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Posts posted by LeToucan

  1. No, it really isn't useful, you have to have about EVERYONE to voteban/mute/kick the person so with 25 people it takes 20 and so on.

    These are the default ratios. @@Brian can change them if they need tweaking.

    • sm_votekick_ratio (default: 0.6) Ratio required for successful votekick
    • sm_voteban_ratio (default: 0.8) Ratio required for successful voteban
    • sm_votemap_ratio (default: 0.6) Ratio required for successful votemap
    • sm_votemute_ratio (default: 0.6) Ratio required for successful votemute

  2. Does it not say who banned who? The point of the secret mod is to be well...SECRET, when you ban someone it says "<name> has been banned from CT for <timeinminutes"-so it wouldn't be really secret, if they knew that someone banned a person then they would most likely realize that a mod/admin is on.

    it only shows up in chat if you use the chat command (/teamban or !teamban) if you use admin menu to teamban them it doesn't show up. Though, that might have just been a glitch in csgo.

  3. This poses a great argument. Where are the limitations?

    Player Votes Redux

    • Voteban resilience
      • Tired of griefers and hackers evading voteban by disconnecting and reconnecting while voting is underway? Players Votes now makes it hard for those scoundrels to get away with it.

      [*]SourceBans notification

      • If Players Votes is running alongside SourceBans, it will notify and let SB handle the banning.

      [*]Ban reasons

      • Optionally make players specify a reason for votebanning someone. The most-selected reason is then logged when the ban takes effect.


      • Admins can be excluded from votekick, ban, and mute by configurable immunity levels or group membership:

      [*]Configurable votemap list

      • Votemap uses the map cycle by default. Server admins may optionally specify a different maplist by adding a playersvotes section to maplists.cfg:



      [*]Team-restricted voting

      • When enabled, this restricts voting to within teams, and ratios are affected. A votekick ratio of 0.5 will mean "half of all players within the team" as opposed to "half of players in the whole server."
        • Please note this can cause undesired side-effects. If this is enabled, someone is hacking, and their team doesn't do anything about it, then the other team is helpless to kick/ban them. Use at your own risk.

      [*]Menu integration

      • Votes and admin settings are now integrated into one menu with back buttons for easy accessibility between votes.

      [*]Vote overrides

      • Introduced admin flag overrides so you can decide who votes and can change settings. (See Overrides section below)

  4. Well considering this thread has gone nowhere and has done nothing but created fighting and flaming for a crap-ton of posts, i think i'm gonna close it, unless @@DarkWolf6052 wants to say something else.

    The div leader has CT banned you, there's almost no chance of getting out unless he was trolling on banning you, which he most likely wasn't. Sorry, but wait it out.
