staff or not he should stop. Plain and simple.
  3. Bump to accept him @Link_ @@Jihad @@HaaDron @@serbiansnaga @@Chrono chrono you smell :)
  4. Duke


    im be grizzly adams
  5. Duke

    Rain's App

    +1 happy to see you got unbanned babe! You were good to the commnity.
  6. +1 hes knows rules and would make moderating the server easier.
  7. Duke

    Rain's Ban Protest

    +0 I respected you and shit son... But i cant support unbanning hackers :( But good luck to you. If you are unbanned i hope you learned your lesson.
  8. Dont offer the Defense alliance 2 its pretty bad if you havnt tried it :p But would u be willing to trade for tf2 items o:
  9. Well obviously if its shit quality/racist they should be told to stop, but if its just 2 mods and ones playing generally terrible music and other asks to stop they should.
  10. Duke

    Omg really

    She probly isnt allowed to install anything else =/
  11. Duke


    Mountian man?
  12. OH YA i remember you >.< i kept screaming to turn it off lol +1 never do that again tho it was ear shattering annoying xD also u still muted? we dotn have perma mute so at end of map it unmutes.
  13. -1 Causes problems with others in teamspeak and game. Wouldnt be a good rep for the xG name.
  14. +0 you called me a little kid :c but srs i'll +1 when i see how active you are.
  15. Duke

    I'm getting bored...

    +1 blood for the blood god!
  16. Thats surf NOT JB And it's on all servers for a reason maybe you should ask about it instead of instantly asking for it to be removed.
  17. I'm pointing out you have no reason to +1 or even -1 his app =/ Please read and understand the words i am typing.
  18. I looked at ur gmod game time for last 2 weeks son, it's 1.4 but good try.