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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. -1. You slayed @all, you got permed and should stay permed. Abuse like like this is punished with a perm ban, not a 5-month ban. People who do stupid shit like this and get permed need to realize that you aren't going to get out of stuff like this, even if you waited to make a protest for nearly half a year. Permanent bans should be permanent, and I really see no reason at all to have you unbanned.
  2. From what I've seen on the server, if you can see any part of your own cell (or cell block itself) then you are facing cells and should be killed for doing so (assuming it was going against warden's orders). For example, when warden says "face cells at all times" it's always been enforced that if you can see cells even just the smallest amount, then you are facing cells. The moment that you can no longer see cells on your screen, you are no longer facing cells. This is why a lot of admins/mods warn CT's to be careful who they kill for not facing cells because the CT's cannot see what the T's are seeing, as they could be facing cells without the CT's realizing. To be honest, I'm kinda stuck in the middle on this one. While Speed might have been genuinely facing away but Chrono couldn't tell as he can't see Speed's screen, Trin could have very easily been facing his cell for all we know. The info at the time wouldn't have been enough for a ban to be honest, so Speedlimit was definately a little hasty in banning Chrono so quickly, and the "fag" added at the end of the ban doesn't really help his case either. TL;DR: lol fuck you read the whole thing.
  3. best thread 2014 10/10 would read to my grandchildren
  4. diabeetus

    Shameless Beg

    dayz lel just threaten your parents that you'll cut your wrists if they don't give you money like warrior does.
  5. Eastern Standard Time only time central time sucks lel @@Bleed
  6. -1 fgt scrub. cnt evn yy 360 720 reverse wallbang. fkn n00b. M: no skill/10 A: ethnic cleansing/10 + 1, he's been playing on the servers for a while, and is pretty mature and knows the motd. Never seen him cause any problems and would make an excellent edition to xG.
  7. nom cyber-bullies me, halp plos.
  8. holy fuck uber gravedig. Close ples @@Hidingmaster @@MuffinMonster @Tsck -- @Tsh -- @Tschingchongpingding.
  9. lel not even on the list. Does that mean I win?
  10. So what you're saying is that we should have a system where all parties always agree with each other 100% of the time and the notion of any dissenting opinion is stomped out at the first opportunity? Sounds a little dictatorial there buddy. To be honest warrior, you're just a fucking broken record at this point. Every time this thread comes around (the "xG has tons of problems" thread) you blurt the same message over and over again, but offer no solution to these problems. If you're upset with the fact that our servers aren't very unique/interesting, find some damn plugins or anything else that would give the desired effect yourself, instead of just playing smeague of smegens all day long and bitching on forums. Upset that upper administrations doesn't do jack to help out the servers, learn how to do some basic coding and get the position for yourself, or find someone else who has the know-how/balls to take the position. The constant bitching and moaning isn't going to help the drama levels on forums either. Be the change you wish to see.
  11. Here's the results, looks like we'll be killing off George Clooney unless a large amount of people have a problem with this. If there aren't any major amounts of protests to this by noon tomorrow we'll be keeping with this. Cause of death will be determined later.
  12. Alright, it's time that we band together and "kill" a big-name hollywood star. We've all seen the rumors about Bill Nye, Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber, but it's about time that we start to spread our own. Choose the star that you would like to see xG spread the rumors of their death, and when the poll closes we will strike. Once the poll closes and a time is announced, we will all go onto our Facebooks/Twitters and post Rip in peace *insert name here* (other acceptable posts include #rip*name*2013, #rip in peace *name*, rip *name*, rip in peace *name*) on the respective celebrity's twitter/facebook page. I will also attempt to edit the wikipedia page of the star in order to make the death look as official as possible. We must rustle the jimmies as many stupid fans as possible, so pick the person wisely! EDIT: Alright fuck the poll, we're just gonna do a randomizer. Who needs democracy, it's just a load of bullshit amirite? I'll post the results of the randomizer later. Also, if anyone has a confirmed wikipedia account and is willing to post the login info (and possibly the account, there's a very real chance that your account will be banned) that would be greatly appreciated.
  13. vote 4 me or u get permed lol scrubs
  14. diabeetus

    Jubens 4 L

    easily the shittiest thread I've ever seen
  15. -1. You were gone for over a month, during which you played absolutely no time on xG CS:S servers. You've only connected three times since you've come back, with only about 4 hours of total play time so far (since you have come back). Maybe if you keep the activity up for a few weeks and prove that you are still the (somewhat) mature and enjoyable member I remember you being, I'll change to a +1. Right now, it's a little too early to judge whether or not you should be let back in the community. Also, every single +1 on this thread so far has been invalid, so if you actually want to help Superkiller get back in you should probably change all of your reasons #coolguy.
  16. league of legends? more like smeague of smegens. @moofinpayday
  17. the dark lord blessed me with this new video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihkK5lyDBqI merry negro kintamis everybody.
  18. let's start a kickstarter to get Doug all his shit back. Hi