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Posts posted by LeToucan

  1. Skins.

    We tried this a while ago, we couldnt get it to work on custom maps (Spawn = instant death, sometimes black screen, no ragdoll, sometimes you're invisible) We tried a couple of different skins to make sure it wasn't the skin that was the issue. Maybe brian will have better luck with it, I'm not too sure how to fix it though.

  2. Swat Sniper

    Equipment: Awp, pp28 (w/e it is), and other standard police equipment.

    Job: A sniper for the swat, when you have to actually fight against heavily armored people, it would be really nice to have someone to watch your back from



    Fight Club/Manager/Organizer/Security/Member


    Equipment: Nothing but standard civilian stuff

    Job: Works to sustain the fight club!

    I added just a fight club manager, i feel like anyone should be able to join in the actual fight club, the manager can always hire security guards.

    Class changes:


    I would LOVE to see if you would be able to make these the models for the swat!

    smod:tactical rebels (Garry's Mod > Skins > Props & Ragdolls) - GAMEBANANA

    Heavy Combine Infantry (Garry's Mod > Skins > Props & Ragdolls) - GAMEBANANA

    They look really nice and would add a nice touch. If you need help converting or anything i'm sure I can lend a hand.



    Some people have suggested some maps to change to, mainly because the current one does not have much interesting things to offer. After searching around a bit I found a few that are based off of our current map, and we have even used before.


    rp_downtown_v4e_fix | garrysmods.org

    We used this map when Sham was DL and it seemed to work out really nice, there was a lot of space and really nice buildings that people would actually use. Would love to see this go to work again!


    rp_downtown_v6 | garrysmods.org

    I have not been on this map but it seems like a really nice map we could use.

    Skitz said he would add a new map, if he doesnt add it by this weekend ill do it myself, We were going to use evilmelon (The one chrono broke the bridge on.)



    There are also some tools that look like they could REALLY be handy!


    Steam Workshop :: 3D2D Textscreens

    I have seen this before and it looks AMAZING. It would make shops not like really shitty with the giant, not very customize-able text screens.


    SmartSnap (snap the mouse to objects)

    Very useful tool that can be used for building.

    I added the textscreens, but the facepunch link isn't working for me.


    I know we have gone over this before but...

    Advanced Duplicator 2)

    Adv Dupe, I would SURE as hell donate for this. With it being so useful it would be an amazing thing to have on the server for the people who donate. I know it can be used to get past the blacklisted props/other things. But really, who is going to pay money just to get banned? Less harm then good...


    Wiremod, currently there are some really cool wire tools that are blocked for obvious reasons. But I would have no problem donating for them if they are actually set to a reasonable price!

    As far as i know, there is no way to permanently set who can use each toolgun using ulx groups. That's why things like dynamite is only set to superadmin only using FPP. I'll look further into how to permanently set it up, but until then i wont add it.

  3. That's confusing, why is it var[3] when in most languages it starts at 0 (so it should be var[2] lol)

    But anyways, it looks like "MoneyLevel" and "SpeedLevel" don't affect when it would blow, so can someone explain to me where "SafeLevel" is modified?

    I believe its modified on line 142 in init.lua and set as 1 initially on line 26 in shared.lua (/garrysmod/addons/darkrpmodification-master/lua/entities/money_printer_su)

  4. How much per level, to be exact (if possible) ?

    Just to see if it's worth it or not..

    >  local var =  {printer:GetNetworkedInt("MoneyLevel",1),printer:GetNetworkedInt("SpeedLevel",1),printer:GetNetworkedInt("SafeLevel",1)}
     if math.random(1, MP_SAFETY + (var[3] * MP_SAFETY_LEVEL)) == 3 then self:BurstIntoFlames() end

    MP_SAFETY is 19.