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  1. Ding!
    Forest reacted to xGShadowSpy in Bring Back Darkrp   
    It is a fun game mode (imo) but it was popular for a month then people got bored of it. If we did make another one(not worth it imo), it would have to be updated daily just to have people keep interest.
  2. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Snackbar in Cracking Down   
    Couldn't agree more. There's a reason why maturity is so often sought out for when looking for applicants. Though will this also be relevant to cases in which it's just Staff on during odd hours where no players are on? Reason I ask is that it wasn't uncommon for Staff to mess around every now and then when the Server wasn't active (and I mean very inactive, scarce amount of players), even on the late CS:S Servers.
  3. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Takibo in Hello   
    im a feggit
  4. Like
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Cracking Down   
    Couldn't agree more. There's a reason why maturity is so often sought out for when looking for applicants. Though will this also be relevant to cases in which it's just Staff on during odd hours where no players are on? Reason I ask is that it wasn't uncommon for Staff to mess around every now and then when the Server wasn't active (and I mean very inactive, scarce amount of players), even on the late CS:S Servers.
  5. RIP
    Forest reacted to ConductorMeaty in Conductormeaty   
    fuck. shit. I never was prev member of Xg Just pretend it reads No. Sorry bout that.
  6. Optimistic
    Forest reacted to ConductorMeaty in Conductormeaty - Garrys Mod   

    Garrys Mod In-Game Name:

    ConductorMeaty Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:1:45112860 Position:

    Moderator Time Active:

    Two Days. Age:

    Fourteen. Experience:

    I know about morbus, I use to be admins in one server of TTT Which is kinda Similar to morbus but not really, DarkRP and HL2 RPs. Information:

    I know the server well, I played for it two days already and got a basic and mental understanding on the rules and gameplay. The rules are simple enough to remember and I was admin on other servers not and somewhat related to Morbus. I feel like I can be accepted but I cannot make that choice.
  7. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Hamsterman23456 in Bring Back Darkrp   
    Agreed, it just seems like TTT is more.. User friendly, for a lack of better words. And if it's currently in production already, then all the better (excluding the couple of tweaks mentioned by Stickz, to which I say bravo for working on the Gmod Servers).
    Like Mega said, it [Dark RP] isn't all that community friendly if players are able to just play during odd hours and end up amassing a group of other players who literally have all of the power/status. At the same time though, I know a lot of players are looking for this sort of thing (more activity = more rewards which in turn leads to a higher satisfaction level which leads back to activity) so in the end it really depends on what demographic is being targeted.
    Dark RP is great in its own right, but I'm not sure we have a base of players who are looking for that sort of experience. It's safer to roll with a general TTT Server that is balanced than it is risking the resurrection of Dark RP, a game-type that can be incredibly unbalanced. Who knows, maybe down the road it'll be more appealing.
  8. Informative
    Forest reacted to Vertex in Bring Back Darkrp   
    If anything gets brought back next it will be TTT. It's sitting ready with only a couple tweaks required. But two things need to happen for TTT to be launched.

    Moderation and Population: It needs people to populate and moderate it. Current gmod staff is busy with Morbus. (about to shoot an 85th percentile)
    New Hosting: The load on the main hosting is too high. A separate VDS needs activated.

  9. Like
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Cracking Down   
    There is going to be a major crack down on all the admin abuse I have been hearing about and seeing, so take this as the one and only warning.

    using fun commands such as burn, timebomb, freeze, etc. (even on eachother for "fun")
    banning eachother (or in the more blunt and obvious callout way, and admin banning mods for "no balls")
    breaking server rules because you feel staff are above the law
    teamswapping yourself (which you all had already been warned about with the previous post on it)

    All of these are things you all know are to be abuse, they are the wrong way to use the powers you were trusted with, and it makes staff look like a bunch of baboons. It's not like we're some small new up and coming server that people go on to screw around and not care, we are a semi-well known community that people expect our staff to uphold certain standards, and if you can't handle upholding them, then expect to have some discussions with us DM/DLs and potential removal from staff.
    @Lithium @Snackbar @Bleed @Duke @Phoenix @Bonk @IAmLegend @Owl @Oden @SoloMofo @roflmao61 @Crowley @SyrJirk @orangejuice
  10. RIP
    Forest got a reaction from Snackbar in Turdwig - Counter-strike   
    +1 for CL. (will post/edit legit vouch later)
  11. Friendly
    Forest got a reaction from Snackbar in Christmas Server(s)?   
    @Bleed @Chrono @Snackbar @Lithium Hey guys, just wanted to thank you for temporarily giving me access to general Moderator commands on CS:GO for the duration of the xGmas event.
    It was great to see a large chunk of players to support it, though I am a little disheartened that I did not have the time to check daily for giving out prizes and the like. Hopefully next year this will be a much bigger event with a larger assortment of prizes. That all being said, I'm requesting that you remove my powers as they are no longer necessary.
    I'd also like to mention that I will be distributing the prizes to the winners of the Holiday Trivia some time this week (hopefully) so don't worry, you lucky group of winners have not been forgotten.
  12. Informative
    Forest got a reaction from Duke in Turdwig - Counter-strike   
    +1 for CL. (will post/edit legit vouch later)
  13. Informative
    Forest reacted to Kvothe in Kvothe - Counter-strike   

    Counter-Strike In-Game Name:

    Kvothe Offender's Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: English Muffin Rules Broken:

    RDMing, Griefing Ban Type:

    Server Ban Evidence:

    The demo file is rather large, I was recording for a long while, him and a group of people commandeered the Jailbreak server to roleplay an "Office". They would sit in a section of the prison and just sit there and do nothing the entirety of the days. After showing my opposition to this, because I wanted to play Jailbreak they RMDed me in my cell until I switched to guard, then gave guns to prisoners so they could kill me.
    I cannot submit the demo file as it is through the upload system, it is simply too large, however I can upload it to any other means which you specify, just reply to this.
  14. Optimistic
    Forest reacted to SolomonDa1st in Bring Back Darkrp   
    I just found out about xG having a DarkRP Server but was taking down due to lack of attention. So, I thought maybe I can make a vote or some kind to see if the DarkRP Server can be put up again (I Love DarkRP). What do you Think?
  15. Like
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in New Game(name Pending)   
    I read your name as Arthman and got excited for a moment :(
    Anyways, looks like a solid game to try out. Always nice to see anyone considering other ways to eliminate Ts besides FR/LR ;)
  16. Informative
    Forest reacted to ShortJuan in |shortjuan|#team Dingus| - Counter-strike   

    Counter-Strike In-Game Name:

    |ShortJuan|#Team Dingus| Steam ID:

    Steam Community Position:

    Moderator Time Active:

    Around 10 to 12 hours. Age:

    13 Experience:

    I'm a admin on a gmod server not xenogamers but toxit gaming. I've been admin on there for around a year now. Information:

    The reason I want to join XenoGamers staff is that most of the time when I'm on the jailbreak server there is mass free killers people spam for warden and just don't follow the rules and there is never anyone to stop them no one is ever on when I am and I want to make the server as fun as possible.
  17. Ding!
    Forest reacted to SoloMofo in Hello Everyone!   
    all the penises that i've seen from the people here (only one) were pretty small
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  18. Agree
    Forest reacted to DMTwired in Dmtwired   
    i wanted to paint something that said less than 1000 words, i feel this art has shaped out nicely in that aspect.
  19. Not Funny
    Forest got a reaction from Barmithian in Hello Everyone!   
    I didn't think xG could degenerate any further.
    I was mistaken.
    Welcome to the forums nonetheless m8 @The_Meme_Machine , enjoy your stay :coffee:
  20. Like
    Forest got a reaction from jaygoki in Hello Everyone!   
    I didn't think xG could degenerate any further.
    I was mistaken.
    Welcome to the forums nonetheless m8 @The_Meme_Machine , enjoy your stay :coffee:
  21. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Egossi in Hello Everyone!   
    I didn't think xG could degenerate any further.
    I was mistaken.
    Welcome to the forums nonetheless m8 @The_Meme_Machine , enjoy your stay :coffee:
  22. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Rabid in Petition To Bring The "african" Rating Back   
    -1 as previously said, as humorous as it was back when the clan was more lenient and less heavy on the rules the community has changed directions not appropriate anymore.
  23. Like
    Forest reacted to Rabid in Dmtwired   
    What the fuck is this thread.
  24. RIP
    Forest got a reaction from Snackbar in Sup   
  25. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from IAmLegend in I like chicken   