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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. Alright, since everyone appears to be in agreeance, I'll go ahead and close this. Let this serve as your final warning IceSlice, and if you do not heed this warning dire consequences will follow. IceSlice has been forum banned for 3 days as of posting this. ~closed
  2. If no one has any final objections, I believe that a 3-day forum ban would be appropriate. If IceSlice continues to troll and disrespect after this ban is up, a much more severe punishment will be in order, likely along the lines of a couple of weeks (depending on the frequency or intensity of possible future disrespect/trolling). @Nomulous @snakeboyeric @Gawd @ThePenguin @Hidingmaster
  3. +1. Obvious and constantly annoying troll. He's been banned at least once before for shitposting forums with useless threads yet continued to do so on several occassions.
  4. -1, as your activity is pretty atrocious. The only server on CS:S (with the exception of minigames, however we cannot get activity stats from mingames unfortunately) that you've connected to in recent memory is Jailbreak (proof here) and you've hardly connected to Jailbreak as well. From the day you left (25 days ago on January 10th) until today, you have connected to Jailbreak a grand total of 3 times (once again, Jailbreak is the only server Lemons has any recent activity on CS:S except for minigames, however I only saw Lemons on minigames during the community night) and a total play time of 15 minuntes (proof here). That is no where near enough activity to get back in, and I honestly doubt that this is some kind of "joke" or that you "forgot" to put white text in your goodbye thread.
  5. diabeetus


    is it really that hard just to put white-text at the bottom of the thread?
  6. Personally I agree that a shortened ban would be appropriate, but I'd like to hear @kbshooter2's side of the story as well.
  7. Well in your ban reason it says it was for mass freekilling, could you provide some clarification on what happened? If he didn't mass, then there's really no reason to perm him. 0 until further clarification is provided.
  8. diabeetus

    Under New Management

    to all those who are wondering, yes, we are eliminating every division but League of Legends. THIS IS SARCASM
  9. What I'm getting from this is that you were permed for giving the order "face cells and guncheck freeze" (which is valid, the motd states that guncheck freeze implies facing away from cells unless another direction is specified) and killing the T's who were facing away from cells, correct? @kbshooter2 if you could clarify what happened from your perspective that'd be great.
  10. First things first, he actually is already banned, this section is called "ban protest" for a reason. The reason for his unban is totally invalid anyways, and shouldn't have led to his unban in any situation. It's been made clear many times in the past that if you are having emotional problems that might cause you to make decisions you're going to regret later, don't get on the server. It wouldn't have mattered even if his mom had actually died, emotional distress is not a valid excuse for breaking rules or abuse of powers. However, since his story has been proven to be untrue (which was the entire reason why he was unbanned in the first place) so his reban was completely justified. The fact that he lied to the entire community (not just staff, look at his first ban protest) with such a horrific and demented story, saying "Why would I lie about my mom dying?" with the sole purpose of manipulating our emotions into feeling sorry for him and allowing him to get unbanned is both incredibly immature and disturbing. I honestly don't know how anyone could possibly defend his actions.
  11. -1. The fact that you lied about something like this in order to get unbanned is frankly quite disgusting. You should consider yourself incredibly lucky that you still have both your paid moderator and your member status after admitting to something like this.
  12. I'd like to thank the academy, and my mom (bleed) for this promotion. Also, @@Tsuchikure. STEAM_0:1:51354336
  13. 8/10 for activity? Hardly. Here are some links to his activity, you can see for yourself how little he's played over the last few months: Xeno Gamers - Player Sessions History DuckiiJr has only held up steady activity for the past 7-9 days. Anything before that and his activity pretty much falls apart for several months. When you get past the 14th of January, his activity falls dramatically, going from connecting every day (like he has this week or so) to only connecting a couple of times a month. In fact the last time he matched or exceeded the activity seen in the last week or so was about 8 months ago, during last May. His activity did spike a little in July, however it wasn't that much (never exceeded 2 hours per day, in fact most days it stayed below 1 hour). The hypocrisy seen in a lot of these posts is actually quite hilarious, considering DuckiiJr has pretty horrendous activity. Being kinda-sorta active for one week simply isn't enough, and anything past that week DuckiiJr really has nonexistent activity. We have more than enough drama already in xG, and we really don't need DuckiiJr causing any more to be honest. I really see no evidence of him being "changed" or "back to the old DuckiiJr" from what I've seen of him in-game he seems to act pretty much exactly the same as he used to. There is no real assurance that he won't do the same shit he did that originally got him banned, which could seriously put xG in danger. The fact that he was still in another clan when he had this posted doesn't help his case either. I also don't see any evidence on DuckiiJr's forum account on QIG to support that he's actually left the clan, aside from removing the tags from his name (in fact on his account it still says he's a junior member, so it appears he actually is still in QIG). -1.
  14. Actually, Dutchy's average connection time per day (for the two weeks before he was accepted) was about 6 hours (the least he played per day was still over an hour, more than a lot of staff for CS:S). Like I -1'd Dutchy's app for lack of activity, I'm going to -1 this app for the same reason. You are a lot of fun to play with, but you simply don't have enough activity to be ready for member. Unless you have several days of activity hidden away on minigames, you've barely played on the CS:S servers. From looking up your steam ID on rank.xenogamers.com you only show up on 4 xG servers, 3 of which you are active on (the last one has 0% activity). Your total play time for these three servers is about 2.5 - 4 hours. While you certainly have the maturity aspect of membership down, you need to get more active before you can get member status. Links to activity: Xeno Gamers - Player Information Xeno Gamers - Player Information Xeno Gamers - Player Information
  15. Maybe if you took the time to actually read the rule before hopping on CT, your case would be a little more acceptable. Being new to the server isn't an excuse to break the rules, in fact it shows that you have a blatant disregard for the server rules as you ignored the most and just hopped right on CT.Also, you've been band for less than 48 hours so it is waaaaay too early to even consider unbanning you. If you really want to show you're worthy of being unbanned, play on T for a couple of weeks and figure out if you really want to stick around. If playing on CT is something that you just absolutely need, you're welcome to find another server to play on. -1
  16. It's not ok that you banned someone for a week for fairly minor infractions that should have only landed a 1-2 day server ban, all without following proper admin protocol. I know I might be sounding like a broken record here, but you always have to follow proper procedure and hand out bans that are of proper length and fit according to the situation. There is NO place in the motd or admin handbook that allows you to skip the proper procedure for handling disrespect/trolling. I honestly don't care how many times he called you a furfag, in a situation like this you cannot let your emotions get the best of you. Put on your big-boy pants and act like an adult instead of childishly abusing your power just because you want some quick retribution.
  17. -1. If you're going to CT-ban him as well then the server ban should be shortened, as Matsi banned him with the freekills in mind. Just slap on a forum ban and call it a day. Revoking his membership is pretty extreme, especially what he did (towards matsi) was hardly disrespect. No real reason to be an asshole to Cookie though.
  18. First things first, like Forest said the freekills should have absolutely no effect on the length of a server ban. If Matsi wanted to hand out a harsher ban that reflected the freekills, he could have teambanned him and then server banned him. I never said that you couldn't give a harsher ban to a repeat offender, I said you can't just skip admin protocol and ban someone without giving a warning. Like I said before, there is no place in the admin handbook that says that admins/mods can just skip the procedure that has been explicitly set out for them to always follow and jump straight to the ban. Try reading my post next time.