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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. watch out for the latinos, I hear it's mating season this time of the year.
  2. +1 demotion isn't enough in my opinion, let's excommunicate this jap-loving communist liberal hippie queer.
  3. 4 replies already? Wow me a internet star. Maybe now that I've actually accomplished something my mom will stop beating me.
  4. How much have we raised for cancer yet?
  5. diabeetus


    Kinda realized that I've been pretty damn inactive as of recently.... so yeah. No real excuse, school's fine, family is fine, I'm not riddled with AIDS (just HIV kiddos, don't get excited). Pure, unadulterated laziness is really the only reason I haven't gotten on at all in the past month or two. Since negro kintamis is coming up, that means I'm off from school for two weeks, which also means that I will be spending all of my free time either masturbating, watching boku no pico, or playing video games (mainly club penguin, but maybe I'll hop on CS:S every once and a while). Just stopping bye to let you guys know that I'm not dead yet, and that I'll be improving my completely nonexistent playtime on xG servers. To be honest, I'm surprised the CS:S div isn't dead yet. Good jobs guys.
  6. lol BACK FROM THE DEAD NIGGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111one
  7. ^ Pretty much my thoughts exactly. Ryse did look somewhat promising, but a lot of these "next-gen" launch titles are more just tech demos than anything else. Despite the fact that both Killzone: Shadow Fall and Ryse: Son of Rome both look beautiful, they both suck pretty hard and are getting shat on pretty much universally by both critics and players. All these day-one releases seem to offer are good visuals, which isn't really enough to get me sold on even just buying the game, let alone an entire new console just to play it on. While there do seem to be some interesting titles down the road (The Order: 1886, Destiny, Watch Dogs), they're just too far away to justify buying the new console now, and on top of that a lot of those games I mentioned (and many more) are coming out on PC as well, effectively giving me no real reason to buy a ps4 or xbox one. This is probably the worst day one lineup of games I've seen for a new console, as most of the launch titles are either rehashed/upgraded versions of games that have already been released or uninspired, glorified tech demos that are put out just to show the technical capabilities of the new console, while offering relatively little substance.
  8. d00d u shud try out for FaZe ur so good man.
  9. How about we bring back the rape script/function/thingy and give it to a Prostitute class? The Prostitute could charge to have sex with people. Also we could implement the hit function that we use with the contract killer and make it so people can put rape-hits on other people. The Prostitute charges some money for a hit, tracks the person down and rapes them to death ( a tad bit morbid now that I think about it). And maybe we could give a short health and speed boost after having the sexy time, to encourage people to hire the Prostitute more often.
  10. Yeah this was too shitty to be true. Stuff this cancerous can only come from 4chan.
  11. @@Miki requesting close, it's been over a month and he doesn't have enough vouches yet.
  12. I'll DL it tonight and try it out tomorrow, looks pretty interesting to me.
  13. -1. Yeah we all know how far this is gonna get.
  14. Vocaroo | Voice message I had a stroke about 2/3's the way in sorry 'bout that. Next song should be the theme song to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
  15. -1 you intentionally massed and you should stay banned. I don't have anything against you, but everyone who masses intentionally (especially the people who have played on the server for a while) know the rules and know what the consequence is for mass freekilling. You knew the rules, but broke them anyway. People who intentionally mass should stay banned, no matter what. It's kind of disturbing that we constantly say that we're going to be consistent and nonpartisan (for lack of a better word) about these unbans, but then turn around and unban people but keep others banned simply because they weren't as widely-liked by the community. Saying that we're going to do something and actually doing it are two entirely different things, and if we want actually accomplish something (ex: denying all protest like John Wilkes Boothe said we would a couple of threads back) we have to actually follow through on what we say. If I had my way, I would make it so you wouldn't be able to protest your ban if you intentionally massed, but unfortunately I'm not dictator of CS:S (for now).
  16. Well unless he gets 8 +1's by the end of today this is gonna have to be closed, as it's been open for a month. @@Miki @@DarkWolf6052 @@RainForest (jesus change your name back already)
  17. So basically an even worse version of the panda freeday? No thanks.