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Reputation Activity

  1. Sad
    ChickenPanda reacted to Scootaloo in Well Xg...it's Been A Pleasure.   
    First tag my ass.
  2. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Fink in Shit More Addictive Than Weed   
    coolmath games was my life in middle school
  3. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Rhododendron in #cut4noone   
    It should be based around depression in general :) And I'm guessing there are organizations out there that are large and can help (hopefully) but the main message you should spread to people with depression is to talk to someone about it. Don't keep quiet. That's the most important thing to spread.
  4. Funny
    ChickenPanda reacted to Dethman in Eazy-v - Team Fortress 2   
    This thread is derailed so hard.
  5. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Moosty in Eazy-v - Team Fortress 2   
    Just read the thread. Before I go with a side, I'm going to judge all of you for not recognizing Tirisgarde. Kid's on pokemon literally all the time, step it up. Staff should know the regulars or something.
    As for Vector, +1 for mod on a trial basis. I still have multiple people in my friends list who haven't come back since before vector lost powers. Being an asshole is fine, driving people away for good isn't. You followed the rules and protocols as your job was concerned, but how you treat people on the servers more often then not is inappropriate. You only get away with it because you're so irritating when you get upset that staff just lets you do it rather than hear you bitch about it. Give him mod on a trial period, god knows he's more capable than some of the staff we have now, but if he stays a complete asshole and keeps driving people away, take it away for good.
  6. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Waimalu in Eazy-v - Team Fortress 2   
  7. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to realBelloWaldi in Eazy-v - Team Fortress 2   
    Alright guys, this is honestly a hard decision.
    Why I would -1 Vector:
    ~ Vector can be very disrespectful (for example telling people to kill themselfs etc)
    Why I would +1 Vector:
    ~ He is very active
    ~ furthermore he knows the rules (regarding admin/mod stuff)
    ~ additionally he is experienced (regarding admin/mod stuff)
    ~ he's also more mature than the majority of our current staff members..
    So that's why I came to the decision to +1 him! good luck
  8. Not Funny
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Barmithian in Eazy-v - Team Fortress 2   
  9. Like
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Scootaloo in I'm Leaving For A Bit...   
    see you in a few days, you delicious bastard.
  10. Ding!
    ChickenPanda reacted to Vector in Stars   
    Is JBRG a high lander team? because if not, then double clanning isn't allowed.
  11. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Nomulous in New Lct Music   
    So I made the LCT plugin. If the songs are annoying THATS the point. The music isn't supposed to be interesting where everyone loves it. It's supposed to be annoying and fun.
  12. Winner
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Forest in Nsfw   
    that's the line.
  13. Ding!
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Kypari in Nsfw   
    that's the line.
  14. Winner
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Chickenpanda - Team Fortress 2   
    Because we both had "Chicken" in our names, I have to tell you to change yours. I warned you about 3 different times, kicked you to get your attention, and after you asked why you got kicked and I told you another 2-3 times, I just banned you for half an hour. I was very consistent with asking you, and honestly, you just didn't listen. I legit said over mic at least 5 or so times to just add a "Z" to the end of your name or something
  15. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Kypari in New Division Maybe?   
    I'm gonna go with no even when it does come out. Blizzard is Blizzard. I have a little noncombat pet on WoW from the 2005 Blizzcon. I've been a fan for years. There's no damn way it'll be easy to make your own server on that thing.
    If it's possible, it'll be exactly like WoW private servers, which of course, is hard as hell.
    Plus the game isn't out and it's overhyped so I mean.
  16. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Change The F Bomb Censor   
    Change it to feck? When I say something along the lines of "really fucking cool" it just doesnt work. MEANWHILE. "really feckin' cool" would work pretty great. pls changerino?
    ps. "shit" could use some work too :^(
  17. F!$k Off
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Im Back Neeeeeigasssss   
  18. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Bach in Xg Hunger Games   
    Still laughing that @Nomulous poisoned himself and fasty blew himself up
  19. Winner
    ChickenPanda reacted to Kypari in Goodbye Forever You Cancerous Boils   
    And all the people that left because you did, rip.
  20. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Moosty in Chickenpanda - Team Fortress 2   
    Because we both had "Chicken" in our names, I have to tell you to change yours. I warned you about 3 different times, kicked you to get your attention, and after you asked why you got kicked and I told you another 2-3 times, I just banned you for half an hour. I was very consistent with asking you, and honestly, you just didn't listen. I legit said over mic at least 5 or so times to just add a "Z" to the end of your name or something
  21. Informative
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Kypari in Chickenpanda - Team Fortress 2   
    Because we both had "Chicken" in our names, I have to tell you to change yours. I warned you about 3 different times, kicked you to get your attention, and after you asked why you got kicked and I told you another 2-3 times, I just banned you for half an hour. I was very consistent with asking you, and honestly, you just didn't listen. I legit said over mic at least 5 or so times to just add a "Z" to the end of your name or something
  22. Winner
    ChickenPanda reacted to Insane in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    that means you were pulling us down in other matches
  23. Sad
    ChickenPanda reacted to Moosty in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    If you guys win without me I'm gonna be proud and really sad I missed it.
  24. Salty
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from GottaGoFast in Bye   
  25. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Insane in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    i can make tues and make the match
    you guys be screwed with our me ;)