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  1. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Nomulous - Team Fortress 2   
    I remember when Silence did this shit weekly on CS:S JB, and everyone always had a good laugh. What the hell happened. #PostingInClosedThread #DealWithIt
  2. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from thebestguy in Fink's Jb Tips   
    I'm scared to go on TF2 JB now.
  3. Disagree
    Forest got a reaction from Izanagi in Nomulous - Team Fortress 2   
    I remember when Silence did this shit weekly on CS:S JB, and everyone always had a good laugh. What the hell happened. #PostingInClosedThread #DealWithIt
  4. Funny
    Forest reacted to jaygoki in [ˣɢ:ʰˢ]bonk - Counter-strike: Source   
    lel, this was a joke pott guys comeon
  5. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Vector in I Was Told You Could Earn Moderator Today..   
    Just suck a lot of dick. That's how most of the staff members get their positions anyway.
  6. Like
    Forest got a reaction from DrLee in I Was Told You Could Earn Moderator Today..   
    It's not set in stone, it could take any amount of time to earn it. It's completely up to the Higher Ups of the particular Division you are trying to get a Staff position in. Typically if you demonstrate good behaviour ingame (alerting Staff of rule breakers, helping out others ingame with rules) then you'll (hopefully) be noticed.
  7. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Swift in I'm Bored   
    Make me a new avatar. It must consist of a tree or trees dancing.
  8. Creative
    Forest reacted to Swift in I'm Bored   
  9. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Vector in Gba Smb3 Corrupted Save Halp Pls;~;   
    and by smart phone he means an Android. Android has a real hard on for developmental people as the code is much simpiler and more open to the public then that of IOS. You can even download emulators from the store and most are free. so you don't need to go and Jailbreak an ipod or something.
  10. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Vector in Xg Comments   
    it was a joke when youtube first came out with the comment section the huge freak out like people always do. its a joke.
  11. Sad
    Forest reacted to KendrickLlama in Bye Guys I'm Done With Xenogamers   
    @kingme111 why dont you just leave holy shitt dude JUST LEAVE. you keep saying shitt and its annoying. So leave and just delete this shitttttt pls
  12. Funny
    Forest reacted to Brian in Broken Servers   
    "Well if it's broken, don't fix it"
    - @Rhododendron
  13. Agree
    Forest reacted to Gwoash in More Help For Pocket Monsters Emerald   
    god damn it muzzle, there's the internet for things like this
    +1 for worse trainer than ash.
  14. Ding!
    Forest reacted to SpermytheCat in More Help For Pocket Monsters Emerald   
    here ya go Let me google that for you
  15. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from DCook in Glitch On Ban Appeal   
    Can't/shouldn't take the word of the offender as they could simply be lying.
    However, in regards to the CT ban, a permanent Server ban is only warranted for mass freekilling and leaving the Server (regardless of any reason, it is still evading a ban) almost immediately afterwards. It is also for other offences such as hacking and such, but this isn't the case.
    In this particular case, if the offender was freekilling over a period of several rounds then it should only amount to a CT ban (day/week). Note that it wouldn't be a permanent CT ban as that is only applicable for freekilling 3+ Terrorists consecutively on the same round. As Cookie mentioned, the offender should have been CT banned earlier had they been freekilling during other rounds prior to the ban.
    According to the offender, they freekilled Jeevo before leaving the Server. Unless that freekill was on top of 2 other freekills on the same round, then it should not be a permanent Server ban. If the reason for the permanent Server ban was because the offender left the Server after freekilling (one person, Jeevo), then a justified Server ban would have the length of at least a day, not permanently. Because that information is unclear, the only way of knowing is to have Jeevo give his input. With all that said, I'm sitting at a +/-0 until further notice :coffee:
  16. Like
    Forest got a reaction from DrLee in New Name?   
  17. Informative
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Wardening 101   
    Insert my long post here. (Will edit when I get home. Basically gonna be adding my perspective as one of the hardest wardens to rebel against as well as a pretty damn good rebel. So I'll be giving tips on how to avoid it and also how to control the ts as a nazi easily but still letting some fun in.)
    Edit: Due to the influx of hours at work (summer, and grad nites starting, and me working them. so i have a fucked up schedule of life now.) this post edit of the real value has been delayed, my minimal free time is already set for a few games of ranked and maybe a competitive a day. other than that, time is a rare commodity. so if I am to give a tip right now, while it isn't for wardening, it's for you kids out here. Since most of you are kids, still in maybe even elementary school, but typically jr high or early high school, don't waste your time. enjoy the time you get to hang out with friends, and make what you can of life right now, live the "yolo" or "rolo" life and experience different things (try talking to a real human girl IRL) and make sure you have fun, because even though I am young (only 20) with work and school going right now, I have spent a total of 2 hours with my girlfriend the last month, and that was the 2 hours before my grad nite shift last night. prior to that, we were basically in-separable. When the time comes that you are working and other priorities take over, you are going to wish you lived your life a little more. another example of such, I wish I had tried in high school so that I would not have been "grounded" all the time, and been able to hang out with friends, also so I could have gone to a real school instead of Community College, I basically trapped myself for a few years trying to get classes and balance life at the same time.
  18. Agree
    Forest reacted to Pepper in Bye Guys I'm Done With Xenogamers   
    Did you not see what people were posting?
    Its xG there will always be problems
  19. Funny
    Forest got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Fink's Jb Tips   
    I'm scared to go on TF2 JB now.
  20. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Kyoko in Deathrun Server?   
    As with any other Server and any other suggestion for one, you need to have Members or Players to back it up lest history repeat itself. More emphasis should be on the Servers that are actually striving as mentioned above, not adding more to the current list. As it is, our CS:S Division is already lacking in terms of activity.
    Adding more Servers would just result in regulars pooling to another Server, thus killing the Server they had been regulars on previously. It's a vicious cycle :coffee:
  21. Agree
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Deathrun Server?   
    we had deathrun. the only time it was ever populated was when a movement of us wanted to have fun and went on it, and we were the only ones to ever populate it. no randoms join deathrun. nobody populates it. waste of time and resources when the one server that still gets population somehow (jb) could be worked on.
  22. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Chrono in History Behind Your Ign   
    don't lie. as stated in the previous thread, it was because your cat was named shadow. spys have secrets and so you told us your deep secret of how you are a furry and fucked your cat named shadow.
    Gyazo - 75b52ce0c58e572495e381a54bfbdbda.png
  23. Like
    Forest reacted to Gkoo in My Vlogs   
    Hey guys, I'm making vlogs on my way to Abu Dhabi and Palestine. Check em out and Gkoo.
    First day
  24. Informative
    Forest got a reaction from DCook in Bye Guys I'm Done With Xenogamers   
    If you're after getting your account deleted, you'll want to PM Rhododendron or Nomulous. As for 'Membership', it really only applies to those who have had a Member Submission accepted. Not that those who have made an account aren't Members, they just aren't 'True Members', no offense to those who aren't yet 'accepted'. Sort of like Basic Membership by making an account, then Premium Membership by applying.
    With that said, cheers m8. Here's to hoping you overcome life's shitty obstacles :coffee:
  25. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from DeathGod in Hi   
    Fug u. Come back and stay around you slunt.