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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. +1. Active, wardens frequently and doesn't tarp/break rules. Knows the motd well and is a good player. A: 9/10 M: 7.5/10
  2. give this man a medal and a parade, he's done a great service to us all.
  3. gotta get da monei http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZH_21AeF0A
  4. gib me beta key noaw @@BaileyJay
  5. -1 not tagged jk, Superkiller is very active and mature on Jailbreak, and knows the rules well. Never causes any problems and he definitely deserves to be back in xG. A: 9/10 M: 8.5/10
  6. +0 I've only seen you on once or twice, unless you have just been inactive for a long time I would suggest playing on the server more before applying.
  7. diabeetus

    Chance at $$$!!

    When exactly are we supposed to start donating what we said we would in our entries @@Forest
  8. -1. While you are somewhat active, you don't really seem to know the motd all too well from what I've seen, and you're not very mature. I (and many other staff) have told you in the past not to use your mic, but on many occasions you ignore our requests and continue to use your mic. I really can't see you as member material. A: 7/10 M: 4/10
  9. um, it was one accidental freeslay, not really that big of a deal, just saying....
  10. +1. Fun to play with, very mature and isn't disrespectful. Doesn't cause any problems and knows the motd well. A: 8.5/10 M: 9/10
  11. God I would rape the shit out of Beachball McSmiley
  12. -1. complete douchebag, has no regard for the rules and the establishment. Should have been server banned a long time ago. Kidding, Nivek is a pretty chill dude and would be a great moderator. Knows the rules very well, is extremely, and overall is just great mod material. I hope to see him with moderator tags on again soon. + 1 ^ Whitetext?
  13. -1. I've only seen you on once or twice, and you didn't seem to know the rules that well at all. Be more active before applying and read up on the motd. A: 2/10 (has only been on once or twice) M: ???/10 (needs to get more active before a rating can be set)
  14. The "it's been long enough, give him a second chance" excuse is entirely invalid. By that logic, we should also be giving a second chance to people who have been given countless second chances (Towlie is probably the most notable person in recent memory), despite the fact that they're confirmed trolls and have shown absolutely no progress in changing who they are. Peppermint is a troll, and the attitude I've seen of him in-game recently re-affirms my stance towards him. Many of the people who just gave a +1, weren't even part of xG at the time of his constant bans and ban protests, and aren't aware of the countless chances he's been given. Unless his attitude pulls a complete and total turnaround, I see no reason to even consider unbanning him. Like I have said in many of his other ban protests, if you unban him, I guarantee that within a month or two he'll have gotten himself banned again and will be asking for an unban saying that he's changed.
  15. diabeetus


    pro tip: be patient.
  16. How about you just wait until hub comes back and use HLDJ? Making this would require extra time to code and implement, and considering how long it's taking to make hub I doubt that this could be coded quickly.
  17. +1. Good former moderator, know the motd well, very mature for his age, never is disrespectful. I would love to see him back in xG. A: 7/10 M: 8.5/10
  18. I actually went back and played the map, and it is literally the exact same map as the original electric_razor, but with a couple more map games added in so every other round isn't first reaction last reaction all day. To all those who are saying that we need a map to rebel on, it's just as easy to rebel on this version, in fact I think it's easier to rebel as there appear to be a couple of map guns added that weren't there before. All the vents/teles are in the exact same spot as they were before, and once again the only changes made to the original electric_razor is the addition of a few map games. Just play the map and you'll see what I mean.
  19. replace this map with razor_beta, it's a lot better than that shitty caka doodoo map.