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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. -1. You blatantly abused intentionally, and should stay banned. You might have wanted to consider the fact that you might want to play on our servers again before you abused.
  2. Sorry, but you gotta meet the requirements before you can apply for mod. ~closed (consulted @Tsuchikure [le hue] if anyone was wondering)
  3. what about the club penguin division?
  4. ^this @Matsi there is no Rust division, nor are you a division leader in any sense. Just because you made a Rust server and slapped some xG tags on there, does not mean that you have created your own division (without the consent of upper management as well) and that you can proclaim yourself DL of said division. Since Rust is not an official division, take off the Division Leader tags, as you are not in any form a Division Leader. ~closed
  5. the gravedig is real. ~closed
  6. watch out for mormons, they get real edgy around mating season
  7. Sliderace isn't really for people to go on, it's mainly used for testing out new plugins and other stuff before it goes on the rest of the servers. Sorry bud.
  8. Gravedigging shrinks your epeen. Locking threads makes mine grow.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pVNvSuA2mM made me cry irl
  10. Closed as the application has been open for over 1 month and has not yet reached the proper amount of vouches to be accepted. You may reapply in one month. ~closed
  11. Do you not see the people getting forum banned for posting these useless spam threads? Seriously, this is getting incredibly annoying to see these utterly pointless threads everywhere. Learn to use the goddamn shoutbox, it's really not that difficult to understand. Before you post a thread like this, take one second and think about what you're about to post. If your thread is something that you'd usually see in shoutbox, /xg/ or in the status feed, or is something that could be solved with a simple google search, then DO NOT POST THE THREAD, and take advantage of our wonderful shoutbox and status feed. The next time I see one of these useless threads the OP is getting forum banned.
  12. >gets DM >leaves 2 weeks later >logic.exe has stopped working
  13. Sorry for expecting that Darkwolf wouldn't go full retard and actually take his demotion with some kind of dignity instead of throwing a massive, ego-fueled hissy fit.
  14. [ATTACH]12418[/ATTACH] CONGRATULATIONS! Your Moderator Submission has been accepted! Please remember to be... -Active on teamspeak, forums and servers -a Positive role model to the other players in our servers -Taking initiative and making sure our servers are #1 ~closed oh yay the formatting didn't work again, me so smart.
  15. Alright, I'm just going to go ahead and close this utterly pointless thread. If you guys want to talk about your little revolution then feel free to use this great system called "steam chat" or "private messaging" instead of clogging up the forums with this garbage. If any of you actually try something as stupid as trying to "overthrow" the community, let's just say that it won't go very well for you. Also, if I see any more of these pointless threads and/or shitposting coming from you jubens, I will not hesitate to forum ban you. ~closed
  16. So would you like me to revoke your membership now, or after you try to overthrow xG?
  17. what did I tell you about the pointless threads jubens?
  18. sorry, xG doesn't negotiate with cyber-bullies sure why not?