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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. While I would have -1'd the thread (mainly due to stumpy's post-ban attitude) I didn't get the chance to before Darkwolf locked the thread. However, the ban should be seriously reduced and Matsi should be given a warning about being so quick to ban. He's done this kind of thing several times before in the past, and I'm starting to think that he really doesn't hold much regard for the current admin protocol. I honestly don't care how many times someone trolls, unless they reach constant Towlie-level retardation (even then they should still be warned) proper banning protocol should always be followed and Matsi really needs to realize this. Until the motd or admin handbook is edited to accommodate rules that allow you to more swiflty ban repeat-offenders, you always have to follow the proper procedure (warning, gag, kick, 5 minute ban, longer ban if needed). If someone can't follow even the most straightforward of procedures then I don't know why they should still have mod/admin.
  2. Rust just looks like an even more broken version of DayZ, no thanks.
  3. So basically I give you steam cards which have real value for credits that have no value. Somehow that seems off to me.
  4. lolno. -1. Considering you are one of the most irritating, annoying and immature people using forums right now, there's no way your in-game behavior can be anywhere near mature. Even if you were a saint in-game, your horrendous behavior on forums pretty much nullifies it. A: ?/10 M: 1/10
  5. diabeetus

    Active Mistake

    I was really hoping you weren't going to make more threads.
  6. unless you have video or photographic evidence that supports your story (timestamped of course) then there's no way I can +1 this. -1, as I doubt that your story is even true.
  7. rip I'm fine unless you stop playing Just Cause 2, because my thirst for 911 re-enactments will never be quenched (I wonder how many red flags just popped up on the NSA radar).
  8. Canadians = lesser Americans True fact. Also, bleed you're permed for tagging me #rekt.
  9. I take it back, this is the best thread of 2014. I also like Oh's and Cracklin' Oat Bran
  10. I'm assuming this is you? If so, -1. This is pretty much entirely due to your activity. I think that 14 hours isn't nearly enough to get into xG, the fact that the first time you connected to the server was just over a week ago doesn't help either. I would stick around for a while, try to get to know the server and the community a little bit better before you apply. Being permed from CT in such a short amount of time on the server also doesn't help you cause, because it looks like you just hopped on CT without reading the motd. A: 2/10 (only connected for a relatively short amount of time) M: ???/10 (haven't seen the player enough to judge their maturity, however being permed so quickly doesn't help)
  11. From what I'm getting, it sounds like you did this intentionally (massed on a noballs) so that's going to make it significantly more difficult to get unbanned. -1, due to intentional mass, you knew what you were doing was wrong and did it anyways. You got permed and should stay permed.
  12. how could you not have the best one on there? <3 zayn 5ever.
  13. I think a lot of you guys are forgetting about this as well: Jordo was demoted just about a month prior to slaying @all for abusing his powers. When you're demoted for abuse, the message is very clear: don't mess up again or you're done for. Instead of listening to this, Jordo instead decided to abuse his powers further, without really seeming to care about his position, the server he's supposed to be maintaining, or the consequences that would come after doing something so severe. He was given a second chance, and clearly blew it. I really don't know how anyone could +1 this saying he should be given a second chance despite the fact that he's already been given one.
  14. Your history? lol. Last time I checked you rage quit from xG and tried to start numerous other clans to compete with xG, attempting to recruit multiple members for your clan from ours, so if anything you should stay banned. I went and played the map again, and like Darkwolf said the button is explicitly labeled "kill" in big block letters. I honestly doubt that anyone would be able to press this button without realizing what it would do, because the function of the button is just about as blatant as you can get. -1.
  15. -1 no proof at all, and no rules really seem to have been broken.
  16. -1. Your activity is decent, but you've only been active for about a week. While you do seem to be fairly mature as well, it's a little early to call whether or not you should be in xG as of yet. Maybe if this app is still open in a couple of weeks and you keep the activity/maturity up I'll change to a +1, but right now it's just a little too early for me. A:5/10 M:7/10
  17. -1, no reason to change the rule in my opinion. Even if you knife the baiting CT and you're killed, the CT that baited you should still be slayed, so if admins/mods are forgetting to do so let them know in admin chat.