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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. diabeetus

    I'm desperate.

    How much for anal?
  2. Everyone, let's just put our differences aside and give our praise to Hosanna. Rang in the highest. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0vCqfsZLag http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZXZuBCHsps
  4. Zimmerman did nothing wrong. White powah. /joking or am I?
  5. +1. Fun to play with, knows the rules well. Very active and mature as well, and definitely deserves to be back in xG. A: 9/10 M: 8.5/10
  6. diabeetus

    Wat do

    I'm a swimmer, but other than that I play a lot of tabletop miniature wargames, like WarMachine and Warhammer 40k. I highly suggest both of those games, they're a lot of fun despite being somewhat expenisve.
  7. diabeetus

    Chance at $$$!!

    I'm interested, I was about to donate some moolah anyways so I might as well do it now. When does this lottery start/end though?
  8. Then we'll have to keep Bhop, Sliderace, Jailbreak and Minigames, and remove everything else. Honestly, we should just keep the populated servers and fuck the rest, while trying to figure out ways to improve the populated servers.
  9. Everything but RPG surf, minigames and jailbreak should be scrapped. All of the other servers are rarely populated and are just dragging us down.
  10. Show me where the super sekrit porn room is or I'll post @@Forest's nudes
  11. someone gift me Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine and I'll gift you a game back PWEEZ
  12. If you (or really anyone else for that matter) could gift me Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine, I would gift them another game of their choosing (don't go too crazy though) once Steam isn't being a faggot anymore, since I keep getting errors whenever I try to purchase anything from steam. I would also be willing to become said benefactor's personal slave (don't worry boys, I'm clean, just got tested) for 24 hours.
  13. Did the pseudo-hub get added yet? Steam is being a bitch to me and I can't get onto CS:S to check.
  14. Family Guy makes me cry.
  15. could an admin/mod get on CS:S Jailbreak, I have to get off soon and there's no other staff on
  16. Even though this isn't my Division, you were only banned for 1 hour, just wait it out.
  17. Not trying to create an argument, but your mass smite would still be invalid. If the warden declared a freeday that was determined to be an invalid order by staff on, you would just say in allchat/mic that since the warden gave an invalid order, that the remainder of the day would be an invalid freeday, due to the warden's mistake. If a warden was to give some other kind of order that was determined to be invalid by staff (ex: "standing is restricted, all T's please shift-walk follow me), you would just say that the warden tarped, and not smite @all or something like that. Even if the warden screwed up to the point of giving an invalid warday area, you wouldn't just smite @all, you would declare the day an invalid freeday. Regarding the ability to smite/slay @all on Late-Nite Jailbreak, the situations are much different as Hidingmaster said. As long as it's done with approval of other staff/not overdone/not interfering with the ability to play Jailbreak, I think it's fine, considering that this is supposed to be much more laid-off than a normal day of Jailbreak.
  18. 0 for now. You seem to know the rules fairly well, and you have been somewhat active as of recently, but I think you need to log a little bit more time onto our servers. You have just under 1 days' worth of time on our Jailbreak server (which I'm assuming is the server you play on the most on CS:S), which really isn't that much time, especially since it's the summer. I'd like to see you on some more so I can get a better feel for you knowledge of the motd and your maturity, but from what I've seen so far you're ok. A: 5/10 M:7/10
  19. so why were forums down for the past 5 minutes?
  20. diabeetus


    Shit logic is shit. So now we expect for the T to politely drop the gun after he's done murdering the CT he/she is fighting? Eh, it doesn't really matter too much as Thunderdome is played only about once every century or so. I would advise against giving T's guns, even if it is in Thunderdome though...