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  1. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Brian in So Uh   
    Can we start setting deadlines for servers to be up? I, for one, do not enjoying waiting 2 months for a server to be created, especially when no custom plug-ins or maps are being added. It's embarrassing that we have so many unused or incomplete servers that could so easily be finished with just some effort.
    Why not set deadlines for certain divisions or division leaders, or some shit.
    rip darkrp
  2. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Be Back Soon   
  3. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Swift in Where Did You Guys Get You Names On Xg And/or Steam   
    History Behind Your Ign | Xeno Gamers In case you were interested @Swift
  4. Friendly
    Forest reacted to Warriorsfury in I Don't Like Being Somewhere I'm Not Wanted.   
    I like expressing my hate for the public in many ways.
  5. Friendly
    Forest got a reaction from Egossi in I Don't Like Being Somewhere I'm Not Wanted.   
    WHY THE FUDGE ARE YOU SO FUDGING AGGRESSIVE FOR FUDGE'S SAKE. FUDGE. He obvs doesn't want to be a part of xG (wants non-member), but that doesn't mean he won't stick around and play on the Servers.
  6. Ding!
    Forest got a reaction from Hidingmaster in I Don't Like Being Somewhere I'm Not Wanted.   
    WHY THE FUDGE ARE YOU SO FUDGING AGGRESSIVE FOR FUDGE'S SAKE. FUDGE. He obvs doesn't want to be a part of xG (wants non-member), but that doesn't mean he won't stick around and play on the Servers.
  7. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Ribbit in Where Did You Guys Get You Names On Xg And/or Steam   
    How about no one cares. There was already a thread for this pathetic stuff.
  8. Winner
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Regarding Shacknewsbot   
  9. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Brian in What Needs To Be Done   
    Hello, for most of you that know me, I'm back! For those that do not, I used to run the servers for around a year before @Nomulous, when I left to focus more on high school in order to get into the college I wanted to. I'm back, and I'm here to post my thoughts on changes that need to occur in order to solve the issue of money as well as making players stay on our servers. Take everything you see with a grain of salt, this is simply one man's opinions.

    New Servers

    The new servers, such as Freak Fortress 2 and Wario Ware are great servers, but there's much work needed to be done. In order to limit the amount of criticism taken from an unfinished server, I recommend either putting a password on the server and set a deadline for completion, such as next week Monday, or putting up advertisements stating the server is in Beta. Many plugins are missing on Freak Fortress, and I understand bosses may always be added, but there are a few basic plugins missing, such as

    [TF2] The Amplifier - AlliedModders
    [TF2]TauntCrits - AlliedModders
    And other fixes, such as Goomba Stomp killing hale in 1 shot

    These plugin need to be added sooner than later, and plenty of randoms have already joined the server, but have left either due to boredom or lack of originality. Many servers have a sticking feature, something that helps people come back. We have one. It's called hub.

    Hub Plugin
    Hub is the main feature of our servers, and after nearly two years of false promises, it's here on TF2. On some of the servers. And you can only buy some stuff on some servers. This needs to be fixed immediately. This should be the number one priority if you're worried about population. Having certain parts work on some parts here and there doesn't cut it. It needs to work on all servers in order to be successful. Please fix this issue by getting everything on all servers, especially the popular ones.

    Nearly every single community accepts donations of some kind. Some communities have more effective means than others. The current donation system is horrid, with little explanation given to each tier. By that, I mean there's no way to learn what each tier gives you without going directly on the forums and searching for it, which puts off a lot of people. The current prices are also high. The top donation is 20 keys. The average key price a key is sold for on source-op is around 1.90$, give or take a few cents. That is about $38.00 for the maximum donation. It's stupid high, and almost out of reach for any given player. I guarantee you will see a maximum of one or two of these types of donations, if any at all.

    What I recommend doing instead is putting all donation features on hub, like colorme, skeleton, and other plugins on the hub for a certain price, and
    change it back to the old system, where donations give you a certain number of hub credits. 1 key or 20 keys will give hub credits. Also, accepting monetary donations would be better as well. Here's a sample conversion chart.

    1$ = 1,000 Credits
    1 Key = 1,750 Credits
    10$ = 12,500 Credits
    10 Keys = 20,000 Credits
    and so on....

    Then, make certain benefits, such as skeleton cost 2,500 credits, maybe more or less. This way it is still reachable for certain members that are active on the servers, but not too ridiculously expensive for those that wish to donate can't purchase in one go.

    Admin Behavior
    The strictness of certain admins has come to my attention recently. An admin is somebody who is supposed to set an example and punish those who break server rules, not to do what ever they please and ban those who offend them with the reason "admin disrespect." The order goes gag, kick, ban, not an immediate ban for one comment. I recently was banned for making a comment, no warning, or gag, not even a kick. SO please, if an admin is handing out bans for all the wrong reasons, such as to protect their ego, please discuss this with them. Many admins feel they may run rampant, and I understand that they are allowed more freedom, but banning and kicking without warning is a major issue that needs to be confronted.

    Closing Thoughts
    Xeno Gamers has always been a community that provides fun for those that wish to find it, but recently I feel we have drifted away from that and focused too much on money, and less on fun. We need to find at least a balance of those two, in order to prevent the community from collapsing on itself. Thanks for reading.

  10. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Forge in Cooly For Mod   
    Tell that to Kittylicious. #ModIn1Week
  11. Agree
    Forest reacted to Cristo in Be Back Soon   
    who is this kid?
  12. Ding!
    Forest reacted to jaygoki in Bye Bye Peoples   
    why the fuck is all of the TF2 div leaving
  13. Like
    Forest reacted to Rhododendron in Ribbit - Counter-strike: Source   
    Updated the post yo.

    You like @Forest ?
  14. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Bryce in Ribbit - Counter-strike: Source   
    cristo actually thought she was hacking?
    because she actually is cheating
  15. Not Funny
    Forest got a reaction from diabeetus in People You Miss   
    Rpx and towelie
  16. Funny
    Forest reacted to Brian in Brian   
    Oh look it's Community Leader "I'm never online on steam" Forest
  17. Ding!
    Forest reacted to denwaotoko in Gooooooollldd   
    Grats! Now you get to complain about silvers all over again (but this time how they bring you down in riot's state of the art matchmaking), and make the struggle to plat.
  18. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from John_Madden in Government Mandated Forum Hours   
    Why not make it so that Higher-Ups don't accept stupid ass vouches that are either irrelevant or lack valid information in Member Submissions :Old Man:
  19. F!$k Off
    Forest got a reaction from Izanagi in Bai-sexual   
    Well fine, xG doesn't care for you either :cry:
  20. Agree
    Forest reacted to Vector in Urgent Bad   
    @Brian come back please.
  21. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Brian in Urgent Bad   
    Apparently I have root access in the Pokemon server. I didn't do anything with it, just proved to the guy that I actually did have it. Might want to remove that though.
  22. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from SiliconDragon in Tomahawk For Mod!?   
    People tend to dislike any threads that are self-oriented. For example, any thread(s) that ask(s) for the opinion of the community on certain subjects such as whether or not you're a good Member, or in this case, whether or not you are capable of being a Staff member.
    Another thing you should avoid is being 'kiss-ass' like. Intentional or not, you'll be labelled someone who just says something to receive praise. Things such as obvious or otherwise blatant scenarios should also not be re-explained as most will react negatively (IE. pointing out obvious things). Speaking of which, don't ever go back on something you said as you will end up making yourself look like a fool. Stand by what you did/said and take it upon yourself to accept the responsibility, for example, you'll notice that you received a lot of negative criticism when you mentioned that you were "joking" in regards to this thread, when in all likelihood you weren't.
    As you use the forums you'll develop a better understanding of what you should/shouldn't post or when you should/shouldn't post. Don't let any trolls discourage you from being open on the forums, but also understand that this is the internet and things are likely to get heated fast :coffee:
  23. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from DeathGod in Government Mandated Forum Hours   
    Why not make it so that Higher-Ups don't accept stupid ass vouches that are either irrelevant or lack valid information in Member Submissions :Old Man:
  24. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Nomulous in Tomahawk For Mod!?   
    People tend to dislike any threads that are self-oriented. For example, any thread(s) that ask(s) for the opinion of the community on certain subjects such as whether or not you're a good Member, or in this case, whether or not you are capable of being a Staff member.
    Another thing you should avoid is being 'kiss-ass' like. Intentional or not, you'll be labelled someone who just says something to receive praise. Things such as obvious or otherwise blatant scenarios should also not be re-explained as most will react negatively (IE. pointing out obvious things). Speaking of which, don't ever go back on something you said as you will end up making yourself look like a fool. Stand by what you did/said and take it upon yourself to accept the responsibility, for example, you'll notice that you received a lot of negative criticism when you mentioned that you were "joking" in regards to this thread, when in all likelihood you weren't.
    As you use the forums you'll develop a better understanding of what you should/shouldn't post or when you should/shouldn't post. Don't let any trolls discourage you from being open on the forums, but also understand that this is the internet and things are likely to get heated fast :coffee:
  25. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Izanagi in Tomahawk For Mod!?   
    People tend to dislike any threads that are self-oriented. For example, any thread(s) that ask(s) for the opinion of the community on certain subjects such as whether or not you're a good Member, or in this case, whether or not you are capable of being a Staff member.
    Another thing you should avoid is being 'kiss-ass' like. Intentional or not, you'll be labelled someone who just says something to receive praise. Things such as obvious or otherwise blatant scenarios should also not be re-explained as most will react negatively (IE. pointing out obvious things). Speaking of which, don't ever go back on something you said as you will end up making yourself look like a fool. Stand by what you did/said and take it upon yourself to accept the responsibility, for example, you'll notice that you received a lot of negative criticism when you mentioned that you were "joking" in regards to this thread, when in all likelihood you weren't.
    As you use the forums you'll develop a better understanding of what you should/shouldn't post or when you should/shouldn't post. Don't let any trolls discourage you from being open on the forums, but also understand that this is the internet and things are likely to get heated fast :coffee: