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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. Forest is not under the section "Division Leader" for some reason. Please fix this ASAP @@Forest.
  2. nice gravedig m8, requesting a close @@Gkoo @@Gkoo @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 @@serbiansnaga
  3. diabeetus


    Hello there, glad to see a new face around here! My name's Diabeetus, I'm one of the admins for the Counter-Strike: Source Division. I haven't seen you in-game yet, but I hope to see you soon. Enjoy your stay on our servers!
  4. -1 for now. From looking up your Steam ID, you only have about 1.5 hours logged into our servers. You're simply too new/inactive to be considered for membership. I'm keeping my vouch at a -1 unless your other profiles have more time played on our servers (please provide the Steam ID's) A: 1/10 M: ???/10
  5. I....uh....I think I'm pregnant...
  6. Congrats to all those who were promoted, especially to the CS:S staff.
  7. First of all, it doesn't matter if the ratio of CT's with mics to T's isn't perfect, as long as CT's have mics and are calling warden there was absolutely no reason to do this. Unless there were no CT's with mics on, and no one was calling warden would there be anywhere near any kind of justification to do what you did. Even then, you could have simply just teamswapped the CT's who didn't have a mic/were refusing to call warden and allow people who did have mics on T to go on CT, instead of just teamswapping yourself onto CT. On the first screenshot Chuck posted, I see 4-6 people who have mics or that will call warden (Megarobin, Ganja, Miku [plue], silverknight, rowthar and shadowspy). I honestly doubt that all of those people (most of whom frequently call warden when on CT) were refusing to call warden at all. I haven't seen Chuck disrespect in the slightest in this thread at all, in fact you're making fun of his job (nurse) so if anything you're being disrespectful and Chuck isn't at all. TL;DR - most of the CT's seen in the screencap have mics and call warden frequently, so there was really no reason for you to teamswap yourself.
  8. I don't know if it's been enough time for you to reapply, but if it has here's my vouch: +1. Active, mature, knows the motd well, overall a good player. A: 9/10 M:8/10
  9. @ShdowSpy was present when this happened as well, if you could leave some input on this it would clear up the situation a little.
  10. diabeetus


    I'm pretty sure we were banned by Google from ever using AdSense, so we'd have to find another way to place advertisments on the site. I guess I wouldn't mind all that much.
  11. gravedig alert! requesting close @@Gkoo @@Gkoo @@Gkoo @@Gkoo
  12. ok great, we don't allow double-clanning anyway, so he would have had to leave XEC if he wanted to join xG. Your excuses are all very convenient for your cause, aren't they? The moment after you freekilled, your game crashed. Not only that, but you didn't even do it, it was your friend who was playing jailbreak and you decided to not fill him in on any of the rules apparently, or even warn anyone in-game that your game may crash unexpectedly. Unless you have phyisical proof that your game crashed moments after you freekilled, I'm -1 ing.
  13. He is, corey590 is Negus Malezas and his app was accepted a while ago, just he wasn't promoted to member status on forums yet for some reason. +1. Mature and has been around the server for a while. Overall a good player and would make an excellent member. A: 9/10 M: 8.5/10
  14. #bringbackscreamers2013
  15. America (United States) =/= all of North America
  16. -1. You have around 1.5-2 hours of total time played on all CS:S servers. You are far too new/inactive, please play on the servers more before making an application.
  17. Serious Sam. All of them. Well, except Serious Sam 2. If I were to recommend a single one of the games, it would either be Serious Sam 3: BFE or Serious Sam Double D. They're both really fun games and quite addicting and challenging, if you can look past Serious Sam's horribly deformed arms and the fact that the story-line is pretty much nonexistent.
  18. @@WhyJewMad give your input on this please. Personally, I'm going to -1. It is expected of everyone who goes on CT that they have read and understand the motd. It isn't the responsibility of staff to hold every single newcomer's hand and guide them through the motd. Your actions and lack of knowledge are your responsibility, just saying that you're new to the server isn't an excuse. Just use some common sense before you do something like this.
  19. Changing my vouch to a -1. First things first, you aren't that active, even on those other names like "infinity" (you only have a few hours at most). If I wasn't typing this on my iPad I would link a picture of your previous names and how little time you have on them. Considering what you said and did after leaving xG, I'm kinda surprised you weren't banned from all servers and forums. On your goodbye thread you basically said that the clan was dying, and on several occassions you made threads on forums trying to show us how to run the clan. If you can't take xG at its worst, you don't deserve to be part of it at its best (or whatever state we're at now).
  20. Holy fuck gravedig. Requesting close @@serbiansnaga
  21. diabeetus


    We don't need to really make the hub, it was completely functional on the sliderace server (other than trails). Personally I think that we should just disable trails and put it on the rest of the CS:S servers just to give everybody a little something to have until it's finished.