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  1. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Chrono in Psa: Rules   
    Rules are rules no matter why you break them.
    Even if you think you are helping, if you break rules, you should expect the punishment they deem. People should know what a mass freekill looks like. it's obvious. Hacking is semi-obvious too, and if not 100% there are others very well known to what hacks look like and/or youtube videos of hacks. Please do not break a rule (especially hacking) to "teach others what it looks like." It makes it look like people can get away with whatever if we let you off the hook for it, no matter your previous standing or attitude on life or religious standing.
    @Bach @tf2 @Tsuchikure [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]
  2. Friendly
    Ohstopyou reacted to Dethman in Well, This Sucks, Time To Go   
    With all of the shit that has been going on, I feel as if this clan has become worse since i joined. I don't know if i can really take this anymore. I am leaving the clan, i will not come back this time. Yes this means my Division Leader status is gone and stepping down in tf2. I will miss most of you, I don't really know most of the new members since September. Adios guys and i hope you have a good life and time in the clan. Maybe i will comeback if it is fixed
    Fuck no i am not leaving, i am going to be inactive for the next week due to the mstep testing. cya soon.
    Tagging, @Ohstopyou @BelloWaldi @Rhododendron @kbraszzz @Rejects @metalslug53 @Moosty @Kyoko @Hachi
  3. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Scootaloo in [serious] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    Yes, it is. Bach will more than likely have to answer for his actions in that thread. The creation of a new account, the insults, etc etc. But, the actions specifically addressed in this thread are the accusations of the use of hacks. The only time I've known Bach to use a hack was under my supervision.
    As I said before, I'll more than happily support any punishment given granted that evidence of these claims is brought forward.
  4. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Dethman in I'm Bach Baby (hue Hue)   
  5. Salty
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Tomahawk in I'm Bach Baby (hue Hue)   
  6. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Scootaloo in P0s3s3dh0b0 - Team Fortress 2   
    Ugh. I can't "ugh" enough at all of this.
    I understand that passions are high and people are mad. I get that. It happens quite often. But it gives no excuse to bring the argument to petty insults and nasty posts. I like to think that we as a clan are above such immaturity, but when it happens, I begin to have my doubts.
    I get it. I understand. Whyte is upset because of H0b0's hostility towards Hachi and Dethman. H0b0 is upset because he feels he was wronged in Jailbreak, and his encounters with those involved led to sensitive personal information about him being exposed, which he clearly did not want to be made public knowledge. What's worse is that AFTER this information was made known, some, (not all) of our members who CLEARLY KNOW BETTER begin to harass and insult him because of his lifestyle. This is completely unacceptable. As someone who heavily supports the LGBTQ movement, this REALLY hurts my heart to see happen in the clan that I call family.
    I understand that there were threats made. I understand that there were hostile things said, but, as I said above, that in no way gives ANYONE the right to be so cruel and malign. If this didn't end so horribly for H0b0, I wouldn't have been surprised to see an abuse thread made after these events.
    Nobody wins here. Absolutely nobody. Sure, H0b0 gets banned based on the threats he made towards other staff, but xG is successful in showing its ass when it went to handle the situation. I'm aware that those who instigated were dealt with, but come on. It NEVER should have came to that.
    I'm not advocating that H0b0 acted in the right, because there were things said that clearly shouldn't have been said. But I AM advocating that we as a clan SERIOUSLY need to reevaluate how we handle these kinds of situations. It goes much farther than just the individuals who were directly involved. If you check the shoutbox, the same posts persisted LONG after the thread was closed, and I'm sure people were still chuckling about it even more after.
    But don't get me wrong. I'm not frowning at all of you. I do want to take a moment and thank those who were in charge of damage control for acting accordingly. You guys did awesome at making sure this didn't get blown completely out of proportion. Thank you so much for that, at least.
    I implore you guys to handle things better in the future, because this was just appalling to read through. I know we push the envelope a lot, but when it comes to a serious issue, we need to learn to straighten the fuck up and handle things in a much more professional manner.
    End rant. I'm off to bed.
    tl;dr Shit went sour and Scoots doesn't like how people acted after the fact, on BOTH sides.
  7. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to Forest in Organization   
    :Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man:
  8. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Member Submission   
    Great guy. Follows the rules. Very mature. On saxton hale a lot. And I mean. A LOT. Deserves a +1
  9. Friendly
    Ohstopyou reacted to Scootaloo in Server Suggestion Gamemodes   
    Your wish is my command.
  10. Winner
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Banginonatrashcan - Team Fortress 2   
    So, you're saying that your dispenser "was in the process of building when he took the screenshot, so you couldn't move it". It looks completely built to me.

    Now you're just trying to shove the blame onto someone else. Why are you standing over it?
    It seems like we ban people for this on a daily basis, and it's not like you haven't heard us talking about it in the past. It's clear you are constantly causing problems.
    One more thing before I go, it's not like you haven't been banned for this before. Just look:
    I rest my case.
  11. Funny
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Kypari in Banginonatrashcan - Team Fortress 2   
    So, you're saying that your dispenser "was in the process of building when he took the screenshot, so you couldn't move it". It looks completely built to me.

    Now you're just trying to shove the blame onto someone else. Why are you standing over it?
    It seems like we ban people for this on a daily basis, and it's not like you haven't heard us talking about it in the past. It's clear you are constantly causing problems.
    One more thing before I go, it's not like you haven't been banned for this before. Just look:
    I rest my case.
  12. Like
    Ohstopyou reacted to Blizzard in Server Suggestion Gamemodes   
    Found em' at one point support for x10 was dropped, but eventually finished by fellow tf2 community helpers and released :D
    [TF2] TF2Ware - Wario Ware Microgaming!! - AlliedModders
    Multiply A Weapon's Stats by 10 - AlliedModders
    [TF2] Uber Upgrades v0.9.4 (beta version 11/14/2013) - AlliedModders
    Not sure about the smash
    but I found a link
    War3Evo/TF2-Super-Smash-Bros · GitHub
  13. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to NitNat in Server Suggestion Gamemodes   
    Sounds like a lot of fun, also considering our new dodgeball server is a heck of a lot of fun with friends, other new gamemodes might be as popular too
  14. Friendly
    Ohstopyou reacted to Muzzle in Fun Times? (members Of 2013)   
    Oh baby 2013 the first time I laid my eyes on Jailbreak and it was actually good. That's when everyone was good. @Ohstopyou and @Colorparty was there and they made votes and they where fun admims. Than everyone got scared of Origins (@John_Madden ) ooooohhh good times
  15. Like
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Stan_Laurel in Bug On The Jb Servers   
    I was literally just about to post this. This needs to be fixed asap.
    All banned weapons should be re-added for the red team.
    @kbraszzz @Moosty @metalslug53
  16. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to Jpie112 in Do You Sleep With Or Without Socks On?   
    As a scotsman, i sleep with my kilt on, my Claymore in its sheath and i hug my bagpipes when i go to sleep. But i have never, worn socks to bed.
  17. Like
    Ohstopyou reacted to ArminArmout in Do You Sleep With Or Without Socks On?   
    Who the hell sleeps with socks on. It's like going to bed with hot duct tape wrapped around your feet.
  18. Winner
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Donator Abuse   
    @kbraszzz @Rejects @metalslug53 @Moosty
    I just need to point something out really quick. I've been getting called on JB a lot in the past couple weeks due to people abusing donator powers and breaking the rules (i.e. resizing themselves, running away, getting ammo, and killing all of the blues).
    I don't know if anyone specifically allowed people to be resized on there, but I personally told them that if I see anyone resizing themselves and running around on JB, I will slay them. I pointed out that we have FOUR trade servers, in which they can resize themselves to their heart's content and that JB is not the place to be doing this.
    Nine times out of ten, when I get called on the JB server, there is some form of donator abuse going on.
    I know some people weren't abusing it, and they were doing it completely fairly, but a majority of them were not following the rules. So to counter that, I think we should make a specific rule that says you cannot resize yourself unless it is a custom LR that is approved by a mod, admin, DM, etc.
    Let me know what you guys think; I'm just trying to resolve some issues that occur on a daily basis.
  19. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from ChickenPanda in Fun Times? (members Of 2013)   
  20. Friendly
    Ohstopyou reacted to ChickenPanda in Fun Times? (members Of 2013)   
    2011 > 2013. @Ohstopyou@Colorparty and I made Saxton Hale our bitch. We played it nonstop for hours.
    There was a large industrial map that had HUGE vents, and we'd all go engi and build a chain of sentries in there. It was hell playing saxton on that map. So goddamn fun.
  21. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to ColdEndeavour in Fun Times? (members Of 2013)   
    I hope there is at least one other person who remembers that day a kid said this on N64tress Mario Kart:
    <<Are you physically retarded?>>
  22. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to Goblin in Moosic   
    Lol I'm out of ideas for now
  23. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to Goblin in Moosic   
    Oh yeea
  24. Like
    Ohstopyou reacted to Marceline in Moosic   
    i love the last one
  25. Like
    Ohstopyou reacted to Rhododendron in Our Tf2 Servers Require A Sm Update.   
    Also the updater plugin only works if the dev uses it. The majority of plugins don't use it. I've added steamworks and tf2items to our repo so they update from now on.