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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. This is how vent camping is defined in the motd: -Vent Camping: Staying in a vent or hidden area deemed heap by admins with no intent of coming out. A player cannot repeatedly walk back and forth in the vent to avoid a slay. They are still camping the vent. It says "a player", not "only CT's cannot". It's plainly put forward in the motd that no one is allowed to vent camp, no if's, and's or but's. If we allowed for T's to vent camp, they could just stay in a hard to reach/unknown vent for the entire round (ex: camping in the vent with the force field on Blackout), or wait for a CT to come around the corner or enter an area through a vent and knife him in the back once he comes through.(ex: camping the in the corner in disco on Carceris, waiting for CT's to tele in). All in all, no one can camp a vent, it's explicitly says that in the motd, and anyone that says otherwise is wrong.
  3. -1. Not mature, not very active, doesn't know the rules very well. Not member material. A: 5/10 M: 4/10
  4. happy belated America Day, only really eventful thing that happened to me was that I grilled some meat-stuffs and some idiot a few doors down nearly scorched his lawn trying to get some bootleg fireworks to go off. #murica.
  5. How about we just perm all newcomers that go on CT and don't read the rules? After a few people get banned the fuck up, they'll probably learn their lesson and actually read the rules when they're presented to them. Great plan, right?
  6. Fuck, I always miss the good stuff. honestly I think that if the one this coming Saturday goes well, that we should do this every weekend, or even better every single night. +1 m8888te
  7. Just letting people know (cuz I know that you all worship me as a god and that a moment without me is pure agony) I'm back from my vacation/family stuff/real life and will once again dedicate my life and soul to xG.
  8. useless thread is useless, requesting close @anyonewhoactuallygivestwoshits
  9. I'm back bitches
  10. Dear God... Nub has mod. The End Times are upon us men. Congrats to all those who were promoted, and Happy belated Independence Day! MERICA FUCK YEAH!
  12. +1. I think I gagged him (and several other people) at least 2-3 times within a span of around 30 minutes for spamming the lenny faces. Just to give everyone an idea of how much he's spamming the lenny face alone (and how much other people are), here are the chat logs, filtered to show just when the lenny face was typed into chat, just to emphasize how much it's being spammed. Xeno Gamers - Recent Chat Log. By looking at the time of when they were typed in, it's obvious how much he's spamming it, just.
  13. Instead of making a new thread, I'll just post a reply to this one. I'm going to be going inactive for a few more days. Some family is coming down tomorrow evening and will be staying for a couple of days, so I'll be fairly inactive during that time, probably only being able to get on forums.
  14. Very active and mature. Knows the rules well and is fun to play with. Never seen him disrespect or create any problems whatsoever. Would make a great member of xG. +1. A: 9/10 M: 9/10
  15. active as of recently, but mostly due to his ban from being in [GG] he hasn't been very active from what I've seen over the past few weeks. However, Lemons is one of the better players on Jailbreak, is a ton of fun to play with and is very friendly and funny. Previously was a great member of xG and would make just a great a member now. Until he gets a little more active, +/- 0. A: 5/10 M: 9.5/10
  16. -1. Immature, annoying, constant spamming of binds. Not member material, not even close. A: 8/10 M: 3/10
  17. That's why Hellafun got mod. Oh wait....
  18. Fixed. My name's Diabeetus, and welcome to xG! I'm one of the Admins for CS:S, I just got back from vacation so I'm looking forward to seeing you around sometime soon! Enjoy your stay here.
  19. you have to use the "Forms" tab.
  20. since I have to put a valid reason: Brian has contributed greatly to the TF2 Division, and is generally fun to have around and is fairly helpful. Mature, african, somewhat active, african, and overall has all the qualities that would be necessary to get back in xG. +1 A: 5/10 M: 9/10
  21. As the title says, I'm going on a vacation for the next couple of days. I'll be gone for most of the day tomorrow, and then the entire weekend, probably getting back some time Monday morning/afternoon. I'm not going to have access to a computer or the internet at all, so I'll most likely be completely inactive the entire time I'm gone. So if anyone notices that I'm missing for whatever reason, this is why.
  22. swerg berglestin