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Everything posted by Vector

  1. No, Absolutely no way. What you did was completely unprofessional and damaged both the servers and your relationship with xG beyond repair. Some reasons as stupid as the CL position. On a personal note when i disagreed with him he and another user by the name of Foxxeh deleted my channel out of anger and @Chrono was kind enough to give me one in his. I mean his actions include destroying the servers in the position he was given (DL), disrespect/racism, and kicked out most members of staff in the admin steam group out of said group (thankfully poncher was able to get it back). @Hidingmaster I mean here are the problems Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source I won't speak for Chrono on his opinion but look at all of this. There was an admin discussion about his opinion on the CL position that i don't have on me because i wasn't an upper staff member at the time. Also keep in mind he has yet to demonstrate any sort of attitude change, while i commend him for his attempt at trying to get unbanned, he hasn't contributed anything positive to the forums to support his arguments that he has changed. Here's his original ban by @Gawd Xeno Gamers if i'm forgetting anything feel free to tell me because it was awhile ago however i was there for it and i was actually really good friends with him including @orangejuice Good luck on the rest of the ban protest but i just can't see it happening -1.
  2. This person seems familiar...
  3. Vector


    People who say it's a tf2 killer are just shit-posting at this point.
  4. Vector


    guys go easy on him. it looks like he's new to the website and maybe even servers so he doesn't know exactly what the up and up is. He saw something he thought was bad and reported it no need to jump down his throat.
  5. Vector


    Most of your arguments are "If valve can do it, why can't everyone do it??" It's because they have different people with different inspirations with different ideas in a genre they have little experience in and they did well with what they did all things considering. It's not fair to compare a 9 year old game with a game that's not even released. Plus if they did it just like valve did then people would be complaining that they aren't doing more on their own. how can people create maps for a game that hasn't even been released yet? How can you possibly fault a game like this when tf2 didn't have anything similar until 2 years after it's starting life? The only similarity between the two is how their primaries are used but even then pose two completely opposite mechanics. Plus, Mei has way more use when it comes to her ice wall But demoknight was a community created class that valve thought was funny and made a map or two to cater to it. It's not like anybody truly used it in comp or if they did they still had grenade launcher and such. Okay? Bullshit, there are so many classes in the game it's hard to recognize and prepare for classes that you will face, also rocket jumping is virtually non existance and she has a smaller blast radius. If you're talking about her alt, you can't falt a character that has a different mechanic. Most of the maps are fine, the only problem i have with them is that some of the characters feel so big that it feels awkard going through doors but even then the smaller maps make it feel very scary because as D.VA specifically, it's fine using her rocket boost going through multiple doors and behind enemy lines to fuck their shit up. Then why is your whole entire post comparing overwatch to tf2 then proceeding to state how every character plays similar??? I mean honestly, Shadower's post couldn't be anymore correct.
  6. Vector


    D.VA is the best character and best waifu. All others are trash.
  7. Mini games was your second most popular CSS server with randoms flocking in every now and again and usually we had a great time. I would play csgo if we had one, jailbreak, after playing for years and staffing it is boring as fuckkkkk. +1 for mini games.
  8. Got vaced. RIP to me homies. I think i used it a couple times on pub a long while ago, apparently it was for 18 months. Ah well shit happens. If i ever want to play on valve servers/games ill probably need to make another account. but i guess that's how the cookie crumbles.
  9. why are the CLs doing everything? Where is @Rejects?
  10. It's not bickering if you're trying to educate each other on different points of view. i don't think you give people in this thread credit for keeping it on discussion. In my view he is instigating which results in that fight. No one is denying that he is good at the game or anything but you can't honestly say that he isn't instigating which causes people to say those hurtful things to him and vice versa. This was already addressed and people have already commented saying how everyone is trying to better themselves, just because some people do it, doesn't make it okay, and most if not all have fell to this but that isn't fair to give someone a free pass because others do it. If you feel you see people do something similar i hope you and anybody report it. He was banned 5 times and given a final warning from Kb, i have no idea what else you want someone to do as well as people voicing their displeasure of his comments on forums. would you rather there be no evidence and shit flinging? this literally took me 5 minutes to find. there was no hoarding of evidence to get him in the case, there was a problem and it is being addressed on the forums. Whether or not this ban goes through or not, it still gives people notice on someone's behavior. It also gives that individual in question a look at people's concern and why they feel a ban is justified. Again see my comments at the top. 5 bans as well as several talking tos and nothing changed and again this thread, whether he is banned or not, allows people to voice their opinion on the person in question. Good for him! that's exactly what he should do but as ego said, once good instance in a wave of bad ones isn't enough to justify what he says. And even then, he should be using the admin plugin or anyone on the server to use to help manly instead of just watching, i don't know what happened next but from what you're telling me nothing came of it. That's a problem that should be addressed. I'm sorry i just don't understand how taunting people and then complaining about people being a jerk to him gives him any right to justify what he says. no one is ever talking to themselves when disrespecting people but the course of action could be different, as mentioned before there is no reason to keep it going, there is the mute button and the call admin command. i respectfully disagree with your opinion and i think many people felt this was a long time coming but never did anything because they are afraid of the backlash they might get. However i am glad someone came to manly's defense.
  11. Regardless, typing it over and over is still taunting, i'm sorry if we share a different opinion but i just can't see how that is not instigation. but not with the others who were offended which is why this thread is here. I applaud you for fixing this with ohstopyou though. Please don't bring up other situations and compare them, it makes things more complicated and results in shit talking. "this person got this thing so why is mine getting this" whole reason for what? The thread? or your comments?
  12. I don't see how that is relevant. That's a separate issue that was resolved and no reason to go into so i'm sorry if i don't see your point. but it still wasn't appropriate, the guy was talking about a tragedy and many found it distasteful. What's not rude to you may be rude to someone else and the two forums posts got a lot of people upset. but you can use it for many reasons other than exploit, that's what it's their for, and why admins are here, to help you and the players have a fun environment. If the call admin wasn't working i would of made a demo and uploaded it, but that issue is long gone and unfortunately nothing came of it, but for future reference that's best what to do. i have addressed this with them and they have improved on getting on, one experience shouldn't discourage you from using the plugin. it's not the hardest rule to understand. Just don't be a jerk and people won't be a jerk back. But if someone is a jerk, don't retaliate because it makes things worst. how else would you use ez or rekt? How wouldn't that taunt someone?
  13. No i do not. which one? That's not what i'm saying, what i'm saying is that what you said can make it sound like your serious, especially if it's around people you don't know. I don't know this thing, i'm assuming it was in shoutbox, if then he can explain what happened but even then, is it worth it? It's an avatar, there's no reason to retaliate nor is there a reason to attack, on both sides. It just seem ludicrous that something like that would happen It doesn't matter what type of person you are, you have to have self control and let the admins handle it, and if they are turned against you, it's probably because you added to the fire by attacking back. That's the problem i'm telling you. It's not nonsense if it's going to help you out and stop people from being a jerk to you. that quotes means, if you fling shit, shit will be thrown back, and if you don't want it thrown back at you, then don't throw it in the first place, that quote is not telling you to fight back it's telling you to be the better person and treat others with respect, if others don't then you ignore it or call someone. but you've been banned multiple times for it and you just said you attack people back if they shit talk you. You don't deserve anything bad happen or said to you, but when it happens, it doesn't hurt to have people help you. When you say ez, or get rekt and shit like that, you are starting shit, saw you do this time and time again for no reason when you were more active on the server. You are essentially putting someone down and, it hurts their ego, i don't understand how you think this wouldn't get people upset. again the call admin is there if it gets too out of hand. it's a video game man. but you're just adding flames to the fire, if you keep repeating what people say about you, people are bound to agree, especially if it's in a taunting matter just delete the binds, there's no reason for them to be there. I've already said it multiple times. Saying this like EZ or get rekt, over and over and over again gets tiresome and people will lash back. i have honestly not seen you say that once. I'm looking at chat logs in tgh and all the way back to april 10th, i don't see it said once. I've talked to staff members about it and they have told me that they wish to put a stronger stance on people getting shit on for playing the game, they have made a plugin i believe that advertises the friendly plugin, the hates always gonna be there but a better person would ignore it or call for help. i think you misunderstand what i meant, please read the rest i have said about posting binds. i have honestly no idea what you're trying to say, sorry. No, you were banned for the same reason this post is up now. Disrespect, to say they were stupid is incredibly ignorant and shows you haven't matured. It's frustrating to get banned but you need to understand why you did and how you can improve. That's the reason bans happen but if you fail to improve then consequences get worst. Bello has never banned you, @kbraszzz and two zero four are the other two that banned you. Kypari banned you 3 times.
  14. Well, i mean many people don't really know you and at times inappropriate for some threads, many people see that you got banned for disrespect and assume you are serious. Your intentions may be just joking but you need to recognize that not everyone sees it like that. I get this shit too, but at the same time you just gotta ignore them or call an admin. There's no point in responding back if they are just gonna act like man children, everyone here including my self had to deal with that shit and we all need to get better with it, but your remarks are pretty mad and can go over board. if you see someone calling you shit just get an admin or record and make a thread. I do agree that people need to calm down especially on trade servers. Not but you're instigating. You think people aren't going to get upset when you bring the bantz over and over and over again? That gets incredibly tiresome. but you try to bait people into fucking with you, myself included. Plus with all the chances you're given, it's hard to think your serious.
  15. Also, please be respectful, (telling myself that too), just give your input and give manly a chance to explain himself/give his side of the story. I'm crossing my fingers this doesn't become a shit storm, you guys have greatly improved on this and it makes me proud especially with the matsi thread (on both sides). Manly deserves to have his case reviewed and give his own input before any action is taken.
  16. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: ManlyDuck Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:48974587 Rules Broken: Disrespect Ban Type: Server Ban Evidence: He's been a problem for a long time and the fact he hasn't been banned recently after having 5 bans from 3 different admins. Xeno Gamers He recently has been posting on forums and apparently had an argument with @Bach, i didn't see it but he can give the load down. Here's all the shit that has happened recently. I've also been told he was on his last warning by @kbraszzz. (Taunting) Also whenever he and i are on he trys to instigate shit with me. trying to get my attention, i just ignore him now. @ManlyDuck @Rejects @BelloWaldi @Scootaloo
  17. Vector

    Hot Or Not

    Just say you're coming out of the closet, i'm sure u can find a creepy bf here in xG.
  18. awe you removed me homie. Oh well, you were a cool mofo and an amazing staff member from what i saw. Good luck with everything and i wish nothing but the best of luck. Next time take more dick picks for xg fam.
  19. why not just use a program to take a screen shot and not your phone? Do you do this to intentionally trigger me?