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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Hidingmaster in Xg Meetups In Canada, Eh   
    I'm sorry but I'd like to keep all of my organs.
  2. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from jubens45 in Xg Meetups In Canada, Eh   
    I'm sorry but I'd like to keep all of my organs.
  3. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from DrLee in Xg Meetups In Canada, Eh   
    I'm sorry but I'd like to keep all of my organs.
  4. Useful
    diabeetus got a reaction from DrLee in Darkwolf's Demotion   
    As decided by the Community Leaders, Darkwolf has been permanently banned and has had his member status revoked.
  5. Disagree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Charles in Audible_swag - Counter-strike: Source   
    Your Moderator Submission has been accepted!
    Please remember to be...
    -Active on teamspeak, forums and servers
    -a Positive role model to the other players in our servers
    -Taking initiative and making sure our servers are #1

  6. Like
    diabeetus got a reaction from DrLee in Audible_swag - Counter-strike: Source   
    Your Moderator Submission has been accepted!
    Please remember to be...
    -Active on teamspeak, forums and servers
    -a Positive role model to the other players in our servers
    -Taking initiative and making sure our servers are #1

  7. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Forest in Change   
    Before I even give my opinion on anything, I'd like to know one thing; Is there any particular reason these commands are even accessible? Last I checked, Division Leaders did not have the authority to set these sort of powers without at least notifying the Co-Leaders or Leader before hand.
  8. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Chrono in Change   
    Apparently I posted the wrong log files, however bleed has the correct ones @Bleed when he gets on, he can post them.
    Also, community leaders have access to the powers, when they according to what forest said should not have them.
    Also, @Hidingmaster when I had checked the server through friends, I saw 8 people on, himself, jewmad, and a few others.
    Regardless of there being 8 people or 20 people, the commands themselves should not even be there, especially not things like noclip or 1up.
  9. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Iceslice - Mmo   
    If no one has any final objections, I believe that a 3-day forum ban would be appropriate. If IceSlice continues to troll and disrespect after this ban is up, a much more severe punishment will be in order, likely along the lines of a couple of weeks (depending on the frequency or intensity of possible future disrespect/trolling).
    @Nomulous @snakeboyeric @Gawd @ThePenguin @Hidingmaster
  10. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Nomulous in Iceslice - Mmo   
    If no one has any final objections, I believe that a 3-day forum ban would be appropriate. If IceSlice continues to troll and disrespect after this ban is up, a much more severe punishment will be in order, likely along the lines of a couple of weeks (depending on the frequency or intensity of possible future disrespect/trolling).
    @Nomulous @snakeboyeric @Gawd @ThePenguin @Hidingmaster
  11. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from DrLee in Iceslice - Mmo   
    If no one has any final objections, I believe that a 3-day forum ban would be appropriate. If IceSlice continues to troll and disrespect after this ban is up, a much more severe punishment will be in order, likely along the lines of a couple of weeks (depending on the frequency or intensity of possible future disrespect/trolling).
    @Nomulous @snakeboyeric @Gawd @ThePenguin @Hidingmaster
  12. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from IceSlice in Iceslice - Mmo   
    If no one has any final objections, I believe that a 3-day forum ban would be appropriate. If IceSlice continues to troll and disrespect after this ban is up, a much more severe punishment will be in order, likely along the lines of a couple of weeks (depending on the frequency or intensity of possible future disrespect/trolling).
    @Nomulous @snakeboyeric @Gawd @ThePenguin @Hidingmaster
  13. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Chrono in Gg   
    Who promoted him back to member? If you don't make it known to the staff that it is a joke (either white text it when you start or tell us) then it is taken as a serious thing. You were demoted for leaving, as was Audible. As such, you have left. You can re-apply, but you cannot come back a couple weeks later and just say "haha, it was a joke. gg wheres my member/powers guys?"
    @DarkWolf6052 @Hidingmaster @Tsuchikure @ThePenguin @Kyoko @Nomulous @SuperMaddud @Bleed @Forest @MuffinMonster @SkitZoFrenzly. @Gawd @diabeetus @snakeboyeric
    (tagging higher ups so they can note the wrong that was done setting him back to member, unless there is evidence of his stating it is a joke prior to his posting of the thread and demotions for the reason of leaving, he will be set back to non-member and will have to re-apply.)
    also, @Lemons you should read this.
  14. Sad
    diabeetus got a reaction from xGStumpy in Say   
    commit sudoku
  15. Winner
    diabeetus got a reaction from SpermytheCat in Say   
    commit sudoku
  16. Winner
    diabeetus got a reaction from Nomulous in Say   
    commit sudoku
  17. Winner
    diabeetus got a reaction from DrLee in Say   
    commit sudoku
  18. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from DCook in Duckii Jr   
    8/10 for activity? Hardly. Here are some links to his activity, you can see for yourself how little he's played over the last few months: Xeno Gamers - Player Sessions History
    DuckiiJr has only held up steady activity for the past 7-9 days. Anything before that and his activity pretty much falls apart for several months. When you get past the 14th of January, his activity falls dramatically, going from connecting every day (like he has this week or so) to only connecting a couple of times a month. In fact the last time he matched or exceeded the activity seen in the last week or so was about 8 months ago, during last May. His activity did spike a little in July, however it wasn't that much (never exceeded 2 hours per day, in fact most days it stayed below 1 hour). The hypocrisy seen in a lot of these posts is actually quite hilarious, considering DuckiiJr has pretty horrendous activity. Being kinda-sorta active for one week simply isn't enough, and anything past that week DuckiiJr really has nonexistent activity.
    We have more than enough drama already in xG, and we really don't need DuckiiJr causing any more to be honest. I really see no evidence of him being "changed" or "back to the old DuckiiJr" from what I've seen of him in-game he seems to act pretty much exactly the same as he used to. There is no real assurance that he won't do the same shit he did that originally got him banned, which could seriously put xG in danger. The fact that he was still in another clan when he had this posted doesn't help his case either. I also don't see any evidence on DuckiiJr's forum account on QIG to support that he's actually left the clan, aside from removing the tags from his name (in fact on his account it still says he's a junior member, so it appears he actually is still in QIG).
  19. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Gawd in "community Leaders" Discussion   
    I never wanted, or asked for this. I had no clue this was even a thing until I was messaged. But I was offered the position, and thought I would take it to help out the community. I'm not sure if this whole thing is over people upset that they personally didn't get power, but think about it, nothing is really changing. This is no different than what was occurring in the past. However, now its much more community orientated. One person no longer holds all the power.
    I've been part of this community for well over 2 years now, and I thought that I would try to give back to all those before me who have worked so hard to keep it running (Aegean, Duckii, Syn, Serbian, Forest, etc. etc) by helping myself. This is by no means a "gift" or something I accepted for the fun of it. It's a responsibility. And really, if there is enough outcry that the wrong people were selected, I'd be happy to step down. It is the community's choice after all. I'm just trying to do what I can to give back to the community where I have had so many memorable experiences, at least for a little while before the real world nudges and i have much bigger things to worry about.
  20. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Hidingmaster in "community Leaders" Discussion   
    1) If removing stickies in TS is abuse then I hope everyone is ready to be banned for abuse. Not once have I seen stickies used for a legitimate purpose, they are always used for fun. Diabeetus did nothing wrong.
    2) Found it funny that "DL's wanted DL's as cls". Sounds a little selfish huh? Not meaning it in a hostile way.. Just gave me a chuckle.
    3) I asked why you disagree with the choices, not if you were confused about them darkwolf.
    4) So why are 3/5 coming from css? I can't speak on behalf of rhodo and forest but.. take a look at the join dates. It may not mean a lot, but it at least shows we've been here a long time and know xg quite well (two of us joined a year before you super). Being here a long time, being staff members, and maturity are all characteristics of us. It seems like a lot of people think we are bad choices because they either haven't heard of us or rarely have seen us; which is quite wrong.. we are some of the oldest, active players.
    I don't care about spelling or grammar mistakes.. it sucks writing all this on a phone.
  21. Like
    diabeetus reacted to Matsi in Why Do People Care So Much About Ratings On These Forums?   
    "It's About Time" or "Took Long Enough"
    Still have the PSD file in case you need it in some other format :)

  22. Winner
    diabeetus reacted to DeathGod in That Wasn't Long   
    you and all the other niggers who leave and come back within a 3 month period are fucking autistic. stop being a cunt wrap and make a decision. leave or stay.

  23. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Chrono in "community Leaders" Discussion   
    You had plenty of time to give your input on said thread, it was open for quite a long time. on that matter your issue that you can't add or remove admins, the whole point of this is that they replace co-leaders. who had the power to do that before? co-leader. they are responsible for promo demos, and all that jazz.
    The people participating in that very thread (if you didn't participate in the thread, then you elect to instead opt for what others vote for, just like voting in the US, if youdidn't vote, you have no right to complain.) came to a general consensus that instead of having div leaders essentially be the council, that it would be a seperate entity. they don't get the godlike powers in the server that co-leader had (rcon), because we are trying to essentially remove there being an all powerful force. it is as it is, a community leader, they are from the community (whichever rank they are, it was kept mostly to admins+ because of mods not necessarily being the best audience at first) and chosen by recommendation from us DL/DMs, then consideration by forest serbian and silence. serb had a part in it too. they were chosen because they have (in general) the most level heads, and are un-biased in regards to decisions. (not gonna take it as a hard stick up the ass when they get called a faggot or furfag or bronybitch) and will instead go about things in a calm, logical way, and are going to be able to put differences (if any) aside to work as a group.
    @DarkWolf6052 @Kyoko this should explain your questions, this is basically a TL;DR of the previous thread, since all of this is explained there in larger words and posts. also, if you just read the thread, you wouldn't need to post this pointless thread.
  24. Like
    diabeetus reacted to ThePenguin in Community Night   
    Schedule is as follows for tomorrow (All times are EST)
    4:00-5:30 - Minigames
    5:30-6:00 - JailBreak
    6:00-7:00 - JailBreak
    7:00-8:00 - Minigames
    8:00-9:00 - TTT
    9:00 - 5 min - DarkRP
  25. Bad Spelling
    diabeetus got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Deathstorm - Counter-strike: Source   
    Well in your ban reason it says it was for mass freekilling, could you provide some clarification on what happened? If he didn't mass, then there's really no reason to perm him. 0 until further clarification is provided.