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  1. Like
    Ohstopyou reacted to Rhododendron in New Rule - Community Vote/opinion   
  2. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to ChickenPanda in Billymaysnoaimbot - Team Fortress 2   
    Hachi made a representation. Considering this looks like @ScootsDaughter 's dinner plate, I'm gonna stand by my +1 lol.

  3. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to Dethman in Reform Of Xg   
    this is why we can have nice things sometimes
  4. Friendly
    Ohstopyou reacted to Rhododendron in New Rule - Community Vote/opinion   
    Alright I'll do this by tonight!
  5. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Rhododendron in Reform Of Xg   
    And with reform, we need to accept one thing:
    People will be mad, people might even leave.
    A large amount of people might leave.
    But we need to be diligent for the better of xG.
  6. F!$k Off
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from SupremeWolf in New Rule - Community Vote/opinion   
    The results are in; a staggering amount of people want to have the rule. I'll add it it shortly.
  7. Like
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Haruka in Billymaysnoaimbot - Team Fortress 2   
    Oh, one more thing to add before I head out.
    It might be plausible to re-add SMAC (Source Mod Anti Cheat) to our TF2 servers, as it will detect these things automatically and issue a punishment. I'm going to look into it for the future.
  8. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to ChickenPanda in Billymaysnoaimbot - Team Fortress 2   
    That is server lag for the most part.
    I trust all three of the moderators that were there to see it, but I just don't believe him aimbotting with almost 50 good games on his account. He has almost 2000 hours in TF2, and on top of that, he's in a group called "Sharpshooters" which leads me to believe that he would actually be practicing his aim across multiple games. If you guys have a video I can watch, it'd be pretty easy for me to tell.
    Here's an aimbot for reference. I will stay neutral, I'm just not convinced. And yes, it is possible to miss with an aimbot.
  9. Friendly
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Flareon in Billymaysnoaimbot - Team Fortress 2   
    You didn't provide any actual proof to protest your ban appeal. I remember everyone complaining about you in TS, so I cannot release your ban. Sorry man.
    I'll leave this open for another day so we can get a few more opinions on this.
  10. Disagree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Kypari in New Rule - Community Vote/opinion   
    The results are in; a staggering amount of people want to have the rule. I'll add it it shortly.
  11. Like
    Ohstopyou reacted to Whyte in Patientzero   
    I'm neutral I wasn't vouching, @Ohstopyou I just said don't beg for vouches
  12. Funny
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Lellers   
    You are under the minimum age required to join xG, sorry. ~Closed
  13. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to Nomulous in Reform Of Xg   
    I'm just here to say one thing, and one thing only: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  14. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Nomulous in Reform Of Xg   
    Essentially people need to understand, that even though we are a democratic clan (if I may), people of higher power have been put there for a good reason and no one should argue against it. There may be discussions, but no arguments. Kind of how I see the irony in @Rhododendron always managing to "abuse" and have fun on any server but the moment I do it, even for 5 minutes, everyone throws a hissy fit and tries to report me and say how bad I am. Though to protect against this I would have to say we have to stay strong and affirmative of our powers until people finally understand that you can talk, but you can't argue against it.
    It's quite authoritative, but once people understand and respect the ladder of power, it shouldn't be an issue. In my truthful opinion, if a CL or two see someone needs to be perm banned without public explanation, there shouldn't be an explanation and shit storm for it. Similarly to how I got shot from every corner about banning Loki. There have been numerous reports against him, I've witnessed tons of verbal abuse and him dis-reputing the clan, and faking being a staff member to induce confusion. As a Leader, I had a giant group of people go against me until there's been more proof by more people and then some CLs (no names) and players went "Oh crap... he was right to ban him...".
    It's all about people understanding that there is a ladder of power and everyone is there for the appropriate reason, and based on that position they are trust worthy enough and valued to make the right decisions without everyone rebutting it.
  15. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Hidingmaster in Reform Of Xg   
    Warnings can't be a year thing, it's logistically a nightmare. They should be used for minor offenses, bad language, inappropriate remarks. I would rather see bans be used more liberally, especially for those that start or promote poopstorms. (Day ban). Why? Because that's where I think a lot of the issues stem from.
    In the current state, CLs have power but are controlled by some select members. We make one ban that went without a warning and we are under fire for it, people will throw up an abuse report. We are powerless with power. You want to see some real change around here, then the "reform" needs to start near the top.
  16. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to DrLee in Leaving.   
    Later. Drop by on teamspeak if you ever feel up to it.
  17. Like
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Kypari in P0s3s3dh0b0 - Team Fortress 2   
    All of the evidence has been reviewed and investigated. The DDoS threats were confirmed to be he said/she said, so that evidence is deemed not viable. The skype accounts in question were confirmed by both parties to not be in use. No ACTUAL trolling was committed. The only thing that was admitted is that h0b0 wanted his grievances to be righted and that he was upset with a few people.
    All bans have been served and everyone is aware of the future consequences if something like this should happen in the future. I sure hope it won't though.
    As a measure of good faith, BMK has been asked (and agreed) to cease trolling on xG servers. If any future trolling on their part is found, they were warned that they will be banned.
    Evidence of cleared up DDoS threats and BMK's warning to cease trolling:

    The ban is being rescinded, as it has already been served for long enough. ~Closed
  18. Like
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Matsi in P0s3s3dh0b0 - Team Fortress 2   
    All of the evidence has been reviewed and investigated. The DDoS threats were confirmed to be he said/she said, so that evidence is deemed not viable. The skype accounts in question were confirmed by both parties to not be in use. No ACTUAL trolling was committed. The only thing that was admitted is that h0b0 wanted his grievances to be righted and that he was upset with a few people.
    All bans have been served and everyone is aware of the future consequences if something like this should happen in the future. I sure hope it won't though.
    As a measure of good faith, BMK has been asked (and agreed) to cease trolling on xG servers. If any future trolling on their part is found, they were warned that they will be banned.
    Evidence of cleared up DDoS threats and BMK's warning to cease trolling:

    The ban is being rescinded, as it has already been served for long enough. ~Closed
  19. Friendly
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Flareon in New Rule - Community Vote/opinion   
    I'll wait another day, just to make sure everyone gets a vote. So far, it looks like it will become a rule.
  20. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Scootaloo in New Rule - Community Vote/opinion   
    Sure, it breaks multiple rules, but you'll still get those randoms that don't think it does. Writing a rule specifically addressing the situation is a good way to ensure it doesn't happen.
  21. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Christian in [serious] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    I feel like this relates to another member that we banned, wink wink.
    Bach knows the rules and this isn't the first time that he has disregarded them and started trolling.
    I agree; sorry Bach.

    Nevermind, read my post below.
  22. Friendly
    Ohstopyou reacted to GottaGoFast in K Well Bai   
    So yeah I'm kinda just tired of this clan (specifically Hachi she's been being real fuckin annoying these past couple months) and yeah i just kinda do want to deal with it anymore cause i actually wanna keep my brain cells and not get cancer. Yeah so like people are just annoying the shit out of me, i havent been on anything in like 2 million years so yeah im kinda pointless.#NoOneCaresAnyways
    @Cr1TiKaL @Gr8_Butt_M8 @Flareon @Swift @ChickenPanda @Liekos @Dethman @Ohstopyou @FuckYouGuysImGoingHome I'll still be on TS tho sometimes. sorry if i didnt tag you and you wanted a tag i have a bad memory ;-;
  23. Not Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to Flareon in Hachi   
    Bush did 9/11
  24. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to NitNat in Thought I'd Post My Tf2 Vid   
    Really cute and pretty funny!
  25. Friendly
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Flareon in K Well Bai   
    donttagme.ok. Bai :c