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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. cut the tall trees nigguhs, I ain't going down to no gotdamn tree and his hippie brethren without a fight. I've burnt down dozens of these fuckers, and man there's nothing like listening to their screams as the collapse and burn to a cinder, trying to run when they realize they don't have any fucking legs. Burn motherfuckers, motherfuckers burn. Oh yeah, and I have your nudes, I will post them if shit hits the fan.
  2. +0 I've only seen you on today, idk if you're new or if I just haven't noticed you before.
  3. >refuses to take promotion to DL >accepts promotion to Co leader >logic BUT WHO GIVES A FUCK, FOREST IS A CO LEADER!!!!!!1111oneone
  4. diabeetus

    Pray for Gawd

    I hope your legs grow back nice and strong.
  5. @@TurdWig I love how their rule No. 5 is that racisn is allowed' however whenever they see anything that could possibly regarded as "racist" (because just saying nigger in chat is obvious racism) they will immediately gag/mute without warning. Hypocricy at its finest. In case I didn't make myself clear before, I am in support of a full demotion. If you want a reason, look at my previous posts.
  6. @@DarkWolf6052 I rated one of your posts 'Downs' and two of of them 'Disagree' (which is a neutral vote I believe, but I could be mistaken). That is nowhere near the amount you, lemons and orangejuice have, and far less than all of your replies to this thread.
  7. I'm still laughing at the fact that you and your group of friends just downrate every one of my posts in some kind of sad attempt to make it look like I'm stupid or something (Lemons and orangejuice, you guys must really want a promotion bad lol). Look in the general server rules yourself DarkWolf, you'll see that my points are valid and that the rules I'm quoting are accurate. I know it is kind of beating a dead horse when I say this, but let this be your wakeup call Darkwolf, and realize that without a bid attitude change that a demotion is coming your way. Personal events/stress is not an excuse, if you're feeling too stressed out get someone else to go in-game for you. Inb4 lemons and orangejuice downvote this post. EDIT: the fact that I really just saw what Shadowspy posted is ridiculous. Your attitude is getting increasingly childish as this sitaution continues. You clearly cannot handle stress and easily let your emotions get the better of you". I would suggest a temporary demotion until Darkwolf gets himself together.
  8. @@Matsi, you misunderstood the point of my repsonse. Darkwolf was trying to say that any use of the word "nigger" is prohibited on servers, which it's not (unless used in an openly racist/disrespectful/offensive way, which I clarified in my post). I was not saying that calling someone a nigger isn't racist/disrespectful in any way, and if you think I did then you're delusional. And to all those who continue to say "oh serb told darkwolf to close it cuz there was gonna be a flame war" I honestly doubt that after 3 replies to a thread (2 of which seemed fairly neutral) that you would be able to tell if a flame war was going to break out. Abuse reports are here to root out the staff that can not handle their staff position any more, closing them after only a few replies or whenever an argument breaks out itsn't going to do any good. EDIT: also remember that Chrono put "nigger" in admin chat, where no one else but staff could see it. It's not like he put it in allchat/public chat where everyone can see. @@serbiansnaga please respond to this thread, I want to hear your input.
  9. I would quote the above post, however my Ipad can't highlight so I'm kinda up shit creek without a paddle right now. However darkwolf, I would suggest reading our server rules before flat-out saying that the use of the word "nigger" is completely not allowed on our servers, as you're wrong. In the server rules, it states that language should be kept pg13, however you will NOT BE GAGGED/KICKED/BANNED for using stronger language, unless you're doing it excessively with the inention of being racist/troll or spamming. @@DarkWolf6052. I will leave my full input on this thread when I get acess to a computer, assuming darkwolf doesn't close this one too. It's also good to see the usual tactic of you and your lackeys giving negative ratings to everyone who is against you, while giving you and your supporters positive ratings.
  10. +1. While I don't agree with you in many cases, we need some more people added to the staff roster who aren't afraid to call out the stupidity of other players/staff. However, Matsi does know the rules well, is very mature, and certainly displays qualities that would be great for a mod. Good luck, and I hope to see you with mod tags on soon.
  11. From what I see on rank.xenogamers.com, you have literally never connected to any of our servers. Even if there's some kind of error, I can't recall on seeing you in-game really at all. Also from looking at your steam profile, you have only 5 hours played on CS:S total, which wouldn't be anywhere near enough to be part of xG. I would suggest being a little more active before applying. -1. A: 0/10 (literally no time played on our servers) M: ???/10 (hasn't played on any of our servers, impossible to tell how mature this user is)
  12. I think we all know where this is going.... requesting close @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Forest
  13. You do have to remember that admins aren't all-powerful beings, we're just normal people like everyone else, and we can't see everything at the same time. If a mod/admin didn't see the rulebreaking happen, and there isn't any other proof to show what happened, then we really can't do anything. We can't just slay people on a whim or on a hunch, we have to be 110% that the person we're slaying actually broke the rule that we're slaying them for. While I do think that staff should be in spec most of the time, sometimes we just wanna have a little fun and just relax, because that's really the entire point of playing.
  14. I love how many of our own staff don't read the general rules. Unless I'm spamming excessively, or using it in an openly racist or aggressive manner, I can say the niggerword all I want. Several staff members get incredibly butthurt and immediately will gag/kick/ban someone even if they just put the word "nigger" in chat, even if it's not meant to be aggressive or openly racist in any way. -6. Keep all language PG- 13 on the servers, forum, and Teamspeak. *You will not be kicked/slayed/banned for cussing. However, if you are doing it excessivly to troll or abuse someone it will have repercussions.
  15. requesting a close @@serbiansnaga @@Gkoo @@Gkoo @@Gkoo @@Forest @@DarkWolf6052, this thread is just diving into a full-on shitstorm/flame war, I'm surprised that it wasn't closed earlier.
  16. It isn't a problem of not being able to find the DM's, it's that the current CS:S DM's do not notify the rest of the CS:S staff to anything that is happening. We almost never know if a rule is coming up for debate, or when/why a rule is being changed. The closest we come is Forest's thread that just makes it easier to spot the changes in the motd, but it still doesn't allow the CS:S staff any real input in the matter. We're nearly completely cut off from the management of the CS:S div, and we hardly have any say in our own division anymore, as mod applications (which were the only real oppurtunity for anyone lower than a DM to have some sway in the division) were removed, as we all know. This thread doesn't need to be completely derailed because of you trying to start an argument. Abuse is abuse, no matter how small or insignificant the action is, and the community should have been given the chance to react and voice their input in that thread, instead of DarkWolf closing it (which you're not really allowed to do, even if serb said he could have closed it himself) after only a couple of responses. Hidingmaster wasn't trying to vouch against DarkWolf or something, he was trying to bring light to the fact that the thread was closed before the community could really give any input. From what I've heard, the issue has been resolved after ShadowSpy talked to Serbian in TS, so it doesn't need to be debated on in this thread. I'm personally upset the most at the lack of voice that the players of the CS:S division have. Mod applications have been gone for quite some time, and rules are changed with little warning given to the staff and members of CS:S. The little representation we had left was taken away with the mod submission, and it's time we got some back. On CS:S we don't have an abundance of mods anymore, in fact we have a lack of mods and an influx of admins lately. In my opinions, there really isn't much reason to keep people from posting in mod submission. There are lots of people who want to get mod, but don't know why they're not. Allowing them to post in mod submission would allow for them to maybe see why they're not getting mod from higher ups. The fact that the rules are getting changed with little notice to the rest of the community doesn't help too. Whenever potential changes to rules or really any kind of tweak to the motd is suggested here in CS:S Discussion, it normally will just fade away from sight and memory, even if DM's and higher agree that the new rule/tweak would be beneficial to the motd. Either one thing or the other must be added back to give us at least some kind of say in the division. There's a lot more I could have said, but it would have just been repeating a lot of what Hidingmaster has already said, and a little bit of what Forest did too.
  17. I love this idea, great thinking. I personally would +1 for the return of applying for mod, however I do think that we should keep the old requirements (donate $10, at least 100 posts on forums, and 2 months of membership). I'd also like to put some kind of prerequisites on people who want to get Paid-Mod, and regarding getting promoted to full moderator status, as some people in the past have gotten PM within days of being accepted into the clan, and within 1 or 2 promo/demo's have gotten full moderator (even though they might not fulfill any of the requirements of mods). When people are eager to donate it is great and all, but I don't really think that people who have barely been in the clan should just be immediately handed over powers, and given a quick promotion because they're insecure about being a PM or something. I would suggest just taking the requirements to apply and slicing them in half (only 1 month of membership and 50 forum posts to get PM), just so we can see if the person is actually dedicated enough to work somewhat for PM, other than just forking over $30.
  18. Reducing the amount of people isn't going to make really any impact, we need to remove the servers that we have that aren't populated/in working order and focus on improving our populated ones.
  19. I'd like to know why DarkWolf decided to ignore ShadowSpy completely, while I do think that this is abuse (the fact that he decided to completely ignore ShadowSpy isn't really anything good either) I'm going to put my full input in once we hear what DarkWolf has to say about the situation. @@DarkWolf6052 EDIT: just to clarify the motd states that FR;LR cannot be used to determine lr, it doesn't say anything about there having to be more than 2 participating T's or whatever DarkWolf's excuse was. (First/last reaction cannot be played to determine LR - this is directly copy pasta'd from the motd)
  20. This thread is invalid as you have to be 14 to join xG, requesting close @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Forest.
  21. You realize that if you looked two threads down you'd see that there's already a thread for this, right? Useless thread is useless, requesting a close @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Forest