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Posts posted by LeToucan

  1. Other than the "fudge You" by @@Tsuchikure, and I'll make note of your "title change" suggestion thing-y. Also, could you explain what you mean by the "xG-rep steam group tag"?

    Im not too sure if this existed, but people said if you wore the tag for our steam group (Steam Community :: Group :: Xeno Gamers you would get extra credits (A multiplier, i heard 1.5) But the tag i meant is the built in clan tag ([MEDIA=imgur]dSzhK5J[/MEDIA])

    Also he rated me fuck you because i tagged him (@@Tsuchikure )

  2. Credits that are given using commands/edited in should be reset, along with any items we get using those credits.

    I think (Not 100% sure on this) you would get something like 1.5 times the credits for using the xG-rep steam group tag, Will that be back in (Or added)?

    Also, for the forums you could allow purchasing a title change (Not sure what its really called, I have "procrastinator", kyoko has "Excessively gay, Pepper's Bitch")

    also making sure @@Tsuchikure sees this. ;)

  3. I thought you had tested it with me, considering how many different ones we tested in the past. Along with that, I did say "If I remember correctly" which doesn't claim 100% that we did, I said I had thought we had.

    That's what I would like to know as well, temptation takes over.

    I don't remember removing it any time except recently after checking over everything to make sure access wasn't there.

    It's Matsi. Kinda a simple answer there. Or have none of you experienced him fully.

    There was nothing to really test with me, It was literally drag and drop, boom. It works (For the most part). You came to me when you didnt know something.

    Admins should (Note, should) be trusted enough to be given access to this. Either all of them get it, or none of them get it. Not just certain people.

    Flags dont just magically move around.

    On CSGO, i had about 60 days played. As far back as i can remember, matsi was also on. I definitely have experienced him fully.

  4. I didn't know that Warrior had the flag for it, I'm guessing it must have been on the wrong line, since his Steam ID is near the top. Not sure why it is at the top though.

    I'm not sure why Lemons had access. I wasn't aware he had access to it.

    Because clearly there were unnamed admins who can't handle having access.

    It wasn't a good idea, I'm not sure.

    Because when I myself used it, I was careful not to respawn in the same round, and thought I cleared all other access, guess not.

    I didn't think you had root. I'm at least careful of the Z flag.

    How did you not know warrior had it if it was removed prior to this thread being removed. Flags don't just magically run away.

    Refer to above except replace "run away" with "Magically appear"

    Why are they admins if they cant be trusted

    Why did someone being bitchy be part of a decision to give someone access to something, How can someone being bitchy be that influential?

    Wait. You thought you made it so only you could use this after figuring out it can be abused, when in reality you only removed it from one person (Warrior).

    Gee, thanks for tagging me.

    I added it while talking to Bleed before about the plugin, if I remember correctly, it was on the test server and we tested it there, so somehow his flag got moved over into the JB config.

    Also why did you claim that we tested it together when i didnt know about it for months after it was added?

  5. I didn't know that he had access, as I don't remember granting him access.

    • His (Warrior's) access was removed before this thread, only you and silence had access to the server, Since silence didn't even know about this plugin, who would it have been? You must have known, since it was removed prior to the making of this thread.
    • Why did lemons have access to this?
    • Why didn't other admins get access to this?
    • Why did it seem to be a good idea to give someone access to a plugin because they were being bitchy?
    • After you found out that it puts you in godmode when used midgame, why wasnt this disabled as soon as you found out?
    • Why did you claim that i had root in JB, when i never did? Ive used /who on myself as soon as i got mod to see it didnt say "root", and before i got mod i would use admin chat and see "(TO ADMINS)".

  6. Gee, thanks for tagging me.

    I added it while talking to Bleed before about the plugin, if I remember correctly, it was on the test server and we tested it there, so somehow his flag got moved over into the JB config. Either way, I've removed any other flags granting access to the stealth command.

    You definately don't remember correctly. You gave me root in the test server (And only the test server, ive used /who on myself, i definitely did not have root.) when we were testing trails. You didnt talk to me at all about adding this plugin. By removing other flags granting access to the plugin, do you mean you changed the overrides that were used, or who has the flags?

    The comment on the AlliedModders post was to point it out to the author, hence why I posted it. I saw it as somewhat of a bug that I came across while using the plugin.

    Why would it matter if it kept you in godmode after you unstealth, you shouldn't be doing this midgame in any situation.

    I had thought it would come in handy for the Division Managers+ to remain fully undercover while watching someone.

    Then why does lemons have it? And why did warrior have it? Why was warriors removed before this thread started?

    Also, when you disconnect from a server, Steam doesn't always update when you disconnect, so there have been times where I've checked someones current server, it says they're on one server, and it turns out they're not on the server at all.

    So even if im stealthed, someone can see that I'm in a server. They can go to my profile, click view game info, and see im in the server. Also, admins can check /who to see that someone is on who isn't in status.

    Matsi was the only other person I can think of that had the access, it was half the fact he was bitchy about it, but the other half was he's been helpful catching rule breakers in the past. Unsure how Warriorsfury had access, maybe a wrong letter in the configs in the wrong place. MegaRobin and HidingMaster had access but as far as I know they didn't use the plugin.

    So part of the reason for giving someone access to a plugin that allows someone to go through walls and be invisible is that they were being bitchy? Also, how do type this in accidentally? "WARRIORS STEAMID" "pt"

    I hadn't realized before that time how easily this plugin could be abused. Like I said, everyone who had access no longer has access, as well as the plugin is no longer running. I checked the entire configs for anyone other than me with the flag for it, so nobody has it now.

    How do you not realize something that turns you invisible, invincible, and noclips you midgame can be abused?

    I didn't realize the plugin would cause so many problems, hopefully removing it will prevent any further abuse from it.

    We never said anyone has abused it yet. We're saying that its very possible that you can abuse with it.

    @@DarkWolf6052 Any response?

  7. Gee, thanks for tagging me.

    I added it while talking to Bleed before about the plugin, if I remember correctly, it was on the test server and we tested it there, so somehow his flag got moved over into the JB config. Either way, I've removed any other flags granting access to the stealth command.

    You definately don't remember correctly. You gave me root in the test server (And only the test server, ive used /who on myself, i definitely did not have root.) when we were testing trails. You didnt talk to me at all about adding this plugin. By removing other flags granting access to the plugin, do you mean you changed the overrides that were used, or who has the flags?

    The comment on the AlliedModders post was to point it out to the author, hence why I posted it. I saw it as somewhat of a bug that I came across while using the plugin.

    Why would it matter if it kept you in godmode after you unstealth, you shouldn't be doing this midgame in any situation.

    I had thought it would come in handy for the Division Managers+ to remain fully undercover while watching someone.

    Then why does lemons have it? And why did warrior have it? Why was warriors removed before this thread started?

    Also, when you disconnect from a server, Steam doesn't always update when you disconnect, so there have been times where I've checked someones current server, it says they're on one server, and it turns out they're not on the server at all.

    So even if im stealthed, someone can see that I'm in a server. They can go to my profile, click view game info, and see im in the server. Also, admins can check /who to see that someone is on who isn't in status.

    Matsi was the only other person I can think of that had the access, it was half the fact he was bitchy about it, but the other half was he's been helpful catching rule breakers in the past. Unsure how Warriorsfury had access, maybe a wrong letter in the configs in the wrong place. MegaRobin and HidingMaster had access but as far as I know they didn't use the plugin.

    So part of the reason for giving someone access to a plugin that allows someone to go through walls and be invisible is that they were being bitchy? Also, how do type this in accidentally? "WARRIORS STEAMID" "pt"

    I hadn't realized before that time how easily this plugin could be abused. Like I said, everyone who had access no longer has access, as well as the plugin is no longer running. I checked the entire configs for anyone other than me with the flag for it, so nobody has it now.

    How do you not realize something that turns you invisible, invincible, and noclips you midgame can be abused?

    I didn't realize the plugin would cause so many problems, hopefully removing it will prevent any further abuse from it.

    We never said anyone has abused it yet. We're saying that its very possible that you can abuse with it.